Amboy to Elizabethtown
The American Atlas or, A Geographical Description of the whole continent of America
wherein are delineated at large, its several regions, countries, states, and islands, and chiefly the British colonies
See map -
Attacks upon Rhode Island, Augt. 1778
Barre et port de Charles-Town levé en 1776
avec les attaques du Fort Sulivan du 28 juin 1776 par l'escadre anglaise commandée par P. Parker
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated
September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated, September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated, September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
[Bay of Seven Islands]
Baye de Chesapeake en 4 feuilles avec les bas fonds, passes, entrées, sondes et routes ou l'on donne les parties navigables des rivieres Patowmack, Patapsco, et Nord-Est
d'après les dessins de navigateurs experimentés, principalt. d'après A. Smith, pilot de St. Marys ; comparé avec les nouvelles levées de Virginie et Maryland ; publié à Londres en Juillet 1776 ; traduit de l'Anglais
See map -
Boston, its environs and harbour, with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775
British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th. to the 21st. of September 1777
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th. of September
See map -
British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th. to the 21st. of September 1777
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th. of September
See map -
Buzzards Bay and shoals of Nantucket
Carte de la baie de Chesapeake et de la partie navigable des rivières, James, York, Patowmack, Patuxen, Patapsco, North-East, Choptank et Pokomack
Carte de la Baye et Riviere de Délaware
contenant une éxacte et entiére description des rivages, criques, havres, sondes, bas-sonds, sables et gissements des marques les plus considérables du pays depuis les Caps James et May jusquà̕ Philadelphie, suivant la carte originale, publiée e
See map -
Carte de la Dominique prise par les françois le 7 septembre 1778
avec le Plan du débarquement, et de l'attague des forts et batteries par les troupes et les frégates de Sa Majesté
See map -
Carte de l'affaire de Montmouth
ou le G'al Washington commandon l'armée américaine et le G'l Clinton l'armée angloise le 28 juin 1778
See map -
Carte de l'affaire de Montmouth, ou le Général Washington commandon l'armée Americaine, et le Général Clinton l'armée Angloise le 28 Juin 1778
Carte des positions occupeés par les trouppes Américaines apres leur retraite de Rhode Island le 30 Aout 1778
Carte du Canada et des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale
Carte du théatre de la guerre actuel entre les Anglais et les Treize Colonies Unies de l'Amerique Septentrionale
Carte du théatre de la guerre dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, pendant les années 1775, 76, 77, et 78
où se trouvent les principaux camps avec les différentes places et epoques des batailles qui se sont données pendant ces campagnes
See map -
Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Américains
Carte générale des colonies Angloises
dans l'Amérique Septentrionale
See map -
Charts of several harbours, and divers parts of the coast of North America, from New York south westwards to the Gulph of Mexico
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
Cross Roads to East Chester, and above
Le Cte. d'Estaing laisse deux vaisseaux et trois frégates de son escadre à la poursuite de la frégate Anglaise la Mairmaide, et va mouiller avec le surplus dans la Délaware, la Mairmaide perdant tout espoir d'echap̃er se jette à la Côte ou elle
le 8 Juillet 1778
See map -
Débarquement des troupes Angloises à Nouvelle Yorck
La destruction de la statue royale a Nouvelle Yorck
Disposition of British troops, with fortifications north of Fort Knipehausen, i.e. Fort Washington to Fort Independence
Der einzug der königlichen völcker in Neu Yorck
Der einzug der königlichen völcker in Neu Yorck =
L'entré triumphale de troupes royales á Nouvelle Yorck
See map -
L'escadre françoise entrant dans Newport sous le feu des batteries et forcant le passage le 8 Aoust 1778
jour que les Américains passerent sur l'Isle de Rode Island par le chemin d'howland's ferry
See map -
An Exact map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey,
from the latest surveys
See map -
An exact map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey, from the latest surveys
An exact map of New Jersey, Pensylvania [sic], New York, Maryland & Virginia, from the latest surveys
Explication d'un Esquis des Côtes depuis Oswego jusques a la Baye de Frontenac, et les environs des Isle qui Sont en l'embouchure de la Riviere St Laurent N.B. toutes ses observations demandent une plus exactes connoisances
A General map of North America;
from the latest observations
See map -
The harbours of Rishibucto & Buctush
on the west shore of the Gulph of St. Lawrence
See map -
The Magdalen Isles in the Gulph of St. Lawrence
A map of that part of Pennsylvania now the principal seat of war in America
wherein may be seen the situation of Philadelphia, Red Bank, Mud Island, & Germantown
See map -
A map of the colony of Rhode Island
with the adjacent parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, &c
See map -
Map of the environs of Camden, N.J
Mappa geographica Provinciæ Nova Eboraci ab Anglis New-York
dictæ ex ampliori delineatione ad exactas dimensiones concinnata in arctius spatium redacta cura Claudii Josephi Sauthier cui accedit Nova Jersey ex topographicis observationibus
See map -
Neu Yorck =
La Nouvelle Yorck
See map -
A new & accurate map of North America
drawn from the most authentic modern maps and charts
See map -
A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina
comprehending the river Ohio, and all the rivers, which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan &c. and all the country bordering on these lakes and rivers
See map -
New York Island. Military. Unfinished
Oyster Bay and Huntington
Part of the counties of Charlotte and Albany, in the Province of New York
being the seat of war between the King's forces under Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne and the rebel army
See map -
Partie septentrionale des possessions angloise en Amérique
pour servire d'intelligence à la guerre présente entre les Anglois et leurs colonies dressée sur les meilleurs carte du pays
See map -
La Pensilvania, la Nuova York, il Jersey Settentrio[na]le
con la parte occidentale del Connecticut, Massachusset-s-bay e l'Irochesia
See map -
Philadelphia =
Philadelphia and neighborhood
Philadelphia and vicinity. Military
The Phoenix and the Rose engaged by the enemy's fire ships and galleys on the 16 Augst. 1776
Plan de la retraite de Barren Hill en Pensilvanie
ou un détachement de deux mille deux cent hommes sous le G'al LaFayette étois entouré par l'Armée angloise sous les G'als Howe, Clinton et Grant le 28 May 1778
See map -
Plan de la rivière du Cap Fear depuis la barre jusques à Brunswick
Plan de Rhode Island et les differentes operations de la flotte-françoises et des troupes americaines
commandées par le Major General Sullivan contre les forçes de terre et de mer des Anglois depuis le 9 aoust jusqu'à la nuit du 30 au 31 du meme mois 1778 que les Americains ont fait leur retraites
See map -
Plan de Rhode Islande, les differentes operations de la flotte françoise et des trouppes Américaines commandeés par le major général Sullivan contre les forces de terre et de mer des Anglois depuis le 9 Aout jusqu'a la nuit du 30 au 31 du même
Plan der gegend und stadt von Philadelphia
Plan d'une partie de la rade de Boston pour faire connaitre le dispositif de ses deffenses
Plan of Fort Mifflin on Mud Island, with the batteries on Province Island
Plan of Genl Du Portail
Plan of the position of Valley Forge after Jany. 1778
See map -
Plan of part of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia
in which is mark'd the position of His Majs. ships on the 15th. of November 1777. The obstructions to the navigation of the river, laid down by the rebels, are also mark'd
See map -
Plan of part of western front
Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications
Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications
A plan of Pensacola and its environs in its present state
from an actual survey in 1778
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
Plan of the battle of Monmouth, 28th of June, 78
Plan of the city of Philadelphia and its environs shewing its defences during the years 1777 & 1778
together with the siege of Mud Island on the River Delaware
See map -
A Plan of the late Province of Main as far as Kennebeck River
Plan of the town of Boston with the attack on Bunkers-Hill in the peninsula of Charlestown the 17th of June 1775
A Plan of the works on Spikendevil Hill with the ground in front, protracted from a scale of 200 feet to an inch
Plaza de la villa de Galvez
Port de Rhode Island et Narraganset Baye
publié à la requête du Vicomte Howe par le Chevalier des Barres ; traduit de l'anglais et augmenté d'après celui de Blaskowitz publiée à Londres en 1777
See map -
Prospect der grossen plazes gegn der alten Sud Kirche der Presbiterianer zu Boston =
Vuë de la Rue grande vers l'Eglise du Sud der Presbiteriennes a Boston
See map -
Prospect der König Strasse gegen das land thor zu Boston
Prospect der König Strasse gegen das land thor zu Boston =
Vuë de la Rue du Roi vers la porte de la campagne a Boston
See map -
The Province of New Jersey
divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys
See map -
The Province of New Jersey
divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys
See map -
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
Road from the White Plains to Bloomer's Mill at Rye Neck, and Cross Roads
Skecth [sic] of the road from Kings Bridge to White Plains
Sketch of Haddonfield, March 1778
Sketch of the roads from Pennyhill to Black Horse through Mount Holly
See map -
Sketch of Haddonfield. Sketch of the road from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly, 1778
Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town
shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British Army under the command of His Excellency Genl. Sir Henry Clinton and the advanced corps of the rebel army, June 28th. 1778. Sketch of Middle Town
See map -
Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town
shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British Army under the command of His Excellency Genl. Sir Henry Clinton and the advanc'd corps of the rebel army, June 28th. 1778. Sketch of Middle Town
See map -
Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town
shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British Army under the command of His Excellency Genl: Sir Henry Clinton and the advance corps of the rebel army, June 28, 1778
See map -
Sketch of the road from Black Horse to Crosswick
Sketch of the road from Black Horse to Crosswick. Sketch of Allen's Town
Sketch of the road from Paulus Hook and Hobocken to New Bridge
The southern part of the Province of New York
with part of the adjoining colonies
See map -
Taking of Savannah in Dec. 1778
Taking of Savannah in Dec. 1778
A Temporary project for a star redout [sic] to contain 150 men
Unfinished draught for a topographical map of the northern part of New York Island
Various plans and draughts of cities, towns, harbours &c
The West Indies, and Gulf of Mexico,
from the latest discoveries and best observations
See map -
Die zerstörung der königlichen bild säule zu Neu Yorck =
La destruction de la statue royale a Nouvelle Yorck
See map