Survey maps are based on on-the-ground measurements and observations and constitute the raw data from which more elaborate printed or manuscript maps are made. Often, survey maps were prepared in order to determine the exact size and shape of a piece of land in order to sell or purchase it.
Image: detail from Hezekiah Veatch, Map of military lots, tracts, patents, etc. in western Allegany and Garrett Counties, Maryland, [1787?]
Armstrong County
Armstrong C[ount]y
Colchester, May the: 6:th: Day: A.D.: 1765
Draft of the lands disputed by Philipse Patent against Beekmans & Rambaults
Dto de Baton Rouge
E. Sugar Creek, Bradford Co
An exact-plan of George-Town
so named by Patrick Graham, Esqr., President of the Province of Georgia, in honr. to His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, &ca
See map -
Jefferson, Venango & Armstrong
[Land division survey of Duxbury and Pembroke, MA]
Land ownership map of the William Bingham estate in Potter County, Pennsylvania
[Map depicting early land division and ownership in Barnard, Vermont]
Map of Alexandria, Virginia
Map of Genessee Lands
Map of Las Ormigas Grant, Sabine and DeSoto Parishes, Louisiana
Map of military lots, tracts, patents, etc. in western Allegany and Garrett Counties, Maryland
Map of part of the city of Washington shewing the situation of the mansion house, grave yard & buildings belonging to Mr. Notley Young
original proprietor of that part of the city
See map -
Map of the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain between Bayou Chenchuba and Bayou Lacombe, Louisiana
Map of the patent of Oriskany
Mapa de las locaciones del Distrito de la Na Feliciana
Mapa de las locaciones del Distrito de Manchack
Part of Oxford and Cumberland counties, Me
The Part of Pennsylvania that lies between the forks of the Susquehannah, divided into townships
Plan de la Baye de Baynet
situeé a hiut leiues sous le vent de celle de Jacmel, levé suivant les ordres de Mr. d'Estaing le 11 Ocbre. 1764
See map -
Plan du canton de Plimouth et partie des Baradéres
Plan du terrain sur le cap appartenant à la paroise de cette uille 1756
Plan of part of the city of Washington
on which is shewn the squares, lots, &c., divided between William Prout Esq'r and the Commissioners of the Federal Buildings, agreeably to the deed of trust
See map -
Plan of Portland
[Plan of Salem Common]
A plan of St. Georges Ferry on Nassau-Island made the 10th August 1774
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd New-Found-Land
the property of His Excellcy. Chas. O'Harra, the Hon. Lt. Gov. Wm. Stuart, James Clarke & Rob. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd the Retreat
the property of His Excellency Charles O'Harra, the Honorable Lieutenant Governor William Stuart, James Clarke and Robert & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate called Rosalij Valley
the property of His Excellcy. Charles O'Harra, The Honorable Leiut. Governor William Stuart, James Clarke and Robert & Phillip Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate called the Grand Fonds
the property of His Excellency Charles O'Harra, the Honble. Leiut. Gov. William Stuart, James Clarke & Robt. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
Plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of the government of t[he] United States
projected agreeable to the direction of the President of the United States, in pursuance of an act of Congress, passed on the sixteenth day of July, MDCCXC, "establishing the permanent seat on the bank of the Potowmac" : [Washington D.C.]
See map -
A PLAN of the ISLAND of CAPE BRITAIN reduced from the large Survey made according to the ORDERS and INSTRUCTIONS of the RIGHT HONORABLE the LORDS COMMISSIONERS for TRADE and PLANTATIONS
Plan of the island of Dominica laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
A plan of the island of St. John with the divisions of the counties, parishes, & the lots as granted by government, likewise the soundings round the coast and harbours
Plan of the island of St. Vincent laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
Plan of the island of Tobago laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
[Plan of the land at Prince Street and Snowhill Street, Boston]
Plan of the lots laid out at Pittsburg and the Coal Hill
A plan of the Pitts Farm in Chelsea
A Plan of the Rosalij Compy. Estates
the property of His Excelly. Charles O'Harra, the Honble. Leiut. Gov. Will. Stuart, James Clarke & Rob. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situated at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of the Rosalij Compy. Estates showing the impracticable lands
Plan of the Settlement on the Bay of Quinte
PLAN of the TOWN of BELLE VIEU situated on the East side Beaver Harbour in the District of Passamaquoddy
A Plan of the town of Pensacola, 1767
PLAN of The TOWN of SHELBURNE projected and laid out By Order of his Excell,y IOHN PARR Esqr Capt,n Gen,l Governor & Commander in Chief of NOVA SCOTA
A PLAN OF THE TOWN OF ST. GEORGE Situated in Harbor Etang on the North side the Bay of Fundy, projected and laid out under the Orders and directions of His Excellency John Parr Esquire
Plan of the Town of Turner, formerly Silvester Plantation
out side lines and part of the lotts ran out
See map -
A plan of the township of Blenheim, as surveyed and divided in the year 1772
Plat of Carrollsburg
The plot of Carroll'sburgh
[part of Washington D.C.]
See map -
Portion of a map of Feliciana District, Spanish Louisiana, from the Lac de la Croix to Thompson's Creek
Province of the Massachusetts Bay & pursuant to an order made by the great & Genl. Court of the province June 11th 1762
to me the subscriber (viz) to layout nine townships and ten thousand acres and sold by their order June second 1762 and also to take a plan of all the unappropriated land in the counties of Hampshire & Berkshire
See map -
Survey of lot no. 121 in district no.7
Susquehanna & Sinnemahoning
This plan represents par of the Bay of Passamoquoddy
the rivers Scoodic and Passamaquoddy which empty into said bay being an actual survey of the River Passamaquoddy to its source and a line extending there from due north to the River St. Johns--and the eight townships lying within the red lines have a
See map -
This plan represents within the red lines twenty two townships of land situate between the million acres located on the River Kennebeck and Newhampshire line
surveyed for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by the subscribers AD 1794. Also a small gore or triangular piece of land at the southwest corner of the million acres together with the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams theirin as also some marginal rep
See map -
Thomas Hutchins' land grant and map to 2000 acres in West Florida
Venango Co
W. Br. Pine Cr
W. Su[q.?] Cr., Bradford Co
Worcester, May 28, 1795.
The above plan was surveyed between the months of October, 1794 and the month of April, 1795
See map -
20 tracts, Charleston
20 tracts, Tioga County
[A colored map of the route between Albany and Oswego; drawn about 1756, on a scale of 2 miles to an inch]
[A map of Lake Champlain and Lake George, showing the route from Fort Edward to Montreal]
[A map of Lake George from Fort William Henry to Ticonderoga]
[A map of Lake Erie with the route southward from Fort Presqu'Isle to Fort Cumberland, with inset plans of Fort Pitt, Fort Venango, Fort Le Boeuf and Fort Presque Isle]
[A map of the southern part of the Lake Champlain, from "Tienderoga fort" to Crown Point]
[A map showing the post route between the River St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy]
[on a scale of 5 1/3 miles to an inch.]
See map -
[A map showing the post route between the River St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy]
[on a scale of 5 1/3 miles to an inch.]
See map -
The Above is a plan of the town of Cabot, State of Vermont
The above plan is a discription of a new township called Royalsborough in the county of Cumberland
bounded southeasterly on the headline of Brunswick, southwesterly on Northyarmouth, northwesterly on proprietors land, northeasterly on Androscoggin River
See map -
The above plan is a discription of a new township containing the quantity of seven and a half mile of land & water, granted by the General Court to the proprietors of Bakerstown
so call'd, lying & being in the county of Cumberland ... Deld. at Falmouth, 4th September 1765
See map