[A chart of Boston Bay and vicinity]
An accurate map of Staten Island
with that part of New York, Long Island and the Jerseys, which is the rendesvous of the two grand armies, and the supposed present seat of action
See map -
An accurate map of the country round Boston in New England from the best authorities
An accurate map of the country round Boston in New England from the best authorities
An Accurate map of the present seat of war between Great-Britain and her colonies in North America
Acurate charte von Nord-America
aus dem besten quellen
See map -
Allgemeine charte von Nord America als den sitz des krieges zwischen den Konigl. Engl. truppen u:den provinzialen
L'Amerique Septentrionale
L'Amérique Septentrionale
Annapolis Royal ...
Annapolis Royal ; St. Mary's Bay
Annapolis Royal ; St. Mary's Bay
The Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold
by the King's fleet commanded by Sir Guy Carleton upon Lake Champlain in "11th" of "Octr." 1776
See map -
The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet commanded by Capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet commanded by Capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
The Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the Kings fleet commanded by Captn. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
Attaque de l'armée des provinciaux dans Long Island du 27. Aoust 1776
dessin de l'isle de New-York et des Etats
See map -
Barrington Bay
Barrington Bay
Bowles's map of the seat of war in New England, comprehending the provinces of Massachusets Bay, and New Hampshire
with the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island ; divided into counties and townships ; together with an accurate plan of the town, harbour & environs of Boston
See map -
Bowles's new pocket map of the most inhabited part of New England
comprehending the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire; with the colonies of Connecticut & Rhode Island; divided into their counties, townships, &c. together with an accurate plan of the town, harbour and environs of Boston
See map -
[Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound]
Carte du port et havre de Boston avec les côtes adjacentes, dans laquel on a tracée les camps et les retranchemens occupé, tant par les Anglois que par les Américains
Carte du port et havre de Boston avec les côtes adjacentes, dans laquel on a tracée les camps et les retranchemens occupé, tant par les Anglois que par les Américains
Carte du port et havre de Boston avec les côtes adjacentes, dans laquel on a tracée les camps et les retranchemens occupé, tant par les Anglois que par les Américains
Carte générale de la partie française de l'isle de St. Domingue
Carte générale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Angleterre etc
Carte nouvelle de l'Amérique Angloise contenant tout ce que les Anglois possédent sur le continent de l'Amérique septentrionale savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle Ecosse ou Acadie, les treize provinces unies qui sont
les quatres colonies de la Nouvelle Angleterre
See map -
Carte von dem Hafen und der Stadt Boston
mit den umliegenden Gegenden und der Lägern sowohl der Americaner als auch des Engländer
See map -
Carte von dem Hafen und der Stadt Boston
mit den umliegenden Gegenden und der Lägern sowohl der Americaner als auch des Engländer
See map -
Charlotte Bay
A chart of Boston Bay and vicinity
A chart of Delaware Bay and River, containing a full and exact description of the shores, creeks, harbours, soundings, shoals, sands, and bearings of the most considerable land marks, from the capes to Philadelphia
[Chart of Nantucket Island and the eastern half of Martha's Vineyard]
Chart of the entrance of Hudson's River, from Sandy Hook to New York, with the banks, depths of water, sailing-marks, & ca
A chart of the Harbour of Boston, with the soundings, sailing-marks, and other directions
A chart of the Harbour of Boston, with the soundings, sailing-marks, and other directions
A chart of the harbour of Rhode Island and Narraganset Bay
[Coast of Maine from Frenchman Bay to Mosquito Harbor]
Coast of Maine from Frenchman Bay to Mosquito Harbor
Coast of Maine from Moose Cove to Gouldsboro Bay
Coast of Maine from Moose Cove to Gouldsboro Bay
Coast of Maine from Mosquito Head to Spurwink River
Coast of Maine from Mosquito Head to Spurwink River
Coast of Maine from Rockland Harbor to Pemaquid Point
Coast of Maine from Rockland Harbor to Pemaquid Point
Coast of Maine from Salter Island to Portland Head
Coast of Maine from Salter Island to Portland Head
Coast of Maine showing Blue Hill Bay, Penobscot Bay, Belfast Bay, Islesboro Island, Deer Island, and other islands
Coast of Maine showing Blue Hill Bay, Penobscot Bay, Belfast Bay, Islesboro Island, Deer Island, and other islands
Coast of Maine showing entrances of Blue Hill Bay, Isle of Haut Bay, and Penobscot Bay, with Owls Head, Vinalhaven Island, Isle au Haut, and other islands
Coast of Maine showing entrances of Blue Hill Bay, Isle of Haut Bay, and Penobscot Bay, with Owls Head, Vinalhaven Island, Isle au Haut, and other islands
Coast of Massachusetts from Cape Ann to Manomet Point, including northern tip of Cape Cod
Coast of Massachusetts from Cape Ann to Manomet Point, including northern tip of Cape Cod
The coast of New England
Coast of New England from Cape Elizabeth, Me. to Newburyport, Mass.
Coast of New England from Cape Elizabeth, Me. to Newburyport, Mass.
[Coast of New England from Chatham Harbor to Naragansett Bay]
Conway Harbour
Country between North River and Croton River
The Country twenty five miles round New York
The country twenty five miles round New York
Fort on Charlestown Point
Fort on Dorc̃ester Point
Fort on Fort Hill in Boston
Fort on the first hill in Dorc̃ester
Fort on the second hill in Dorc̃ester
See map -
Fort Washington & vicinity
Frederick Bay ...
Ramsheg Harbour ... Pictou Harbour ... Port Luttrell
See map -
Die gegend um Boston
A general map of the middle British colonies, in America
containing Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware counties, Pennsylvania and New Jersey : with the addition of New York, and the greatest part of New England, as also of the bordering parts of the province of Quebec, improved from several surveys made afte
See map -
A general map of the northern British Colonies in America
which comprehends the province of Quebec, the government of Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia, New-England and New-York
See map -
A general map of the northern British colonies in America
which comprehends the province of Quebec, the government of Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia, New-England and New-York
See map -
A general map of the southern British colonies in America comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, with the neighbouring Indian countries
From the modern surveys of engineer de Brahm, Capt. Collet, Mouzon & others; and from the large hydrographical survey of the coasts of East and West Florida
See map -
The Gut of Canso
which divides ... cables distance
See map -
Halifax Harbour ... Catch Harbour ... small vessels only
King's Bay ...
Map of British outposts between Burlington and New Bridge, New Jersey, December 1776
A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with Long Island Sound, &c
A map of part of New-York Island showing a plan of Fort Washington
now call'd Ft. Kniphausen with the rebels lines on the south part, from which they were driven on the 16th of November 1776 by the troupes under the orders of the Earl of Percy
See map -
A map of the British empire, in North America
Map of the country between and bordering the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay
showing roads to Philadelphia and localities
See map -
A map of the middle British colonies in North America
first published by Mr. Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755; and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada; from actual surveys now lying at the Board of Trade
See map -
A map of the middle British colonies in North America
first published by Mr. Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755; and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada; from actual surveys now lying at the Board of Trade
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England, containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships, the whole composed from actual surveys and its si
Map of the Ohio River from Fort Pitt
A Map of the present seat of war in North America
Map of the progress of His Majesty's armies in New York, during the late campaign
illustrating the accounts published in the London Gazette
See map -
A map of the Province of New-York
reduc'd from the large drawing of that province, compiled from actual surveys by order of His Excellency William Tryon, Esqr. Captain General & Governor of the same
See map -
Map showing roads to Morristown
Mecklenburgh Bay
Mount Desert Island and neighboring coast of Maine
Mount Desert Island and neighboring coast of Maine
NARRAGANSETT BAY containing Rhode Island &c
NARRAGANSETT BAY containing Rhode Island &c
A N.b.E. view of the fort on the western end of Sulivans Island
with the disposition of His Majesty's fleet commanded by Commodore Sir Peter Parker Knt. & c & c & c during the attack on the 28th of June 1776, which lasted 9 hours and 40 minutes
See map -
A new and accurate map of the present seat of war in North America
A new map of the province of Quebec,
according to the Royal proclamation, of the 7th of October 1763
See map -
A new map of the province of Quebec,
according to the Royal proclamation, of the 7th of October 1763
See map -
A new map of the Province of Quebec, according to the Royal Proclamation, of the 7th of October 1763
from the French surveys connected with those made after the war
See map -
New York Island
Military; unfinished
See map -
Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Floride, &c
Partie orientale du Canada, avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, l'Acadie, et la Terre-Neuve
[Plan d'Amboy
vues de la rade de Charles-Town et de Fort Sulivan, mai 1780]
See map -
Plan de Boston
A Plan of Boston, and its environs.
Shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army. And also those of the rebels
See map -
A plan of Boston, and its environs
shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army, and also those of the rebels
See map -
A plan of Boston, and its environs
shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army, and also those of the rebels
See map -
[Plan of New York]
To the Honble. John Sullivan Esqr. Major Genl. in the army of the United States of America humbly presented by his obedt. survt. Alex. Sca[mm]ell
See map -
A plan of New York Island, part of Long Island &c. shewing the position of the American and British Armies, before, at, and after the engagement on the Heights, August 27th 1776
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
A plan of Port Royal in South Carolina
Plan of Princeton, Dec. 31, 1776
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd New-Found-Land
the property of His Excellcy. Chas. O'Harra, the Hon. Lt. Gov. Wm. Stuart, James Clarke & Rob. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd the Retreat
the property of His Excellency Charles O'Harra, the Honorable Lieutenant Governor William Stuart, James Clarke and Robert & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate called Rosalij Valley
the property of His Excellcy. Charles O'Harra, The Honorable Leiut. Governor William Stuart, James Clarke and Robert & Phillip Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate called the Grand Fonds
the property of His Excellency Charles O'Harra, the Honble. Leiut. Gov. William Stuart, James Clarke & Robt. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan
near Charles Town in South Carolina by a squadron of His Majesty's ships on the 28th day of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels, from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A Plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan
the key of Charlestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th. of June 1776. By His Majesty's squadron, commanded by Sir Peter Parker. By an officer on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th. of June 1776 : with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, the key of Charlestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th. of June 1776
by His Majesty's squadron, commanded by Sir Peter Parker
See map -
Plan of the attack the rebels on Long Island, by an officer of the Army
A plan of the city and environs of New York in North America
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans
from the 8th of December, 1775 to the 13th of May, 1776
See map -
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775 to the 13th of May 1776
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775 to the 13th of May 1776
A Plan of the city of New York
A Plan of the city of New York
Plan of the city of New York in North America
surveyed in the years 1766 & 1767
See map -
A plan of the city of Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania, from an actual survey
A plan of the city of Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania, from an actual survey
Plan of the city of Quebec
Plan of the country at and in the vicinity of Forts Lee and Independency, showing the position of the British Army
A plan of the country from Frogspoint to Croton River shewing the positions of the American and British armies from the 12th of October 1776 until the engagement on the White Plains on the 28th
A plan of the harbour and peninsula of Cape Ann in North America
Plan of the island of Bequia laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
Plan of the island of Dominica laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
Plan of the island of St. Vincent laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
Plan of the island of Tobago laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
A plan of the Narrows of Hells-gate in the East River
near which batteries of cannon and mortars were erected on Long Island with a view to take off the defences and make breaches in the rebel fort on the opposite shore to facilitate a landing of troops on New York Island
See map -
Plan of The Narrows, shewing the channel, shoal, depth of water, and the several battery's proposed on each side to prevent an enemy's sailing up to New York
A plan of the operations of the King's army
under the command of General Sir William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by General Washington from the 12th of October to the 28th of November 1776, wherein is particularly distinguished the engageme
See map -
A Plan of the Rosalij Compy. Estates
the property of His Excelly. Charles O'Harra, the Honble. Leiut. Gov. Will. Stuart, James Clarke & Rob. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situated at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of the Rosalij Compy. Estates showing the impracticable lands
A plan of the town of Boston and its environs, with the lines, batteries, and incampments of the British and American armies
A plan of the town of Newport in the province of Rhode Island
Plano que comprehende parte del Seno Mexicano desde la Bahia de la Asencion hasta la Bahia de Tampa
con las sondas y embocaduras del Rio de Mississipi
See map -
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Hood, situated on the north-western extremity of the island of Cape Breton
Port Mills
Port Mansfield ; Gambier Harbour
See map -
[Port Shediack and Cocagne]
Prospect von Quebec
The provinces of New York and New Jersey
with part of Pensilvania, and the Province of Quebec
See map -
[River St. John]
The river St. John
The river St. John
[Rough draught of Boston and harbour]
Sandwich Bay
Sandwich Bay ... low water
Schauplatz des Kriegs zwischen Engelland und seinen Collonien in America
Schauplatz des Kriegs zwischen Engelland und seinen Collonien in America
The seat of action, between the British and American forces
or an authentic plan of the western part of Long Island, with the engagement of the 27th August 1776 between the King's forces and the Americans : containing also Staten Island, and the environs of Amboy and New York, with the course of Hudsons River
See map -
The seat of action, between the British and American forces
or an authentic plan of the western part of Long Island, with the engagement of the 27th August 1776 between the King's forces and the Americans : containing also Staten Island, and the environs of Amboy and New York, with the course of Hudsons River
See map -
Sketch of Forts Clinton & Montgomery
stormed the 6th Octob. 1777 by the troops under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., Lt. General of H. Maj. forces and commander in chief of New Yorck and its dependencies
See map -
Sketch of New York, narrows & part of Long Island with the roads
A sketch of part of the Island of New York shewing the operations of His Majesty's troops on the 16 Novr. 1776 which terminated in the immediate surrender of Fort Washington
Sketch of the country illustrating the late engagement in Long Island
Sketch of the engagement at Trenton
given on the 26th of December 1776 betwixt the American troops under command of General Washington, and three Hessian regiments under command of Colonell Rall, in which the latter a part surrendert themselves prisoner of war
See map -
Sketch of the White Plains
Sketth [sic] of the Hessian attack on Fort Washington under General Knypehausen on the 16th November 1776
The south west coast of the peninsula of Nova Scotia
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
Spry Harbour
Port Pallisser ; Port North ; Port Parker ; Beaver Harbour ; Fleming River
See map -
A survey of Frog's Neck and the rout[e] of the British Army
to the 24th of October 1776, under the command of His Excellency the Honorable William Howe, General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces, &ca, &ca, &ca
See map -
A survey of Lake Champlain, including Lake George, Crown Point, and St. John
surveyed by order of His Excellency Major-General Sr. Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the most Honble. Order of the Bath, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces in North America, (now Lord Amherst)
See map -
Der Teufels Belt gemeiniglich genannt der Lange Insels Sund
The theatre of war in North America, with the roads and a table of the distances
The theatre of war in North America, with the roads, and tables, of the superficial contents, distances, &ca
Thomas Hutchins' land grant and map to 2000 acres in West Florida
[Three views of South Carolina]
A tracing relating to Fort Washington or Knyphausen
A view of Boston taken on the road to Dorchester
A view of the east end of the Isle Sable ...
The eastern end of the Isle Sable ... ; A view taken from the south side of the N:E: Barr ... ; A view taken from the ridge of the N:E: Barr ... ; A view of the north shore of the Isle Sable
See map -
View of the entrance into Annapolis Bason ; View of the north entrance of Grand Passage ; View of Eden and Gascoyne Rivers ... ; View of Annapolis Royal ; View of the north entrance of Petit Passage
A view of the Rivers Kenebec and Chaudiere, with Colonel Arnold's route to Quebec
West End of the Isle of Sable from the northward ...
Wreckers Den near the Pond ... ; North Shore ; North Shore of Isle Sable
See map -
Westchester County coast, New Rochelle to Horseneck River: unfinished
White Islands Harbour
Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
See map