Cuba, ciudad capittal de la ysla del mismo nombre y su famoso puerto sittuado en la costa del sur de gra. ysla, los 20 grados y 2 minutos de lattitud septtenttrional y los 299 grados y 20 minuts. de longd. desde Tenerife
Descripción ychonográfica de la ciudad, puerto y bahía de Santiago de Cuba situado en 20⁰6ʹ de latitud norte y en longd. de Thenerife de 300⁰22ʹ, silla episcopal de dha. Ysla la de Xamayca y la Florida
A new map of North America
with the British, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish dominions on that great continent, and the West India Islands, according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th February 1763
See map -
A New map of North America
with the West India Islands. : Divided according to the preliminary articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20 Jan. 1783. Wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provinces, governments &ca. : Which compose the Briti
See map -
A new map of North America
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries
A new map of North America wherein the British Dominions in the continent of North America
and on the islands of the West Indies, are carefully laid down from all the surveys, hitherto made; and the boundaries of the new governments, as well as the other provinces are shewn. Also extracts from the definitive Treaty of Peace in 1763, relati
See map -
A New map of North America with the West India Islands
divided according to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20, Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provinces, governments & ca which compose the British Dominions, laid down accordin
See map -
A New map of North America with the West India Islands
divided according to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20. Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States and the several provinces, governments & ca. which compose the British Dominions, laid down accordin
See map -
A new map of the United States of North America with the British dominions on that continent &c
A new map of the West Indian islands;
as they are possessed by the European powers; drawn from the most recent authorities
See map -
A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina
comprehending the river Ohio, and all the rivers, which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan &c. and all the country bordering on these lakes and rivers
See map -
A New map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies.
Wherein are exactly described the United States of North America as well as the several European possessions according to the preliminaries of peace signed at Versailles Jan. 20, 1783
See map -
A New map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies.
With a descriptive account of the European possessions as settled by the difinitive treaty of peace at Paris Feby. 10th 1763
See map -
Nieuwe kaart van de Grootbrittannische volkplantingen in Noord America
waar in tevens de Fransche bezittingen en de Landen, tusschen die beide volken in geschil staande en de wederzydsche pretensien duidelyk aangewezen worden
See map -
North America
North America
North America
North America.
Performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, first prince of the blood
See map -
North America,
as divided amongst the European powers
See map -
North America
North America
North America, agreeable to the most approved maps and charts
North America, as divided amongst the European powers
North America, drawn from the best authorities
North America drawn from the latest and best authorities
North America from the French of Mr. D'Anville, improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio, illustrated with geographical and historical remarks
North America from the French of Mr. D'Anville, improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio, illustrated with geographical and historical remarks
North America from the Mississippi River to the Pacific, between the 35th and 60th parallers of latitude
Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et les Etats Unis
Nth. America
Nuevo plano de Puerto Rico
Pansacola o Santta María de Galbe, puerto y presidio del Ry. de España situado en la costa del nortte del Seno Mexicano, los 30 grados 25 mins. de lattd. nortte y los 286 grados y 37 ms. de longd. desde Tenerife 265 leguas inglesas o 227 españolas
An accurate map of Cuba, and the adjacent islands
Copia, del mapa de las Indias Occidentales
y del manifiesto que presentò D. Thomas Southuel, à la Superioridad, en el año de 1769, proponiendo el establecimiento de pescas en aquellas sondas, è Islas, como el medio mas seguro para poblar, y conservarlas, y las costas adyacentes
See map -
The operations of His Majesty's squadron in the Bay of Honduras, under the command of the Hon. John Luttrell from the 15th of September to the 24th of October 1779