The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet commanded by Capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet commanded by Capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
The Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the Kings fleet commanded by Captn. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
Battle of Brandywine in which the Americans were defeated
September the 11th, 1777 by General Sr. William Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine, in which the rebels were defeated
September the 11th 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Wam. Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated
September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated, September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated, September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
Battle of Guildford, fought on the 15th of March 1781. Plan of the batttle fought near Camden, August 16th, 1780
Boston its environs and harbour,
with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775, from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's corps of engineers, and from the plans of Capt. Montresor
See map -
Boston, its environs and harbour, with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775
British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th. to the 21st. of September 1777
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th. of September
See map -
A chart of the Atlantic Ocean
its islands and the adjacent continents: In which the British Dominions in Europe and America, the West Indies, and on the African coast are seen at one view: The distances and superficial dimensions retaining every where very nearly their just propo
See map -
A chorographical map of the Province of New-York in North America, divided into counties, manors, patents and townships
exhibiting likewise all the private grants of land made and located in that Province
See map -
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage
with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
See map -
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, with the several forts and stackadoes raised by the rebels, and the attacks made by His Majesty's land and sea forces
The island of St. Eustatius corruptly St. Eustatia
A map of South Carolina and a part of Georgia
Containing the whole sea-coast; all the islands, inlets, rivers, creeks, parishes, townships, boroughs, roads, and bridges: As also, several plantations, with their proper boundary-lines, their names, and the names of their proprietors
See map -
A MAP of the BRITISH COLONIES in North America
WITH THE Roads, Distances, Limits, and Extent of the SETTLEMENTS, Humbly Inscribed to the Right Honourable The Early of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable The Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations
See map -
A map of the country in which the army under Lt. General Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777
shewing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions
See map -
A map of the country in which the army under Lt. General Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777
shewing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions
See map -
A map of the country in which the army under Lt. General Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777
shewing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions
See map -
A map of the inhabited part of Canada from the French surveys
with the frontiers of New York and New England from the large survey by Claude Joseph Sauthier
See map -
A map of the inhabited part of Canada from the French surveys
with the frontiers of New York and New England from the large survey by Claude Joseph Sauthier
See map -
A map of the Province of New-York
reduc'd from the large drawing of that province, compiled from actual surveys by order of His Excellency William Tryon, Esqr. Captain General & Governor of the same
See map -
The marches of Lord Cornwallis in the southern provinces, now states of North America
comprehending the two Carolinas, with Virginia and Maryland, and the Delaware counties
See map -
The marches of Lord Cornwallis in the Southern Provinces, now states of North America
comprehending the two Carolinas, with Virginia and Maryland, and the Delaware counties
See map -
A N.b.E. view of the fort on the western end of Sulivans Island
with the disposition of His Majesty's fleet commanded by Commodore Sir Peter Parker Knt. & c & c & c during the attack on the 28th of June 1776, which lasted 9 hours and 40 minutes
See map -
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
A plan of the attack made Nov.ber 27t. 1781
by a detachment commanded by Brigadier-General Ross, from the Garrison of Gibraltar, on the enemy's works erected before that fortress
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan
near Charles Town in South Carolina by a squadron of His Majesty's ships on the 28th day of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels, from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th. of June 1776 : with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels
See map -
Plan of the attack of the Forts Clinton & Montgomery, upon Hudsons River which were stormed by His Majestys forces under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., on the 6th of Octr. 1777 : drawn from the surveys of Verplank, Holland & Metcalfe
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
with the works and encampments of His Majesty's forces under the command of Lieutenant General Sir William Howe, K.B
See map -
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
with the works and encampments of His Majesty's forces under the command of Lieutenant General Sir William Howe, K.B
See map -
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775 to the 13th of May 1776
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775 to the 13th of May 1776
Plan of the encampment and position of the army under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne at Bræmus Heights on Hudson's River near Stillwater, on the 20th Septr. with the position of the detachment &c. in the action of the 7th of Octr. & the position o
Plan of the encampment and position of the army under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne at Swords House on Hudson's River near Stillwater on Septr. 17th, with the positions of that part of the army engaged on the 19th Septr. 1777
A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York Rivers
wherein are shown the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1° of the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; : 2° of the American and French forces under General Washington, : 3° and of the French
See map -
A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York rivers
wherein are shewn the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1⁰. of the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2⁰. of the American and French forces under General Washington; 3.⁰ and of the French F
See map -
Plan of the operations of General Washington, against the Kings troops in New Jersey
from the 26th. of December 1776, to the 3d. January 1777
See map -
Plan of the operations of General Washington, against the Kings troops in New Jersey
from the 26th. of December 1776, to the 3d. January 1777
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army
under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey against the American forces commanded by General Washington from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776, wherein is particularly distinguished the engage
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by General Washington, from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776
wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th. of October
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by General Washington, from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776
wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th. of October
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey against the American forces commanded by General Washington, from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776, whe
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September, 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September, 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September, 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed
Plan of the siege of Savannah
with the joint attack of the French and Americans on the 9th October 1779 : in which they were defeated by his Majesty's forces under the command of Major Genl. Augustin Prevost, from a survey by an officer
See map -
Plan of the siege of York Town in Virginia
A plan of the surprise of Stoney Point, by a detachment of the American army commanded by Brigr. Genl. Wayne, on the 15th July 1779
also of the works erected on Verplanks Point, for the defence of Kings Ferry, by the British forces in July, 1779
See map -
A plan of the town, bar, harbour and environs, of Charlestown in South Carolina
with all the channels, soundings, sailing-marks, &c. from the surveys made in the colony
See map -
A plan of the town, bar, harbour, and environs of Charlestown in South Carolina
with all the channels, soundings, sailing-marks &c. from the surveys made in the colony
See map -
A plan of the town of Boston with the intrenchments & ca. of His Majesty's forces in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers; and from the plans of Capn. Montresor
See map -
A plan of the town of Boston, with the intrenchments &c. of His Majestys forces in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers, and from the plans of other gentlemen
See map -
A plan of York Town and Gloucester, in the province of Virginia, shewing the works constructed for the defence of those posts by the British army, under the command of Lt. Genl. Earl Cornwallis, together with the attacks and operations of the America
Position of the detachment under Lieut. Col. Baum, at Walmscock near Bennington shewing the attacks of the enemy on the 16th August 1777
Province de New-Jersey divisée en est et ouest nomée vulgairement les Jerseys
The Province of New Jersey
divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys
See map -
The Province of New Jersey
divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys
See map -
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
A sketch of the action between the British forces and the American provincials, on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775
Sketch of the battle of Hobkirks Hill, near Camden, on the 25th April 1781
Sketch of the position of the British forces at Elizabeth Town Point after their return from Connecticut Farm, in the province of East Jersey
under the command of his excelly. Leiutt. Genl. Knyphausen, on the 8th June 1780
See map -
Sketch of the surprise of German Town by the American forces commanded by General Washington October 4th 1777
[Three views of South Carolina]
A topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England
with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly surveyed ; shewing the true position & bearings of the banks, shoals, rocks &c. as likewise the soundings ; to which have been added the several work
See map -
A topographical map of the Province of New Hampshire
The United States of North America
with the British territories and those of Spain according to the treaty of 1784
See map -
The United States of North America, with the British & Spanish territories according to the treaty