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Carte de la campagne de la division aux ordres du Mis. de St. Simon en Virginie depuis le 2 7bre. 1781 jusq-a la reddition d'Yorck le 19 8bre. meme année

Anonymous map of the Yorktown and Williamsburg regions on the Virginia Peninsula possibly compiled by a French engineer named D'Aboville serving under General Claude Anne de Rouvroy, Marquis de Saint-Simon Montblern; see historian Martha McCartney's email correspondence of June 2005 (filed in the Newberry Library Map Information File.) Shows troop movements made between July 2 and October 8, 1781 in coordination with American forces against the British army during the Yorktown siege. Map legend keyed to sites 1-12 and A-Q. Identifies camps, fortifications, and earthworks. Topographic detail includes wooded areas, cultivated fields, individual buildings, and roads. Includes inset view of Yorktown (113 x 248 mm.)