1st. & 2d. position of that part of the army engaged on the 19th Sept. 1777
3d & 4th postn. Sept. 19
See map -
20 tracts, Charleston
20 tracts, Tioga County
The Above is a plan of the town of Cabot, State of Vermont
The above plan is a discription of a new township called Royalsborough in the county of Cumberland
bounded southeasterly on the headline of Brunswick, southwesterly on Northyarmouth, northwesterly on proprietors land, northeasterly on Androscoggin River
See map -
The above plan is a discription of a new township containing the quantity of seven and a half mile of land & water, granted by the General Court to the proprietors of Bakerstown
so call'd, lying & being in the county of Cumberland ... Deld. at Falmouth, 4th September 1765
See map -
An accurate map of His Majesty's Province of New-Hampshire in New England & all the adjacent country northward to the River St. Lawrence, & eastward to Penobscot Bay
containing the principal places which relate to the present war on the continent of North America
See map -
Amboy to Elizabethtown
Annapolis Royal
Annapolis Royal ; St. Mary's Bay
Annapolis Royal ; St. Mary's Bay
Annapolis Royal ; St. Mary's Bay
Armée de Rochambeau, 1782
Carte des environs de Williamsburg en Virginie où les armées françoise et américaine ont campés en Septembre 1781
See map -
Armstrong County
Armstrong C[ount]y
The Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold
by the King's fleet commanded by Sir Guy Carleton upon Lake Champlain in "11th" of "Octr." 1776
See map -
Attacks upon Rhode Island, Augt. 1778
Barrington Bay
Barrington Bay
Batteries de West-point au haut de la Rivière d'York
Battle of Brandywine
11th Septr. 1777, in which the rebels were defeated by the army under the command of General Sir William Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine, 11 Septr. 1777
Battle of Brandywine, 11th Septr. 1777
in which the rebels were defeated by the Army under the command of Genl. Sir Willm. Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the Americans were defeated
September the 11th, 1777 by General Sr. William Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine, in which the rebels were defeated
September the 11th 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Wam. Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated
September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
See map -
[Battle of Bunker Hill]
Battle of Guildford fought on the 15 of March 1781
Battle of Guildford fought on the 15th of March 1781
Bay of Pensacola, fortification
Baye de la Delaware avec les ports, sondes, dangers, bancs, &c. depuis les caps jusqu'a Philadelphie
d'après la carte de Joshua Fisher publie a Philadelfia, à la Havana, Chéz de Moun̂oz, rue du Soléille, 1785, 1777
See map -
Bend of the Missouri River
Boston & harbour
Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
[Boston Harbour, with the surroundings, &c]
Boston, its environs and harbour
with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775
See map -
Boston, S. West part
Braddock's route, 1755, Fort Cumberland to Fort Pitt
British camp at Trudruffrin from [sic]
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern
See map -
British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th. to the 21st. of September 1777
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th. of September
See map -
[Bunker Hill--rough sketch]
Buzzards Bay and shoals of Nantucket
Campagne en Virginie du Major Général M'is de LaFayette
ou se trouvent les camps et marches, ainsy que ceux du Lieutenant Général Lord Cornwallis en 1781
See map -
Canso Harbor
Canso Harbor
Cantonment of His Majesty's forces in N. America
according to the disposition now made & to be compleated as soon as practicable taken from the general distribution dated at New York 29th. March 1766
See map -
Cantonment of the forces in North America 11th. Octr. 1765
Cape Blowmedown ; Cape Split ; Spencers Island and the entrance of Mines Bason ; Isle Haut and Cape Chegnecto
Cape Blowmedown ; Cape Split ; The entrance of Mines Bason ; Isle Haut and Cape Chegnecto
Cape Prospect ... Cape Sambro ... ; The high lands of Haspotagoen ... ; The Ovens at the entrance of Lunenburg Bay ; Cape Sable ... The entrance of Barrington Bay ... ; Cape Sable ...
Cape Prospect ... Cape Sambro ... ; The high lands of Haspotagoen ... ; The Ovens at the entrance of Lunenburg Bay ; Cape Sable ... The entrance of Barrington Bay ... ; Cape Sable ...
Cape St. Mary n.e. one mile ; South entrance of Grand Passage ; St. Marys Bay
Captain Snow's scetch of the country by himself, and the best accounts he could receive from the Indian traders
Captain Snow's sketch
Carta esférica de la canal entre Puerto Rico y Santo Domingo
Carta esférica de la Ysla de la Granada
Carta esférica de la Ysla de Tabago
Carta esférica de las yslas de Sn. Martin, Sn. Bartolome y Anguila
Carta esférica de las Yslas Virgenes
Carta esférica de las Yslas Virgenes
Carta esférica que comprehende la Ysla de Trinidad con sus adyacentes, bajos, sondas y veriles
Carte de la coste de la province de la Louisiane et des bouches du Micissipy ou fleuve St. Louis
Carte de l'affaire de Montmouth
ou le G'al Washington commandon l'armée américaine et le G'l Clinton l'armée angloise le 28 juin 1778
See map -
Carte de l'entrée du port et rade de Pensacola
Carte des environs d'Hampton
Carte des positions occupeés par les trouppes Américaines apres leur retraite de Rhode Island le 30 Aout 1778
Carte detaillée de West Point sur la rivière d'York au confluent des Rivières de Pamunkey et Matapony
Carte générale de la partie française de l'isle de St. Domingue
Charlotte Bay
A chart of Nova Scotia
A chart of Nova Scotia
Chart of the sea coast from latitude 27⁰00ʹ00ʺ to 27⁰20ʹ00ʺ, with Little Inlet & River into Hillsborough River ; Chart of the sea coast from latitude 26⁰40ʹ00ʺ to [27⁰]00ʹ00ʺ, the Leech Shoal & Hillsborough River
Chart of the sea coast from lattde. 26⁰20ʹ00ʺ to 26⁰ & 40ʹ00ʺ with the head of Sharkshead River ; Chart of New Inlet ; Chart of Midle Inlet ; Chart of Cape Florida, according to the surveys made May 13 & 29, 1765
Chart showing the depth of the James and York rivers as they enter Chesapeake Bay, with towns adjacent
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
The coast of Florida from the Dry Tortugas to the old Cape
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
Colchester, May the: 6:th: Day: A.D.: 1765
Copy of a sketch of the Monongahela, with the field of battle
Copy of a survey return'd by Mr. Sam Lewis, surveyor of Botetourt Coun[t]y
Surveyed for George Washington 2950 acres of land (by virtue of a warrant for 5,000 acres granted by His Excellency the Governor to said Washington agreeable to His Majesty proclamatiom issued in the year 1763) lying in the county of Botetourt on the
See map -
A correct view of the late battle at Charlestown
Costa de Cuba desde Cabo de San Antonio a la bahía de Cardenas
Costa desde la Mobila asta la Bahía de Sn. Josef
Côte de York-town à Boston: Marches de l'armée
Country between North River and Croton River
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage
with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
See map -
Crow Harbor, on the south shore of Chedabuctou Bay
Crown Point & part of Lake Champlain
Cuba, ciudad capittal de la ysla del mismo nombre y su famoso puerto sittuado en la costa del sur de gra. ysla, los 20 grados y 2 minutos de lattitud septtenttrional y los 299 grados y 20 minuts. de longd. desde Tenerife
Derrotero hecho por Antonia Vélez y Escalante, misionero para mejor conocimiento de las misiones, pueblos de indios y presidios que se hallan en el Camino de Monterrey a Santa Fe de Nuebo Mexico
Descripción de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos, nuebamente correjido y enmendado por los pilotos de la Real Armada en el año de 1769
Descripción de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos nuebamte. corregido y enmendado pr. los pilotos de la Rl. Armada en el año de 1769
Descripción de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos, nuebamte. correjido y enmendado por los pilotos de la Rl. Armada en el año de 1769
Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme desde el Cavo de la Agusa hasta la Barra de Palmas diga de la Trinidad
Con todas las yslas, bajos, arresifes & ca. Leho por las latitudes y longitudes de Dn. Bartolome de la Rosa
See map -
Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme desde el Rio de la Empalizada hasta Cavo de Clara
Por las latitudes y longitudes de Dn. Bartolome de Rosa
See map -
Descripcion de las costas, islas placeres, i bajos delas, Indias Occidentales
Descripción ychonográfica de la ciudad, puerto y bahía de Santiago de Cuba situado en 20⁰6ʹ de latitud norte y en longd. de Thenerife de 300⁰22ʹ, silla episcopal de dha. Ysla la de Xamayca y la Florida
Descripsión de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus zondas y bajos, nuebamente corregidos y enmendado por los pilotos de la Armada, el año de 1769
Descripsión de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus zonds. y baxos, nuebamte. correjido y enmendo por los pilos. de la Armada, el año 1769
Design for Governor's Island
Disposition of British troops, with fortifications north of Fort Knipehausen, i.e. Fort Washington to Fort Independence
Done by order of His excellency Montagu Wilmot, Esq. Governor and Commander in Chief of Nova Scotia, &c., &., &
Dotted line map of Washington, D.C., 1791, before Aug. 19th
Draft of roads in New Jersey
Draft of the lands disputed by Philipse Patent against Beekmans & Rambaults
A draught of Delaware Bay
A draught of Lake George, and part of Hudson's River taken September 1756
A draught of the towns of Boston and Charles Town and the circumjacent country
shewing the works thrown up by His Majesty's troops, and also those by the rebels, during the campaign: 1775
See map -
Dto de Baton Rouge
E. Sugar Creek, Bradford Co
Egmont Harbor
Egmont Harbor
Eight survey tracts along the Kanawha River, W.Va
showing land granted to George Washington and others
See map -
The encampment & position of the army under His Excy. Lt. Gl: Burgoyne
at Swords's and Freeman's Farms on Hudsons River near Stillwater, 1777, 1st & 2d positions ... on the 19th Septr. 1777
See map -
The encampment & position of the army under His Excy. Lt. Gl: Burgoyne
at Swords's and Freeman's Farms on Hudsons River near Stillwater, 1777, 3d & 4th positions, 19th Septr. 1777
See map -
The encampment & position of the army under His Excy. Lt. Gl: Burgoyne
at Swords's and Freeman's Farms on Hudsons River near Stillwater, 1777
See map -
The encampment & position of the army under His Excy. Lt. Gl: Burgoyne
at Swords's and Freeman's Farms on Hudsons River near Stillwater, 1777, Position of the army on the 8th Octr. 1777
See map -
The environs of Fort Cumberland in the Bay of Fundy
L'escadre françoise entrant dans Newport sous le feu des batteries et forcant le passage le 8 Aoust 1778
jour que les Américains passerent sur l'Isle de Rode Island par le chemin d'howland's ferry
See map -
Esquisse du plan de la ville du Mole à St. Domingue
An exact-plan of George-Town
so named by Patrick Graham, Esqr., President of the Province of Georgia, in honr. to His Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales, &ca
See map -
't Eÿland Curacao, anno 1800
Fort Edward to Crown Point
Fort La Fayette on Verplancks Point, with British and Hessian troop positions
Fort on Charlestown Point
Fort on Dorc̃ester Point
Fort on Fort Hill in Boston
Fort on the first hill in Dorc̃ester
Fort on the second hill in Dorc̃ester
See map -
Fort Provost in 1782
Fort Washington & vicinity
Frog's Point avec batteries de Partie de Longue Island
From Battle of Brandywine
Ft. Provost in 1781
A general & particular plan of the island of Castle William near Boston
shewing the works in their original & present state, together with sections thro' the same. Carried on and survey'd under the direction of and by John Montrésor, Esqr., engineer extraordinary & Capt. Lieut. by order of the Honble: Thomas Gage, Esqr.
See map -
A general plan of Annapolis Royal
Gov. Tryon's expedition to Danbury, 1777
Grundriss von der Stadt Boston und ihren Gegenden
El Guarico, alias, el cavo Frances, es una de las colonias y puertos qe. poseen los Franceses en la parte occidental de la Ysla Española una de la Caribes u de Varlovento en la América, situada en 19 gs. 44 ms. de lattd. septentrional y en 303 gs.
Halifax Harbour ... Catch Harbour ...
Halifax Harbour ... Catch Harbour ...
Indiana Fort Wayne
ms. map of Fort Wayne said to have been made on July 18, 1795, for General Anthony Wayne
See map -
The Investiture of Charleston, S.C. by the English army, in 1780
With the position of each corps
See map -
The isle Haut ...; and Cape Chignecto ... ; The western cliffs of Cape Dore ; A view of Cape Baptist in the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; A view of the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; The isle Haut ... ; Cape Blowmedown, open with Cap
The isle Haut ...; and Cape Chignecto ... ; The western cliffs of Cape Dore ; A view of Cape Baptist in the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; A view of the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; The isle Haut ... ; Cape Blowmedown, open with Cap
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
Jefferson, Venango & Armstrong
Keppell Harbour ; Knowles Harbour ; Tangier Harbour ; Saunder's Harbour ; Deane Harbour
Lake Champlain and Lake George, and the country between the Hudson and the lakes on the west, and Connecticut River on the east
Land ownership map of the William Bingham estate in Potter County, Pennsylvania
Leith Harbour ; Prospect Harbour ; Bristol Bay ; Sambro Harbour
Leith Harbour ; Prospect Harbour ; Bristol Bay ; Sambro Harbour
Leith Harbour ; Prospect Harbour ; Bristol Bay ; Sambro Harbour
Lines run in the Jersies for determining boundaries between that Province & New York
Liverpool Bay
Lord Cornwallis surrender, 1781
Major Genl. Howe's encampment on Bunkers Hill at Charles T
A map containing part of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey
A map, Middlesex County
Map of a part of west-Florida
Map of a part of west-Florida
Map of a route through south west Pennsylvania from Fort Loudon, Franklin Co. to Fort Pitt, Pittsburgh
Map of Alexandria, Virginia
Map of British outposts between Burlington and New Bridge, New Jersey, December 1776
Map of coast from southern Florida to central New Jersey
Map of defenses of New York Island from Fort Washington to Fort Independence, with redoubts, etc. planned between
A Map of forty miles north, thirty miles west, and twentyfive miles south of Boston
including an accurate draft of the harbour and town
See map -
Map of Gen. Sullivan's march from Easton to the Senaca & Cayuga countries
Map of Las Ormigas Grant, Sabine and DeSoto Parishes, Louisiana
Map of military lots, tracts, patents, etc. in western Allegany and Garrett Counties, Maryland
Map of Missouri River and vicinity from Saint Charles, Missouri, to Mandan villages of North Dakota
used by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in their 1804 expedition up Missouri River
See map -
Map of Mobile Bay
A map of Monmouth County
Map of Orange and Rockland counties area of New York
A map of part of New-York Island showing a plan of Fort Washington
now call'd Ft. Kniphausen with the rebels lines on the south part, from which they were driven on the 16th of November 1776 by the troupes under the orders of the Earl of Percy
See map -
Map of part of the city of Washington shewing the situation of the mansion house, grave yard & buildings belonging to Mr. Notley Young
original proprietor of that part of the city
See map -
A map of part of the province of Jersey
A map of Potomack and James rivers in North America shewing their several communications with the navigable waters of the new province on the river Ohio
Map of Queens Village or Lloyd Neck in Queens County on the north side of Long Island in the Province (now State) of New York. Situated near the parallel of 41 degrees north lattitude
A map of Savannah River beginning at Stone-Bluff, or Nexttobethell, which continueth to the sea
also, the four sounds Savañah, [Warsaw], Hossabaw, and St. Katharines, with their islands; likewise Neuport, or Serpent River, from its mouth to Benjehova Bluff
See map -
A map of South Carolina from the Savannah Sound to St. Helena's Sound, with the several plantations, their proper boundary lines, their names, and the names of the proprietors included and the grants of lands belonging to Landgrave William Hodgson, c
Map of St. Mary's and Petit d'Grat Harbour
Map of Stony and Verplanck Points on the Hudson River as fortified by Sir Henry Clinton June 1779
Map of that part of Orange County lying to the north of the mountains of the highlands
shewing that Chester is a much more central & convenient spott to all the country whereon to erect the new court house than that vulgarly known by the name of Goshen Town
See map -
A map of the bay of Narraganset with the islands therein and part of the country adjacent
Map of the coast of Georgia, bordering on Camden and Glynn counties
showing also the course and soundings of the Alatamaha, Turtle, Crooked, St. Mary's, Great Satilla, and Little Satilla rivers.
See map -
Map of the coast of New Jersey from Barnegat Inlet to Cape May
Map of the country about the Mississippi
Map of the country between and bordering the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay
showing roads to Philadelphia and localities
See map -
Map of the county of Frederick, 1769
Map of the environs of Camden, N.J
Map of the environs of Roxbury showing roads to Jamaica, Cambridge, Dorchester, Milton, etc
Map of the island of Nantucket
A map of the land abt. Red Stone and Fort Pitt
A Map of the lands ceded by the Cherokee Indians to the State of South-Carolina
at a congress held in May, A.D. 1777; containing about 1,697,700 acres
See map -
Map of the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain between Bayou Chenchuba and Bayou Lacombe, Louisiana
Map of the northern parts of New York
Map of the Ohio River from Fort Pitt
Map of the patent of Oriskany
Map of the Rigolet and the mouth of the Pearl River, Louisiana and Mississippi
Map of the roads from New Rochelle to Kingstreet, Westchester County
A Map of the route from the city of Albany to the Fort Osswego on the Lake of Cataroque
A map of the sources of the Chaudière, Penobscot, and Kennebec rivers
A map of the town of Rhinebeck in the County of Dutchess
surveyed in December 1797 and January 1798
See map -
A Map of the Trenton and New-Brunswick Turnpike-road
A Map of the western parts of the province of Pennsylvania, Virginia, &c
Map showing Caribbean area including West Indies and Gulf of Mexico
Map showing coast in the regions of Aguadilla, Añasco, and Mayagüez
Map showing coast in the regions of Aguadilla, Añasco, and Mayagüez
Map showing roads to Morristown
Map showing the Bowery Lane area of Manhattan
Map showing the west shore of the North or Hudson River
A map, Somerset County
A map with part of the Florida coast from Cape Blaise to Apalachie
with the boundaries betwixt East & West Floridas, 160 yards across the river call'd Apalachicola
See map -
Mapa de las locaciones del Distrito de la Na Feliciana
Mapa de las locaciones del Distrito de Manchack
Mapa de una parte de la America Septentrional
Mapa, que comprende la Frontera, de los Dominios del Rey, en la America Septentrional
Marche de l'armée française de Providence à la Rivière du Nord
Les marches du corps du Lord Cornwallis de Billinsport jusqu'a Philadelphia au mois de Novembre, 1777
Mechios River near the mills ; A sketch of Mechios mills
Mechios River near the mills ; A sketch of Mechios mills
Mr. Armstrong's rough draft of the country to the west of Susquehanna
A new and accurate chart of the harbour of Boston in New England in North America
New Hampshire
New York & New Jersey commissioners line from 41⁰ on Hudson's River taken in 1769
New York Island
Military; unfinished
See map -
New York Island and East Jersey
New York Island. Military. Unfinished
Nord de l'Ile de New-York
North America from the Mississippi River to the Pacific, between the 35th and 60th parallers of latitude
The north point of Grandmanan Island in the bay Fundy bearing e.n.e distant two leagues ; A view of Campo Bello at the entrance of Passamaquady Bay
The north point of Grandmanan Island in the bay Fundy bearing e.n.e distant two leagues ; A view of Campo Bello at the entrance of Passamaquady Bay
Northern part of the Gut of Canso
part of the island of Cape Bocton
See map -
Notes sur les environs de York
Notes sur les environs de York: Plan donné par des arpenteurs du pays
Nuevo plano de Puerto Rico
N.W. parts of New York, no. 156
Old map of Brooklyn and greater part of King's County, Long Island
Operations in America
Operations of the British army, from the 25th August to 26th Sept. 1777
Pansacola o Santta María de Galbe, puerto y presidio del Ry. de España situado en la costa del nortte del Seno Mexicano, los 30 grados 25 mins. de lattd. nortte y los 286 grados y 37 ms. de longd. desde Tenerife 265 leguas inglesas o 227 españolas
Part of a map of the Hudson Highlands showing Forts Clinton and Montgomery
Part of New Jersey
Part of Oxford and Cumberland counties, Me
The Part of Pennsylvania that lies between the forks of the Susquehannah, divided into townships
Part of the Province of Virginia
Penobscot River and Bay, with the operations of the English fleet, under Sir George Collyer
against the division of Massachusetts troops acting against Fort Castine, August 1779; with full soundings up to the present site of Bangor
See map -
Philadelphia and neighborhood
Philadelphia and vicinity. Military
Plan and perspective view of Pittsburgh
Plan and sections of the redoubt at Billingsfort and plan of the rebel fort marked yellow
Plan de la Baye de Baynet
situeé a hiut leiues sous le vent de celle de Jacmel, levé suivant les ordres de Mr. d'Estaing le 11 Ocbre. 1764
See map -
Plan de la position de l'armée françoise autour de Newport et du mouillage de l'escadre dans la rade de cette ville
Plan de la retraite de Barren Hill en Pensilvanie
ou un détachement de deux mille deux cent hommes sous le G'al LaFayette étois entouré par l'Armée angloise sous les G'als Howe, Clinton et Grant le 28 May 1778
See map -
Plan de la ville de Charlestown, de ses retranchements et du siege faits par les Anglois en 1780
Plan de la ville de Québec
Plan de la ville, du port, et de la rade de New-port et Rhode Island
Debarquement en 1780
See map -
Plan de la ville du Trou Jéremie
rélatif à l'article 13 du projet géneral de défense
See map -
Plan de la ville, port, et rade de Newport
avec une partie de Rhode-Island occupée par l'armée française aux ordres de Mr. Le comte de Rochambeau, et de l'escadre française commandée
See map -
Plan de l'affaire de Westfield & du camp de Raway
Plan de l'attaque et de la prise de l'isle de la Grenade le 3 juillet 1779
Plan de New-York et des îles environnantes
Plan de New-York et les environs
Plan de notre camp à New Brunswick le 12e. juin
notre marche le 14 à Middlebush, la situation du camp le 15e juin, et cette du Genl. Washington à Boundbrook, le poste que le Genl. Sulivan occupoit le 15 dans la nuit pour courir Philadelphia, se postant sur la route de Pennington
See map -
Plan de Portsmouth en Virginie
Plan de Rhode Island et les differentes operations de la flotte-françoises et des troupes americaines
commandées par le Major General Sullivan contre les forçes de terre et de mer des Anglois depuis le 9 aoust jusqu'à la nuit du 30 au 31 du meme mois 1778 que les Americains ont fait leur retraites
See map -
Plan de Rhode Islande, les differentes operations de la flotte françoise et des trouppes Américaines commandeés par le major général Sullivan contre les forces de terre et de mer des Anglois depuis le 9 Aout jusqu'a la nuit du 30 au 31 du même
Plan de Rhodes-Island, et position de l'armée françoise a Newport
Plan de West-Point du nord, levé a vue
Plan de West-Point du Sud
Plan de West-Pointe du nord levé a vue
Plan des environs de Williamsburg, York, Hampton, et Portsmouth
Plan des ouvrages de Portsmouth en Virginie
Plan des ouvrages de Portsmouth en Virginie
Plan des ouvrages faits à York-town en Virginie
Plan du camp retranchè à Wilmington pour y couvrir notre hospital apres la Battaille de Brandywine
Plan du canton de Plimouth et partie des Baradéres
Plan du Cap Breton, dit Louisbovrg avec ces environs pries
Plan du Môle St. Nicolas
Plan du Petit Goâve et de son acul pour servir au projet général de sa défense par mer en 1752
Plan du port de Portsmouth levé à vue
Plan du terrain sur le cap appartenant à la paroise de cette uille 1756
Plan du terrein à la rive gauche de la rivière de James vis-à-vis Jamestown en Virginie
ou s'est livré le combat du 6 juillet 1781 entre l'armée américaine commandée par le Mis. de La Fayette el l'armée angloise aux ordres du Lord Cornwallis
See map -
Plan d'une partie de la rade de Boston pour faire connaitre le dispositif de ses deffenses
Plan d'York en Virginie avec les attaques faites par les Armées françoise et américaine en 8bre. 1781
Plan general des operations de l'Armée Britanique contre les rebelles dans l'Amerique
depuis l'arrivée des troupes hessoises le 12 du mois d'aoust 1776 jusqu'à la fin de l'année 1779
See map -
Plan, Lake Champlain from Fort St. John's to Ticonderoga
with the soundings, rocks, shoals, and sands, surveyed in the years 1778, 1779
See map -
A Plan oe [i.e. of] the British lines on Boston Neck in August 1775
Plan of a rout undertaken in winter, Jany. 26th
from Quebec, the capital of Canada, to the frontier settlements of the Township of Topsham near Brunswick Fort on the River Ammerascaegun in the Province of New Hampshire, Feby. 20th 1760
See map -
A plan of a survey made to explore the country for a road between Connecticut River & St. Francis
A Plan of Albany, as it was in the year 1758
Plan of Boston & vicinity
A Plan of Cape Antonia
Plan of Carillon ou [sic] Ticonderoga
which was quitted by the Americaines in the night from the 5th to the 6th of July 1777
See map -
Plan of Charles Town, with the intrenchments, and encampment of His Majesty's troops, after the action of the 17th. June 1775
A plan of Chignecto (called also by the French Beau-Bassin) at the head of the Bay of Fundi upon the Istmus of Accadia shewing that harbour with its rivers, the situation of the English fort and fort possessed by the French, June 1755
Plan of Fort George and adjacent works at Pensacola in West Florida
Plan of Fort George at Pensacola
A plan of Fort George at the city of New-York
Plan of Fort Mifflin on Mud Island, with the batteries on Province Island
Plan of Fort Pownal at Penobscot built 1759
Plan of Fort William Henry and camp at Lake George
Plan of Genl Du Portail
Plan of the position of Valley Forge after Jany. 1778
See map -
Plan of Governor's, Kennedy's, and Brown's Islan[ds] and Red Hook together with part of the Bay and soundings
shewing the position they bear to each other and to New York, September 18th. 1766. By order of His Excellency Major General Gage, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces in North America
See map -
A plan of Mr. Clifton's neck land platted by a scale of 50 poles to the inch
A plan of Mr. Clifton's neck land platted by a scale of 50 poles to the inch
A plan of my farm on Little Huntg. Creek & Potomk. R
Plan of New York and Staten Islands with part of Long Island
Plan of New York and Staten Islands with part of Long Island, survey'd in the years 1781, & 82
Plan of part of the city of Washington
on which is shewn the squares, lots, &c., divided between William Prout Esq'r and the Commissioners of the Federal Buildings, agreeably to the deed of trust
See map -
Plan of part of the River Delaware from Chester to Philadelphia
in which is mark'd the position of His Majs. ships on the 15th. of November 1777. The obstructions to the navigation of the river, laid down by the rebels, are also mark'd
See map -
A plan of part of the rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido, & Scambia in the province of West Florida
with a sketch of the boundary between the nation of upper Creek Indians and that part of the province which is contigious thereto, as settled at the congresses at Pensacola in the years 1765 & 1771
See map -
Plan of part of western front
A plan of Paulus Hook with the road to Bergen and parts adjacent in the province of New Jersey
Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications
Plan of Paulus's Hook and fortifications
A plan of Pensacola and its environs in its present state
from an actual survey in 1778
See map -
Plan of Perth Amboy from an actual survey. Sketch of Bonham Town
Plan of Portland
A plan of Portsmouth Harbour in the province of Virginia
shewing the works erected by the British forces for its defence, 1781
See map -
Plan of Princeton, Dec. 31, 1776
Plan of Quebec, the capital of Canada in North America, with the bason and part of the adjacent contry [sic] shewing the principal encampments and works of the British Army commanded by Maior General Wolfe and those of the French Army commanded by Li
Plan of Quebec, the capital of Canada in North America, with the bason and part of the adjacent contry [sic] shewing the principal encampments and works of the British Army commanded by Maior General Wolfe and those of the French Army commanded by Li
Plan of Savannah & its environs in 1782
Plan of Savannah and its environs in 1782
Plan of Savannah and its fortifications in 1782
A plan of St. Georges Ferry on Nassau-Island made the 10th August 1774
A Plan of that part of the boundary between the states of North and South Carolina
lying between that part of said boundary marked in 1764 and the old Cherokee boundary line. Fixed and marked by commissioners appointed by each respective colony, now states, in June A.D. 1772
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd New-Found-Land
the property of His Excellcy. Chas. O'Harra, the Hon. Lt. Gov. Wm. Stuart, James Clarke & Rob. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate call'd the Retreat
the property of His Excellency Charles O'Harra, the Honorable Lieutenant Governor William Stuart, James Clarke and Robert & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate called Rosalij Valley
the property of His Excellcy. Charles O'Harra, The Honorable Leiut. Governor William Stuart, James Clarke and Robert & Phillip Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of that part of the Rosalij Estate called the Grand Fonds
the property of His Excellency Charles O'Harra, the Honble. Leiut. Gov. William Stuart, James Clarke & Robt. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situate at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers-Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
Plan of the action which happen'd 17th. June 1775, at Charles Town, N. America
Plan of the attack of Fort Clinton and Montgomery which where [sic] stormed by His Majesty's forces
under the command of Sr. Henry Clinton, KB, the 6th of October 1777
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan
near Charles Town in South Carolina by a squadron of His Majesty's ships on the 28th day of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels, from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A Plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan
the key of Charlestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th. of June 1776. By His Majesty's squadron, commanded by Sir Peter Parker. By an officer on the spot
See map -
Plan of the attack on Fort William Henry and Ticonderoga
showing the road from Fort Edward, Montcalm's camp and wharf of landing, &c
See map -
Plan of the attack the rebels on Long Island, by an officer of the Army
A plan of the attacks against Fort Miflin on Mud Island
which surrendered 16th, November 1777 to the Kings troops under the command of the honorable Sir William Howe K.B. general and commander in chief &c., &c
See map -
Plan of the battle fought near Camden, August 16th, 1780
A Plan of the Battle of Bunker Hill
A plan of the bay and harbor of Boston
surveyed agreeably to the orders and instructions of the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, to Samuel Holland, Esqr., His Majesty's Surveyor General of Lands for the Northern District of North America
See map -
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
with the works and encampments of His Majesty's forces under the command of Lieutenant General Sir William Howe, K.B
See map -
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans
from the 8th of December, 1775 to the 13th of May, 1776
See map -
Plan of the city intended for the permanent seat of the government of t[he] United States
projected agreeable to the direction of the President of the United States, in pursuance of an act of Congress, passed on the sixteenth day of July, MDCCXC, "establishing the permanent seat on the bank of the Potowmac" : [Washington D.C.]
See map -
A Plan of the city of New York
A plan of the city of Philadelphia
Plan of the city of Philadelphia and its environs shewing its defences during the years 1777 & 1778
together with the siege of Mud Island on the River Delaware
See map -
A plan of the city of Savannah
with a drawing of the part of the city burnt in the dreadful fires of the 26 November & 6 December, 1796
See map -
A plan of the coast of Gabarus Bay from the west end of Kennington Cove to White Point shewing the several batteries and retrenchments made by the French to oppose the landing of His Britanick Majesty's troops
Plan of the country at and in the vicinity of Forts Lee and Independency, showing the position of the British Army
A plan of the division line between the provinces of New-York and Quebec
In the 45th degree of north latitude. Survey'd in the year 1771 & 1772
See map -
A plan of the east part of Long Island Sound
from remarks made on board His Majesty's ship the Lark, A.D. 1777
See map -
Plan of the encampment and position of the army under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne
at Swords House on Hudson's River on Septr. 17th, with the positions of that part of the army engaged on the 19th Septr. 1777
See map -
Plan of the encampment and position of the army under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne
at Bræmus Heights on Hudson's River near Stillwater on the 20th Septr. with the position of the detachment &c. in the action of the 7th of Octobr. & the position of the army on the 8th Octr. 1777
See map -
A Plan of the entrance of Chesapeak [sic] Bay, with James and York Rivers
wherein are shewn the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1. of the British Army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2. of the American and French forces under General Washington, 3. and of the French flee
See map -
Plan of the fort and fortress at Crown Point with their environs
With the disposition of the English Army under the command of Genl. Amherst encamp'd there 1759
See map -
A plan of the Forts Montgomery & Clinton
as taken by His Majesty's forces under the command of Genl. Sr. Henry Clinton the 6th. of Octr. 1777
See map -
Plan of the French and rebells sieg[e] of Savannah in Georgia, in South [sic] America, deffend
t[h]rough the Br: Gen: August Prevost, 1779
See map -
A plan of the harbour and peninsula of Cape Ann in North America
A plan of the harbour of Cape Lookout surveyed and sounded by His Majesty's sloop Viper
A plan of the harbour of Pensacola in West-Florida
Plan of the heights of Charles Town, &c
Plan of the inland navigation between South Edisto and Charlestown
Plan of the inlet, strait, & town of St. Augustine
A plan of the inlets & rivers of Savannah & Warsaw in the Province of Georgia
A Plan of the island of Porto Rico
Plan of the Isle aux Noix, in the River Richelieu, and Province of Canada
A plan of the land between Fort Mossy and St. Augustine in the province of East Florida
A Plan of the late Province of Main as far as Kennebeck River
Plan of the lots laid out at Pittsburg and the Coal Hill
A plan of the Narrows of Hells-gate in the East River
near which batteries of cannon and mortars were erected on Long Island with a view to take off the defences and make breaches in the rebel fort on the opposite shore to facilitate a landing of troops on New York Island
See map -
Plan of The Narrows, shewing the channel, shoal, depth of water, and the several battery's proposed on each side to prevent an enemy's sailing up to New York
[Plan of the Neck and environs]
[Plan of the "Neck" and fortifications]
Delivd. to H.E. Gl. Gage, June 30th. 1775.--J.M
See map -
Plan of the operations of General Washington against the King's troops in New Jersey
from the 26th of December 1776 to the 3d of January 1777
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army
under the command of General Sir William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by General Washington from the 12th of October to the 28th of November 1776, wherein is particularly distinguished the engageme
See map -
Plan of the peninsula of Charles Town shewing the three posts that His Majesty's troops have kept and fortified with buildings therein for guard rooms
Boston, 3th. [sic] Decr. 1775. To His Excellency Major General Howe, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces, &c
See map -
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoyne took at Saratoga
on the 10th of September 1777, and in which it remained till the convention was signed
See map -
Plan of the post at Great Bridge, on the south branch of the Elizabeth River, Virginia
establish'd the 5th February 1781
See map -
Plan of the rebels works on Prospect-Hill
Plan of the rebels works on Winter-Hill
See map -
Plan of the redoubts at Richmond on Staten Island, 30th October 1779
Plan of the river of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia
Plan of the road from Elizabeth Town Point to Elizabeth Town
shewing the rebel works raised for its defence
See map -
A Plan of the Rosalij Compy. Estates
the property of His Excelly. Charles O'Harra, the Honble. Leiut. Gov. Will. Stuart, James Clarke & Rob. & Phill. Browne, Esqrs., situated at Rosalij in the parish of St. David, Dominica
See map -
A plan of the Rosalij Compy. Estates showing the impracticable lands
Plan of the route from St. Francis to Connecticut River
A plan of the sea coast from Boston Bay to the light house near Rhode Island
reduced from the large survey
See map -
Plan of the siege of Charles Town in South Carolina
under command of His Excellence Sir Henry Clinton and under direction of ... Collonel Mount-Crieff as chief ingener, this town was surrendered with capitulation the 12. May 1780 after 6 weeks and 3 days siege
See map -
Plan of the siege of the Havana surrenderid [sic] Aug. 12, 1762 to the English commanded by the Earl of Albemarle General and Sir George Pococke K.B. Admiral
A plan of the town and harbour of Boston
and the country adjacent with the road from Boston to Concord, shewing the place of the late engagement between the King's troops & the provincials, together with the several encampments of both armies in & about Boston. Taken from an actual survey
See map -
A plan of the town, bar, harbour, and environs of Charlestown in South Carolina
with all the channels, soundings, sailing-marks &c. from the surveys made in the colony
See map -
A plan of the town of Boston and its environs, with the lines, batteries, and incampments of the British and American armies
A plan of the town of Boston with the intrenchments &ca. of His Majesty's forces in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers, and from those of other gentlemen
See map -
A Plan of the town of Pensacola, 1767
Plan of the Town of Turner, formerly Silvester Plantation
out side lines and part of the lotts ran out
See map -
A plan of the township of Blenheim, as surveyed and divided in the year 1772
A Plan of the works on Spikendevil Hill with the ground in front, protracted from a scale of 200 feet to an inch
A Plan of West Florida, the Isle of Orleans, and some parts of the Spanish dominions to the westward of the Mississipi
Plan of York Town and Gloucester in Virginia
shewing the works constructed for the defence of those posts by the Rt. Honble: Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis, with the attacks of the combined army of French and rebels under the command of the Generals Count de Rochambaud and Washington which capi
See map -
Plan von Rhode Island
und deren dem comando des Herrn General Majors Presgott inf dies-malig befundlichen campements
See map -
A plann of the town of Savannah in the state of Georgia
Plano d. las aguadas d. Sn. Juan y Sn. Franco. d. Añasco en la ysla de Pto. Rico, año d. 1787
Plano d. las aguads. d. Sn. Juan y Sn. Franco. d. Añasco en la ysla d. Pto. Rico
Plano de la Bahía de Fort Real cituado a la parte del oeste de la Ysla Martinica
Plano de la bahía de Guantánamo en la ysla de Cuva, cuya boca se halla en latd. N. de 20 gros. y longd. de Tenerife 30l. gs. 27 ms
Plano de la Bahia de la Ware y entrada de Filadelfie
Plano de la Bahía de Ocoa situado en la banda del sur de la Ysla Española
Plano de la Bahía de Ocoa situado en la banda del sur de la Ysla Española
Plano de la bahia de Pansacola
Plano de la Baía de Guantánamo, en la ysla de Cuva, cuya boca se alla en latitud N. 20 gs. y en la longitd. de Thenerife 301 gs. 27 ms
Plano de la ciudad de S. Juan de Puerto Rico
Plano de la enzenada de San Franco. en la parte occl. de la ysla de Puerto Rico
Plano de la hermosa Bahía de Naranjos situada en la costa del norte de la ysla de Sn. Tiago de Cuva
Plano de la Ysla de Santo Domingo, parte de las Cuba, Jamaica y otras contiguas a ellas, del seno mexicano
Plano de la Ysla Trinidad de Barlovento situado entre las latitudes septentrionales de 10⁰51ʹ y la de 9⁰44ʹ y entre las longitudes de 314⁰43ʹ y las de 316⁰13ʹ segun el meridiano de Tenerife con sus puertos, vajos, placeres y la sonda que hasta a hora
Plano de las aguadas de S. Juan y S. Franco. & Anasco en la ysla de Puerto Rico
Plano de Philadelphia
Plano de Pto. Rico en la ysla de este nombre situado en 18⁰37ʹ de latitd. N. y en 59⁰42ʹ de longd. O. de Cádiz
Plano de Puerto Real en la costa del S. de la Ysla Jamaica, 12 leguas al ote. de la Punta Oriental y por la latitud de 18⁰00ʹ00ʺN. y por la longitud segun el meridiano de Tenerife 299⁰48ʹ00ʺ
Plano de Puerto Rico, situado en la parte septemtrional de la ysla de este nombre, una de las de Barlovento en la lattd. de 18⁰35ʹ y en la longd. de 310⁰38ʹ segn. el meridiano de Thenerife
Plano del desembarcadero del Río Misipipi en el Seno Megicano con parte del Territorio de la Mobila, el qual yncluien los Franceses en la probincia qe. han nombrado la Luisiana
Plano del desembocadero del Río de Misipi en el Seno Mexino con parte del Territorio de la Mobila, el qual incluyen los Franceses en la provincia que han nombrado la Luciana
Plano del desembocadero del Río Misipipi en el seno Mexicano con parte del territorio de la Movila, el qual incluien los Franceses en la provincia que han nombrado, la Luisiana
Plano del Lago de San Bernardo en el Seno Mexicano
Plano del Lago de Sn. Bernardo en el Seno Mexica no
Plano del pto. de Fuerte Delfin en la Ys. Española de Sto. Domingo situado en la latd. de 19⁰40ʹ N. y en longd. de 66⁰20ʹ al O. del veal observatorio de Cádiz, 2 legs. al S. 61⁰ O. del a Bahía del Manzanillo y 6 al E. del Guárico con la de vota d
Plano del Pto. de la Movila situado en la latd. N. de 30⁰ 10ʹ tomado á los Ings., el día 14 de marzo de 1780
Plano del puertecito de la Chorrera cituado una legua al O. de la Havana
Plano del puertecito de la Chorrera situado una legua al O. de la Havana
Plano del Puerto de Cabañas situado en la costa del norte de la ysla de Cuba, 12 leguas al ote. de la Havana
Plano del Puerto de la Havana
Plano del puerto de la Havana, situado en la parte del N. de la ysla de Cuba en la lattd. de 23⁰10ʹ y en longd. astronómica de 293⁰47ʹ, meridiano de Tenerife ... el año de 1783 por Dn. Josef de Sn. Martin, the. de Navio de la Rl. Armada
Plano del Puerto de la Mobila
Situado en latd. No. de 30⁰ 10ʹ m. tomado á los Ingleses el dia 14 de Marzo de 1780
See map -
Plano del Puerto de Samá, situado en la costa del N. de la ysla de Sntiágo. de Cuba
Plano del Puerto de Sn. Christobal de la Habana situado en la costa del N. de la ysla de Cuba en la latd. de 23 gs. 10 ms. y en la longd. de 293 gs. 43 ms. segun merio. de The
Plano del puerto de Sn. Juan de Puerto Rico
Plano del puerto de Sn. Juan de Puerto Rico
Plano del puerto del Guárico, cuyo conocimto. y entrada es del modo siguiente
Plano del Puerto del Mariel situado en la costa del N. de la ysla de Cuba en la latd. 23⁰5ʹ y en la longd. 293⁰16ʹ de Tenerife
Plano del Puerto Naranjos cituado 4 leguas al oeste de Punta de Mulas en la costa del N. de la ysla de Cuba
Plano geométrico de la boca de monos y puertos de Charguaramas y Carenero en la Ya. de Trinidad
Plano geométrico de la rada y carenero de San Jorge en la costa occidl. de la ysla de la Granada
Plano geométrico de las ensenadas de Añasco y Mayagües en la costa occidental de la ysla de Puerto Rico
Plano geométrico del puerto principal de San Tomas en la costa meridional de la ya. del mismo nombre ; Plano geométrico del puerto de Normand en la costa N.O. de la ya. del mismo nombre
Plano. I descripcion de la costa, desde el Cavo Cañaveral, hasta cerca de la boca de la Vir[g]inia
contando, costa de Florida, Georgia y Carolinas del S, y N, con todos sus puertos, este[ros ... ]letas, baxos, islas y rios; segun las vlti[mas not]icias, hata [sic] oy Octubre de 1756
See map -
Plano numero 1. de la barra, y Rio de San Juan desde su entrada hasta dos millas mas arriba del paso de San Nicolas, manifestandose en su curso todos los baxos, sacatales, caños, y ys. las que comprehende, y tambien la de la barra chica, situacion d
Plano que comprehende parte del Seno Mexicano desde la Bahia de la Asencion hasta la Bahia de Tampa
con las sondas y embocaduras del Rio de Mississipi
See map -
Plano y costa de la Palisada o de Misipipi zituada, su entrada o Cabo de Lodo en 29 gs. 17 ms. de lattud. norte y en longd. de 385 gs. 3 ms. segun Tenerife
Plat of a survey for William Hughes, Jr. of 460 acres in Frederick County, Va. on the Cacapon River
Plat of a survey of 2,314 acres of land, being the first large bottom on the east side of the Ohio River
3 or 4 miles below the mouth, a portion of which is divided into 17 lots
See map -
Plat of Carrollsburg
Plaza de la villa de Galvez
The plot of Carroll'sburgh
[part of Washington D.C.]
See map -
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Jackson
Port Jackson
Port Jackson
Portion of a map of Feliciana District, Spanish Louisiana, from the Lac de la Croix to Thompson's Creek
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Position de notre camp le 24 juin 1777 à Perth Amboy
Position des Armées amériquaine et françoise à Kings-ferry, Peaks-hill, Crompond et Hunts-taverne
du 17. septembre au 20 octobre 1782
See map -
Position du camp de l'armée combinée a Philipsburg du 6 juillet au 19 aoust
Position of the army on the 8th Octbr. 1777
Position of the detachment under Lieut't Col. Baum & attacks of the enemy on the 16th August at Walmscock near Benington, 1777
Powder horn with hand-drawn map of the Hudson River (above Albany), Mohawk River, Niagara region, and Lake Ontario in New York Province
Progress of the army from their landing till taking possession of Philadelphia
Project for the attack of Ticonderoga
proposed to be put in execution as near as the circumstances and ground will admit of. May 29th. 1759
See map -
Pto. Rico
Pto. Rico
Puerto del Boston
Puerto Rico
Quatre positions de la flotte française et positions de la flotte anglaise
Qubbec, ville de l'Amerique septentrionale dans la Nouvelle France avec titre d'Eveché située sur le fleuve de St. Laurens a 310 degrez 17 minutes de longitude et 46 degrez 55 minutes de latitude
elle fut Assiegée par les Anglois sur les Francois par qui elle est encore possédée l'an 1670 depuis le 16e octobre jusqu'au 22e du meme Mois : monsr de frontenac etant pour lors gouverneur du pays qui leur fit hontue sement lever le siege
See map -
Reconnoissance de King's bridge
Reconnoissance des ouvrages du nord de l'Isle de Newyork dont on a déterminé géometriquement les principaux points le 22 et le 23 juillet
Reconnoissance, juillet 1781
Red Banke
River of Ohio
[River St. John]
The river St. John
The river St. John
The river St. John
Roads and country that Col. Campbell marched thro'--Ebenezer to Augusta in Georgia
[Rough draft of Charlestown, in water colour]
[Rough draught of Boston and harbour]
Roxbury to Concord
Roads & distances, &c
See map -
Sandwich Bay
Sandwich Bay
Savannah & its fortifications
Savannah and its environs
Savannah River & Ogeechee River
Siege d'York, 1781
Plan d'York en Virginie avec les attaques et les campemens de l'Armée combinée de France et d'Amérique
See map -
S[i]r: This is minuts of the fort at Crown Point and of the redouts built round it; which I took on the mountain to the west of Crown Point abt. a miles distance
Skecth [sic] of the road from Kings Bridge to White Plains
Sketch map of fortifications in the vicinity of Fort Washington, Manhattan Island, New York
Sketch of Brunswick
Sketch of the ground near Mr. Low's at Rariton Landing
See map -
Sketch of Forts Clinton & Montgomery
stormed the 6th Octob. 1777 by the troops under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., Lt. General of H. Maj. forces and commander in chief of New Yorck and its dependencies
See map -
Sketch of Haddonfield, March 1778
Sketch of the roads from Pennyhill to Black Horse through Mount Holly
See map -
Sketch of Haddonfield. Sketch of the road from Penny Hill to Black Horse through Mount Holly, 1778
A sketch of New London & Groton with the attacks made on Forts Trumbull & Griswold by the British troops
under the command of Brigr. Genl. Arnold, Sept. 6th. 1781
See map -
Sketch of New York, narrows & part of Long Island with the roads
Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town
shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British Army under the command of His Excellency Genl. Sir Henry Clinton and the advanced corps of the rebel army, June 28th. 1778. Sketch of Middle Town
See map -
Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town
shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British Army under the command of His Excellency Genl. Sir Henry Clinton and the advanc'd corps of the rebel army, June 28th. 1778. Sketch of Middle Town
See map -
Sketch of part of the road from Freehold to Middle Town
shewing the skirmish between the rear of the British Army under the command of His Excellency Genl: Sir Henry Clinton and the advance corps of the rebel army, June 28, 1778
See map -
Sketch of Stoney & Verplank's Points upon the North River
as taken possession of, and fortified by His Excellency Sir H: Clinton in June 1779
See map -
Sketch of the action between the British forces and American provincials, on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown
the 17th June 1775
See map -
Sketch of the battle of Camden, Augt. 16, 1780
A Sketch of the Battle of German. Tn
4th October 1777, where the rebels were repulsed
See map -
A Sketch of the Battle of German. Tn
4th. October 1777, where the rebels were repulsed
See map -
Sketch of the coast from South Edisto to Charles Town, 1st March 1780
Sketch of the engagement at Trenton
given on the 26th of December 1776 betwixt the American troops under command of General Washington, and three Hessian regiments under command of Colonell Rall, in which the latter a part surrendert themselves prisoner of war
See map -
A sketch of the field of battle with the disposition of the troops in the beginning of the engagement of the 9th of July on the Monongahela 7 miles from Fort Du Quesne
Sketch of the ground about Charles Town
Sketch of the harbour of Charles Town
A Sketch of the harbour of Port Francoise on the Island of Hispaniola
A Sketch of the harbour of St. Iago de Cuba
Sketch of the Heights of Kingsbridge 1777, with the proposed redoubts coloured orange
Old rebel works coloured black
See map -
Sketch of the Heights of Kingsbridge, with the proposed redouts couloured yellow
A sketch of the northern parts of New Jersey
Sketch of the rebel works at West Point
as taken from the description of them given by a deserter who came to Stoney Point, 9th June, 1779
See map -
Sketch of the road from Black Horse to Crosswick
Sketch of the road from Black Horse to Crosswick. Sketch of Allen's Town
Sketch of the road from Fredericksburg to Norfolk in Virginia
Sketch of the road from Paulus Hook and Hobocken to New Bridge
Sketch of the White Plains
Sketch of West Point
Sketth [sic] of the Hessian attack on Fort Washington under General Knypehausen on the 16th November 1776
Soundings of the bar of Sandy Hook at low water & the marks made use of for the best water
The south east coast of Nova Scotia
South entrance of Grand Passage ; Cape St. Mary n.e. one mile ; St. Marys Bay
The south west coast of the peninsula of Nova Scotia
The south west coast of the peninsula of Nova Scotia
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
Special chart of Cape Florida belonging to the 13th section
Special chart of Muskito Inlet
Spry Harbour ; Port Pallisser ; Port North ; Port Parker ; Beaver Harbour ; Fleming River
Spry Harbour ; Port Pallisser ; Port North ; Port Parker ; Beaver Harbour ; Fleming River
St. Augustine and its environs
St. Eustatius, Leeward Islands
The State of New Jersey
A survey of Frog's Neck and the rout[e] of the British Army
to the 24th of October 1776, under the command of His Excellency the Honorable William Howe, General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces, &ca, &ca, &ca
See map -
A survey of Lake Champlain, from Crown Point to Windmil Point, and from thence to St. Iohns
A survey of Lake Champlain including Crown Point and St. Iohn's
on which is fixed the line of forty five degrees north lattit. terminating the boundarys betwe[e]n the provinces of Quebec and New York agre[e]able to his Majesty's proclamation done by order and instruction of the Honourable James Murray, esqr., Gov
See map -
Survey of lot no. 121 in district no.7
Survey of region embraced by Somerset, Bedford, and Fulton Counties and including Cumberland, Md.
A survey of the city of Philadelphia and its environs
shewing the several works constructed by His Majesty's troops, under the command of Sir William Howe, since their possession of that city 26th. September 1777, comprehending likewise the attacks against Fort Mifflin on Mud Island, and until it's redu
See map -
Susquehanna & Sinnemahoning
Taking of Savannah in Dec. 1778
Taking of Savannah in Dec. 1778
A Temporary project for a star redout [sic] to contain 150 men
Territory of Columbia
This is not given as an accurate map, but only to afford an idea of the progress of the army from the landing at Elk to the taking of possession of Philadelphia
The brown lines are the supposed marches of the rebels
See map -
This map of Kentucke
Thomas Hutchins' land grant and map to 2000 acres in West Florida
Three maps [i.e. map on 3 sheets] of northern New Jersey, with reference to the boundary between New York and New Jersey
Ticonderoga as it was in 1759
To the Hone. Jno. Hancock, Esqre. president of ye Continental Congress, this map of the seat of civil war in America, is respectfully inscribed by his most obedient humble servant, B. Romans
A tracing relating to Fort Washington or Knyphausen
A trader's map of the Ohio country before 1753
Tybee Island
Unfinished draught for a topographical map of the northern part of New York Island
Venango Co
A view from the south eastward of Halifax Harbor ; Appearance of the shore at three miles off four or five leagues to the eastward of Halifax Harbor ; A view taken 4 miles off shore, Halifax Harbor bearing north ; Sambro light-house, bearing west 1 1
A view from the south eastward of Halifax Harbor ; Appearance of the shore at three miles off four or five leagues to the eastward of Halifax Harbor ; A view taken 4 miles off shore, Halifax Harbor bearing north ; Sambro light-house, bearing west 1 1
View of Cape Egmont and Winter Rock from the eastward ; Entrance of Egmont Harbor ; The entrance of Keppel Harbor ... ; Falls of Hinchinbroke River ... ; The entrance into Chisetcook Inlet ... ; Dartmouth shore in the harbor of Halifax
View of Cape Egmont and Winter Rock from the eastward ; Entrance of Egmont Harbor ; The entrance of Keppel Harbor ... ; Falls of Hinchinbroke River ... ; The entrance into Chisetcook Inlet ... ; Dartmouth shore in the harbor of Halifax
A view of Partridge Island, from the west
A view of Partridge Island, from the west
View of the entrance into Annapolis Bason ; View of the north entrance of Grand Passage ; View of Eden and Gascoyne Rivers ... ; View of Annapolis Royal ; View of the north entrance of Petit Passage
A view of the entrance of Petit Passage ; Grand Passage in the Bay Fundy, on the western shore of Nova Scotia
A view of the town & harbour of Halifax, from Dartmouth shore
Ville, port, et rade de Baltimore dans le Maryland
W. Br. Pine Cr
W. Su[q.?] Cr., Bradford Co
West Point
surveyed a coup d'oeil the 24th October, laid down the 27th October 1783
See map -
West Point
Westchester County coast, New Rochelle to Horseneck River: unfinished
White Haven
White Haven
White Haven
White Haven
White Islands Harbour ; Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
White Islands Harbour ; Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
White Islands Harbour ; Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
The Wolves, a cluster of isles lying s.e. near 3 leagues from Pasamaquady Bay ... ; Grand Manan Island ... ; A view of the shore westward of the river St. John ; A view of the coast at the entrance of the river St. John ... ; A view of the entrance o
The Wolves, (a cluster of isles) lying s.e. off the entrance of Passamaquadi Bay ; Grand Manan Island ... ; View of the shore westward of St. John's River ...
York en Virginie, 1781
Carte des environs d'York avec les attaques à la position des Armées francaise et americaine devant cette place
See map