These maps were etched into plates by skilled artisans, allowing them to be printed multiple times, published, and sold widely.
Image: detail from William Faden, A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, 1776
An accurate map of North America
describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions on this great continent : according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763 : also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several European prin
See map -
An accurate map of North America
An accurate map of North America
Describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions of this great continent; according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763. Also all the West India Islands belonging to and possessed by the several European princes
See map -
An accurate map of North America
describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions of this great continent; according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feby. 1763 : also all the West India Islands belonging to and possessed by the several European prince
See map -
An accurate map of North America
describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French dominions on this great continent : according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th Feb. 1763 : also all the West India Islands belonging to, and possessed by the several Europe
See map -
An accurate map of Rhode Island, part of Connecticut and Massachusets, shewing Admiral Arbuthnot's station in blocking up Admiral Ternay
An accurate map of Rhode Island, part of Connecticut and Massachusets, shewing Admiral Arbuthnot's station in blocking up Admiral Ternay
An accurate map of Staten Island
with that part of New York, Long Island and the Jerseys, which is the rendesvous of the two grand armies, and the supposed present seat of action
See map -
An accurate map of the British Empire in Nth. America as settled by the preliminaries in 1762
An accurate map of the British, French & Spanish settlements in Nth. America and the West Indies
as stipulated by the preliminary articles of peace sign'd at Fontainebleau by the ministers of Great Britain, France & Spain, Novr. 3d, 1762
See map -
An accurate map of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts exclusive of the district of Maine
compiled pursuant to an Act of the General Court from actual surveys of the several towns, etc. taken by their order exhibiting the boundary lines of the Commonwealth, the counties and towns, the principal roads, rivers, mountains, mines, islands, ro
See map -
An accurate map, of the District of Maine
being part of the commonwealth of Massachusetts
See map -
An accurate map of the English colonies in North America, bordering on the river Ohio
An Accurate map of the present seat of war between Great-Britain and her colonies in North America
An accurate map of the United States of America
according to the Treaty of Peace of 1783
See map -
An Accurate map of the United States of America.
According to the Treaty of Peace of 1783
See map -
An accurate map of the United States of America, with part of the surrounding provinces agreeable to the Treaty of Peace of 1783
An accurate map of the West Indies,
containing the Bahama & Carribe islands, the Great & Little Antilles, with the Leward and Windward Islands & part of the American continent
See map -
An accurate map of the West Indies
An Accurate map of the West Indies, with the adjacent coast
An accurate map of the West Indies with the adjacent coast of America
An Accurate map of the West Indies with the adjacent coast of America. 1796
An accurate plan of the town of Boston and its vicinity
exhibiting a ground plan of all the streets, lanes, alleys, wharves, and public buildings in Boston, with the names and description thereof, likewise all the flats and channels between Boston and Charlestown, Cambridge, Roxbury & Dorchester with the
See map -
Acurate charte von Nord-America
aus dem besten quellen
See map -
Allgemeine charte von Nord America als den sitz des krieges zwischen den Konigl. Engl. truppen u:den provinzialen
L'America secondo leultime osservazioni divisa né suoistati principali
America Septentrionalis
concinnata juxta observationes Dnn Academiae Regalis Scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum, et juxta annotationes recentissimas
See map -
America Septentrionalis
a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nune in Anglia Coloniss in Interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notisque geographicis et historicis illustrata et ad bellum praesentis temporis accomodata sumptibus Homannianorum Heredum No
See map -
America Septentrionalis a Domino d'Anville in Galliis edita nunc in Anglia
Coloniis in interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non Fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notisque geographicis et historicis illustrata
See map -
America settentrionale divisa ne' suoi principali stati
The American Atlas or, A Geographical Description of the whole continent of America
wherein are delineated at large, its several regions, countries, states, and islands, and chiefly the British colonies
See map -
divisée en ses principaux etats, assujetie aux observations astronomiqes
See map -
suivant le R.P. Charlevoix Jte., Mr. de la Condamine, et plusieurs autres nouvle. observations
See map -
L'Amerique divisée en septentrionale et méridionale, subdivisée en ses principales parties, dressée sur les relations les plus récentes
L'Amerique divisée en ses principaux États
Amérique ou Indes Occidentales, avec les nouvelles découvertes du Capit'e Cook, depuis le Détroit de Behrings ou du Nord, dans l'Océan Pacifique du Nord et Sud
Amerique Septentrionale
Amérique septentrionale
Amérique Septentrionale
dressée sur les relations les plus modernes des voyageurs et navigateurs, et divisée suivant les differentes possessions des Européens
See map -
L'Amerique Septentrionale
L'Amérique Septentrionale
L'Amérique septentrionale
Amérique septentrionale avec les routes, distances en miles, limites et etablissements françois et anglois
Amérique septentrionale avec les routes, distances en miles, villages, et etablissements François et Anglois
Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties
Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties
Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties, ou sont distingués les vns des autres les estats suivant qu'il appartiennent presentemet aux François, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois
tirée des relations de toutes ces nations
See map -
Amérique Septentrionale dressée sur les relations les plus modernes des voyageurs et navigateurs, ou se remarquent les Etats Unis
publiée en 1750 et corrigée en 1783
See map -
Amérique Septentrionale publiée sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans prémier prince du sang
L'Amérique Septentrionale divisée en ses principaux états
L'Amerique Septentrionale, ou se remarquent les Etats Unis
Amplissima regionis Mississipi
seu provinciae Ludoviciana à R.P. Ludovico Hennepin Francise Miss. in America Septentrionali anno 1687 detectae, nunc gallorum coloniis et actionum negotiis toto orbe celeberrimae
See map -
The Ancient Tegesta, now promontory of East Florida
Annapolis Royal ...
Annapolis Royal ; St. Mary's Bay
Appearance of the land from the White Islands to St. Marys River taken two leagues off shore
The entrance of Milford Haven at the head of Chedabucto Bay ; The entrance of Port Bickerton bearing N.W. ; A view taken off the entrance of Beaver Harbor Bald Isle bearing E. 15? N. ; A view taken in the offing of Beaver Harbor Bald Isle bearing W.
See map -
Armée de Rochambeau, 1782
Carte des environs de Williamsburg en Virginie où les armées françoise et américaine ont campés en Septembre 1781
See map -
Atlantic Neptune [front matter]
An authentic plan of the River St. Laurence, from Sillery to the Fall of Montmerenci
with the operations of the Siege of Quebec, under the command of Vice-Adml. Saunders & Majr. Genl. Wolfe, down to the 5 Sepr. 1759
See map -
Bahía y ciudad de Bayaha, o Puerto del Delfin, en la Isla de Santo Domingo
Barrington Bay
Barrington Bay
Barrington Bay
Bay of Chaleurs
[Bay of Seven Islands]
Baye de Chesapeake en 4 feuilles avec les bas fonds, passes, entrées, sondes et routes ou l'on donne les parties navigables des rivieres Patowmack, Patapsco, et Nord-Est
d'après les dessins de navigateurs experimentés, principalt. d'après A. Smith, pilot de St. Marys ; comparé avec les nouvelles levées de Virginie et Maryland ; publié à Londres en Juillet 1776 ; traduit de l'Anglais
See map -
Baye et port de Boston
Baye et port d'Yorc, capitale de la Nouvelle Yorc
Boston, seen between Castle Williams and Governor's Island, distant 4 miles
Appearance of the high lands of Agameticus, N.E. with Penobscot Hills, to the eastwards, at 3 to 4 leagues off shore ; Boston Bay, the light house bearing N.W.b.W distant one league ; The entrance of Boston Harbor
See map -
Bowles's map of the seat of war in New England, comprehending the provinces of Massachusets Bay, and New Hampshire
with the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island ; divided into counties and townships ; together with an accurate plan of the town, harbour & environs of Boston
See map -
Bowles's new and accurate map of North America and the West Indies
exhibiting the extent and boundaries of the United States, the British dominions, and territories possessed in that quarter by the Spaniards, the French, and other European powers ; the whole compiled and laid down from the best authorities, regulate
See map -
Bowles's new one-sheet map of the independent states of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pensylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, &c. comprehending also the habitations & hunting countries of the confederate Indians
Bowles's new pocket map of the most inhabited part of New England
comprehending the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire; with the colonies of Connecticut & Rhode Island; divided into their counties, townships, &c. together with an accurate plan of the town, harbour and environs of Boston
See map -
See map -
British colonies in North America
drawn from the best authorities
See map -
British dominions in America, drawn from the latest and best authorities
The British governments in Nth. America
laid down agreeable to the proclamation of Octr. 7, 1763
See map -
[Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound]
[Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound]
Canada, Louisiane et terres angloises
Canada, Louisiane et terres angloises
Canada, Louisiane et terres angloises
Canso Harbor
Canso Harbor
Cape Blowmedown
Cape Split ; Spencers Island and the entrance to Mines Bason ; Ile Haut and Cape Chegnecto
See map -
Cape Blowmedown ; Cape Split ; Spencers Island and the entrance of Mines Bason ; Isle Haut and Cape Chegnecto
Cape Blowmedown ; Cape Split ; The entrance of Mines Bason ; Isle Haut and Cape Chegnecto
Cape Fear River, with the counties adjacent, and the towns of Brunswick and Wilmington, against which Lord Cornwallis, detached a part of his army, the 17th of January last
Cape Poge bearing S 52°E, distant 2 miles
Sandy Point bearing W S W distant four miles ; Gay Head bearing N E 1/4 E and Nomansland E 1/4 S ; Gay Head bearing SE distant one mile ; Sankoty Head, bearing S by W, distant 10 miles ; Sankoty Head bearing SW when clear of the shoals distant 4 leag
See map -
Cape Prospect ... Cape Sambro ... ; The high lands of Haspotagoen ... ; The Ovens at the entrance of Lunenburg Bay ; Cape Sable ... The entrance of Barrington Bay ... ; Cape Sable ...
Cape Prospect ... Cape Sambro ... ; The high lands of Haspotagoen ... ; The Ovens at the entrance of Lunenburg Bay ; Cape Sable ... The entrance of Barrington Bay ... ; Cape Sable ...
Cape Prospect bearing N: by E: distant 10 1/2 miles
Cape Sambro ... ; The high lands of Haspotagoen ... ; The Ovens ... ; Cape Sable bearing N.N.W. ... ; The entrance of Barrington Bay ... ; Cape Sable bearing N:E: by N: distant 4 miles
See map -
Cape St. Mary n.e. one mile ; South entrance of Grand Passage ; St. Marys Bay
Carolinae Floridae nec non insularum Bahamensium
cum partibus adjacendibus delineatio ad Exemplar Londinense in lucem edita a Joh. Michael Seligmann Norimbergae Ao. 1755
See map -
The Carolina's with part of Georgia
Caroline méridionale et partie de la Georgie
Carta della Nuova Inghilterra, Nuova Yorc, e Pensilvania
Carta esferica que comprende una parta de las Islas Antillas, las de Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Jamayca y Cuba
con los bancos y canales adyacentes
See map -
Carta rappresentante il porto di Boston
Carte d'Amerique
divisée en ses principaux etats avec les nouvelles decouvertes faites au Nord et dans la Mer du Sud par les plus celebres navigateurs
See map -
Carte de Canada, de la Nouvelle Ecosse et de l'Acadie
d'après les originaux Anglais
See map -
Carte de la baie de Chesapeake et de la partie navigable des rivières, James, York, Patowmack, Patuxen, Patapsco, North-East, Choptank et Pokomack
Carte de la Baye et Riviere de Délaware
contenant une éxacte et entiére description des rivages, criques, havres, sondes, bas-sonds, sables et gissements des marques les plus considérables du pays depuis les Caps James et May jusquà̕ Philadelphie, suivant la carte originale, publiée e
See map -
Carte de la Caroline et Georgie.
Pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages
See map -
Carte de la Caroline et Georgie.
Pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages
See map -
Carte de la Floride, de la Louisiane, et pays voisins.
Pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages
See map -
Carte de la Louisiane et de la Floride
Carte de la Louisiane et des pays voisins
dédiée à M. Rouillé, sécretaire d'État, ayant le Département de la marine
See map -
Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississipi avec les colonies anglaises
Carte de la Louisiane, Maryland, Virginie, Caroline, Georgie, avec une partie de la Floride
Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, comprenant les etats de Massachusets Bay, N. Hamp Shire, Connecticut et Rhode Island
Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, New York, Pensilvanie et Nouveau Jersay suivant les cartes angloises
Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie.
Pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages
See map -
Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie
pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages
See map -
Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey et Pensilvanie
Carte de la Nouvelle York, y-compris les terres cédées du N. Hamp-Shire, sous le nom d'etat de Vermont
Carte de la Pensylvanie et du Nouveau Jersey
Carte de la route des lacs depuis Montréal et St. Jean jusqu'à la Riviere d'Hudson
réduite d'après les meilleures cartes anglais e[s], pour servir aux Essais historiques et politiques sur la révolution de l'Amérique septentrionale
See map -
Carte de la Virginie,
de la Baye Chesapeack, et pays voisins. : Pour servir à l'Histoire générale des voyages. : Tirée des meulleures cartes Angloises
See map -
Carte de la Virginie, du Maryland et de l'etat de Delaware
Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland
Carte de l'Acadie, Isle Royale, et Païs Voisins
pour servir à l'Histoire Générale des voyages
See map -
Carte de l'Amérique septentrionale, 1754
Carte de l'Amérique septentrionale, depuis la baye d'Hudson jusqu'au Mississipi
pour servir aux essais historiques et politiques sur la révolution de cette partie du monde
See map -
Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale depuis le 28 degré de latitude jusqu'au 72
Carte de l'Amérique Septle. pour servir à l'intelligence de la guerre entre les Anglois et les insurgents
Carte de l'Isle de Cuba et des Isles Lucayes
Carte de l'Isle de La Barbade
avec une description geographique de cette isle
See map -
Carte de l'Isle de la Grenade cédée a la Grand Bretagne par le dernier traité de paix
Carte de l'isle de la Jamaïque
Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique
Carte de l'isle de Saint Domingue
Carte de L'Isle de St. Domingue une des Grandes Antilles, Colonies Francoise et Espagnole
Carte des Antilles
Carte des deux Carolines et de la Géorgie
Carte des environs de Boston, capitale de la Nlle. Angleterre en Amerique
Carte des Etats-unis
provinces septentrionales
See map -
Carte des etats-unis
provinces méridionales
See map -
Carte des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, et du cours du Mississippi
rédigée d'après différentes cartes et relations Anglaises et les opérations de la derniere guerre; avec les nouvelles limites générales fixées par les articles préliminaires de paix, signés tant à Paris qu'à Versailles le 30 9bre, 1782 et
See map -
Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique suivant le Traité de Paix de 1783
Carte des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique suivant le Traité de Paix de 1783
Carte des isles Antilles et du Golfe du Mexique
avec la majeure partie de la nouvelle Espagne
See map -
Carte des isles de la Jamaïque et de St. Domingue
Carte des isles situées au nord de St. Domingue
avec les passages pour le retour appellés Debouqemens 1763
See map -
Carte des nouvelles découvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud, tant à l'est de la Siberie et du Kamtchatka, qu'à l'ouest de la Nouvelle France
Carte des pays connus sous le nom de Canada,
dans laquelle sont distinguées les possessions françoises, et angl?
See map -
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale
Carte des possessions angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour servir d'intelligence à la guerre presente traduite de l'Anglois
Carte des possessions des Anglois en Amerique, par rapport à leurs differends avec la France
Carte du Canada et des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale
Carte du Golfe du Mexique et des Isles Antilles
Carte du Golphe du Mexique et des isles Antilles
reduite de la grande carte angloise de Popple
See map -
Carte du havre de Chibucto avec le plan de la ville de Halifax sur la coste de l'Accadia ou Nova Scotia latitude 44° 31ʹ
Carte du Mexique et des Etats Unis d'Amérique, partie meridionale
Carte du théatre de la guerre actuel entre les Anglais et les Treize Colonies Unies de l'Amerique Septentrionale
Carte du théatre de la guerre dans l'Amérique Septentrionale, pendant les années 1775, 76, 77, et 78
où se trouvent les principaux camps avec les différentes places et epoques des batailles qui se sont données pendant ces campagnes
See map -
Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Américains
Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Américains
Carte du theatre de la guerre presente en Amerique
Carte du theatre de la guerre presente en Amerique
Carte du theatre de la guerre presente en Amerique
Carte d'une partie de l'Amérique Septentrionale
Carte d'une partie de l'Amérique Septentrionale pour servir à l'intelligence du mémoire sur les prétentions des Anglois au suiet des limites à regler avec la France dans cette partie du monde
Carte générale de l'Amérique séptentrionale
avec les posséssions Angloises dans cette partie du nouveau monde
See map -
Carte générale des colonies Angloises
dans l'Amérique Septentrionale
See map -
Carte generale des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour l'intelligence de la guerre presente
d'apres des manuscrit anglais par J.B. Nolin geographe. Corrigé, augmenté des indications des principaux évenemens de la guerre avec le tracee des limites pour constituer le traité de paix proposé entre la Couronne de la Grande Bretagne et les E
See map -
Carte generale des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale pour l'intelligence de la guerre presente
d'apres des manuscrit anglais par J.B. Nolin geographe : corrigé, augmenté des indications des principaux évenemens de la guerre avec le tracee des limites pour constituer le traité de paix proposé entre la Couronne de la Grande Bretagne et les
See map -
Carte générale des Etats Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale
renfermant aussi quelques provinces Angloises adjacentes
See map -
Carte génerale des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale
divisée en ses 17 provinces
See map -
Carte generale des treize Etats Unis, de l'Amerique septentrionale
Carte generale des treize Etats Unis, de l'Amerique septentrionale
Carte générale du Canada, de la Louisiane, de la Floride, de la Caroline, de la Virginie, de la Nouvelle Angleterre etc
Carte hydrographique de la baye de la Havane
avec le plan de la ville et de ses forts pour joindre a la Carte de l'isle de Cube
See map -
Carte nouvelle de l'Amérique Angloise contenant tout ce que les Anglois possédent sur le continent de l'Amérique septentrionale savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle Ecosse ou Acadie, les treize provinces unies qui sont
les quatres colonies de la Nouvelle Angleterre
See map -
Carte nouvelle des posséssions angloises en Amérique
dressée pour l'intelligence de la guerre présente et divisée suivant les prétentions des Anglois
See map -
Carte particuliere du havre de Boston
avec les sondes les bancs de Sable, les rochers les Amaies et les autres directions utiles à la navigation
See map -
Carte réduite de l'isle de Cube
Carte reduite des costes orientales de l'Amerique septentrionale
1re. feuille contenant L'Isle Royale, L'Accadie, La Baye Françoise, La Nouvelle Angleterre et La Nouvelle Yorc
See map -
Castle William
A view of New Castle with the Fort and light house on the entrance of the Pisquataqua River
See map -
Charles-town, capitale de la Caroline
Charlotte Bay
Charlotte Bay
Chart for the journal of Mr. le Mquis. de Chastellux
Chart from New York to Timber Island including Nantucket Shoals
Chart from New York to Timber Island including Nantucket shoals
Chart from New York to Timber Island including Nantucket shoals
A chart of Boston Bay and vicinity
A chart of Cape Breton and St. John's Islands &c. in the gulph of St. Lawrence
A chart of Delawar Bay, with soundings and nautical observations
A chart of Delawar River from Bombay Hook to Ridley Creek, with soundings &c taken by Lt. Knight of the Navy
A chart of Delaware Bay and River, containing a full and exact description of the shores, creeks, harbours, soundings, shoals, sands, and bearings of the most considerable land marks, from the capes to Philadelphia
A chart of Montego Bay on the north west shore of the island of Jamaica
Port Antonio on the north east shore of the island of Jamaica
See map -
[Chart of Nantucket Island and the eastern half of Martha's Vineyard]
A chart of New York Harbour with the soundings views of land marks and nautical directions
for the use of pilotage
See map -
A chart of Nova Scotia
A chart of Nova Scotia
Chart of Plymouth Bay
Chart of Plymouth Bay
Chart of Plymouth Bay
A chart of Port Royal and Kingston Harbours, in the island of Jamaica
A chart of the Atlantic Ocean
its islands and the adjacent continents: In which the British Dominions in Europe and America, the West Indies, and on the African coast are seen at one view: The distances and superficial dimensions retaining every where very nearly their just propo
See map -
Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland, drawn from a great number of hydrographical surveys, these charts are followed, according to them executed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty in England
A chart of the bay and harbour of Pensacola in the Province of West Florida
Chart of the coast of America from Albermarle Sound to Cape Lookout
Chart of the coast of America from Cape Fear to Cape Look Out
Chart of the coast of America from Cape Fear to Helens Sound
Chart of the coast of America from Cape Henry to Albermarle Sound
Chart of the coast of America from St. Hellens Sound [to] St. Johns River
Chart of the coast of America from the Nd. of St. Augustin to Ayes Inlet
A chart of the coast of America from Wood Island to Good Harbour from Hollands surveys
A chart of the Coast of America from Wood Island to Good Harbour from Hollands surveys
Chart of the coast of America thro' the Gulph of Florida
Chart of the coast of America through the Gulph of Florida to the entrance of the Gulph of Mexico
[Chart of the coast of Georgia]
A chart of the coast of New England, from Beverly to Scituate harbour, including the ports of Boston and Salem
A chart of the coast of New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, &c
[Chart of the coast of Quebec from the Riviere St. Jean to Grand Hermine Bay]
Chart of the entrance of Hudson's River, from Sandy Hook to New York, with the banks, depths of water, sailing-marks, & ca
[Chart of the gulf and river of St. Lawrence]
[Chart of the Gulf Stream]
A chart of the gulf stream
A chart of the harbour of Boston
A chart of the harbour of Boston
A chart of the harbour of Boston
A chart of the Harbour of Boston, with the soundings, sailing-marks, and other directions
A chart of the Harbour of Boston, with the soundings, sailing-marks, and other directions
A chart of the harbour of Rhode Island and Narraganset Bay
A chart of the island of Cape Breton
A chart of the N.E. coast of Cape Breton Island, from St. Ann Bay to Cape Morien
Chart of the South End of East Florida and Martiers
Charte über die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America
Charts of several harbours, and divers parts of the coast of North America, from New York south westwards to the Gulph of Mexico
Charts of the coast and harbors of New England
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
[Chignecto Bay and vicinity]
A chorographical map, of the country, round Philadelphia =
carte particuliere, des environs de Philadelphie
See map -
A chorographical map of the northern department of North-America
A chorographical map of the Province of New-York in North America, divided into counties, manors, patents and townships
exhibiting likewise all the private grants of land made and located in that Province
See map -
The coast of a part of New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, and part of North Carolina &c. with the banks, roks, soundings, shoals, currents, & nautical remarks, composed from a great number of actual surveys and other
The coast of a part of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and part of East Florida, with the bays, soundings, banks, roks, shoals, currents, and other nautical remarks, correctet and improved from the original materials and the latest actual sur
[Coast of Maine from Frenchman Bay to Mosquito Harbor]
Coast of Maine from Frenchman Bay to Mosquito Harbor
Coast of Maine from Moose Cove to Gouldsboro Bay
Coast of Maine from Moose Cove to Gouldsboro Bay
Coast of Maine from Mosquito Head to Spurwink River
Coast of Maine from Mosquito Head to Spurwink River
Coast of Maine from Rockland Harbor to Pemaquid Point
Coast of Maine from Rockland Harbor to Pemaquid Point
Coast of Maine from Salter Island to Portland Head
Coast of Maine from Salter Island to Portland Head
Coast of Maine showing Blue Hill Bay, Penobscot Bay, Belfast Bay, Islesboro Island, Deer Island, and other islands
Coast of Maine showing Blue Hill Bay, Penobscot Bay, Belfast Bay, Islesboro Island, Deer Island, and other islands
Coast of Maine showing entrances of Blue Hill Bay, Isle of Haut Bay, and Penobscot Bay, with Owls Head, Vinalhaven Island, Isle au Haut, and other islands
Coast of Maine showing entrances of Blue Hill Bay, Isle of Haut Bay, and Penobscot Bay, with Owls Head, Vinalhaven Island, Isle au Haut, and other islands
Coast of Massachusetts from Cape Ann to Manomet Point, including northern tip of Cape Cod
Coast of Massachusetts from Cape Ann to Manomet Point, including northern tip of Cape Cod
The coast of New England
The coast of New England
The coast of New England
Coast of New England from Cape Elizabeth, Me. to Newburyport, Mass.
Coast of New England from Cape Elizabeth, Me. to Newburyport, Mass.
[Coast of New England from Chatham Harbor to Naragansett Bay]
[Coast of New England from Chatham Harbor to Naragansett Bay]
[Coast of New England from York Harbor to North Beach]
Coast of New Hampshire and Massachusetts from Great Boars Head to Marblehead Harbor
Coast of New Hampshire and Massachusetts from Great Boars Head to Marblehead Harbor
The coast of New Schotland, New England, the gulph and river of St. Laurence
the islands of New Foundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Anticosti, and soundings thereof, these charts are followed, according to them executed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty in England
See map -
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
The coast of Nova Scotia, New England, New-York, Jersey, the Gulph and River of St. Lawrence : the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, St. John, Antecosty, Sable, &c, and soundings thereof ...
[Coast of Rhode Island and Long Island from Narragansett Bay to Peconic Bay]
The coast of West Florida and Louisiana
A compleat map of North-Carolina from an actual survey
Connecticut and parts adjacent
Connecticut and parts adjacent
Connecticut from the best authorities
Connecticut from the best authorities
Conway Harbour
A Correct chart of the West India islands
engraved for Malham's naval gazetteer
See map -
A correct map of Connecticut from actual survey
A correct map of the coast of New England
A correct map of the state of Vermont from actual survey;
exhibiting the county andtown lines, rivers, lakes, ponds
See map -
A correct map of the United States of North America.
Including the British and Spanish territories, carefully laid down agreeable to the Treaty of 1784
See map -
A correct plan of the environs of Quebec, and of the battle fought on the 13th September, 1759
together with a particular detail of the French lines and batteries, and also of the encampments, batteries and attacks of the British army, and the investiture of that city under the command of Vice Admiral Saunders, Major General Wolfe, Brigadier G
See map -
Course of the river Mississipi, from the Balise to Fort Chartres
taken on an expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the year 1765
See map -
Crow Harbor, on the south shore of Chedabuctou Bay
Crow Harbour
on the south shore of Chedabuctou Bay
See map -
Crown Point
sonst Fort St. Frederic, am See Champlain in Neu England
See map -
Curious enigmatical epitaphs
Delaware, from the best authorities
La destruction de la statue royale a Nouvelle Yorck
Domina Anglorum in America Septentrionali specialibus mappis Londini primum a Mollio edita, nunc recusa ab Homannianis Hered
Dominia anglorum in præcipuis insulis Americæ ut sunt insula
S. Christophori, Antegoa, Iamaica, Barbados : nec non insulae Bermudes vel Sommers dictae
See map -
Dominica from an actual survey compleated in the year 1773
La Dominique située entre La Martinique et La Guadeloupe
conquise par M. le Mis. de Bouillé Marechal des camps et armées du Roi, le 7 Septembre 1778
See map -
A draught of the harbour of Hallifax and the adjacent coast in Nova Scotia
The Dutch islands of St. Eustatia, Saba, and St. Martins ; the French island of St. Bartholomew ; the English islands of St. Christophers, Nevis, and Anguilla ; with the smaller islands and keys adjoining
Egmont Harbor
Egmont Harbor
[Ein grund-riss von der Festung Duquessne wie sie ausgesehen hat, ehe sie die Frankosen zerstoren aben, und zum theil noch aussiehet]
The English pilot. The fourth book. Describing the West-India navigation, from Hudson's-Bay to the River Amazones. Particulary delineating the sea-coasts, capes, head-lands rivers, bays, roads, havens, harbours, straits, rocks, sands, shoals, banks,
Environs de Leogane et du Port Au Prince dans l'Isle de St. Domingue
The environs of Fort Cumberland in the Bay of Fundy
[Environs of Philadelphia]
An Exact map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey,
from the latest surveys
See map -
An exact map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey, from the latest surveys
An exact map of New Jersey, Pensylvania [sic], New York, Maryland & Virginia, from the latest surveys
An exact map of North America
from the best authorities
See map -
An Exact map of the province of Quebec with part of New York & New England from the latest surveys
Exact plan of General Gage's lines on Boston Neck in America
Extract from a map of the British and French dominions in North America
Falmouth Harbour
Falmouth Harbour
Florida from the latest authorities
Frederick Bay ...
Ramsheg Harbour ... Pictou Harbour ... Port Luttrell
See map -
Die gegend um Boston
A general map of North America
in which is express'd the several new roads, forts, engagements, &c, taken from actual surveys and observations made in the army employ'd there, from the years 1754, to 1761
See map -
A General map of North America;
from the latest observations
See map -
A General map of North America
A general map of North America
A general map of the middle British colonies, in America
viz Virginia, Màriland, Dèlaware, Pensilvania, New-Jersey, New-York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island : of Aquanishuonîgy, the country of the Confederate Indians ; comprehending Aquanishounigy proper, their place of residence, Ohio and Tiuuxsoxruntie, t
See map -
A general map of the middle British colonies, in America
containing Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware counties, Pennsylvania and New Jersey : with the addition of New York, and the greatest part of New England, as also of the bordering parts of the province of Quebec, improved from several surveys made afte
See map -
A general map of the northern British Colonies in America
which comprehends the province of Quebec, the government of Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia, New-England and New-York
See map -
A general map of the northern British colonies in America
which comprehends the province of Quebec, the government of Newfoundland, Nova-Scotia, New-England and New-York
See map -
A general map of the southern British colonies in America comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, with the neighbouring Indian countries
From the modern surveys of engineer de Brahm, Capt. Collet, Mouzon & others; and from the large hydrographical survey of the coasts of East and West Florida
See map -
Generalkarte von Nord America samt den Westindischen inseln
Georgia from the latest authorities
Georgia, from the latest authorities
Les grandes et petites isles Antilles, et les isles Lucayes avec une partie de la mer du Nord
Grundriss der stadt Philadelphia
Grundriss des nördlichen theils der Neujorks Insel
nebst den am 16. Novbr. 1776. eroberten Fort Washington nun das Fort Knÿphausen genannt und dem Fort Lee
See map -
Grundriss von der stadt Boston und ihren gegenden
Grundriss von der Stadt Boston und ihren Gegenden
Guadaloupe, done from actual surveys and observations of the English
whilst the island was in their possession
See map -
The Gut of Canso
which divides ... cables distance
See map -
Halifax Harbour ... Catch Harbour ...
Halifax Harbour ... Catch Harbour ...
Halifax Harbour ... Catch Harbour ... small vessels only
Harbour and bay of Gaspee
The harbour and part of the town of Havannah
The entrance of Havannah, from within the harbour
See map -
The harbours of Rishibucto & Buctush
on the west shore of the Gulph of St. Lawrence
See map -
Hydrographical map of the Atlantic Ocean, extending from the southermost part of North America to Europe
Shewing the differt. variations of the compass, the setting and changes of the currents in the ocean, as well caused by the Florida commonly called Gulf Stream, than those coming from Baffins Bay and Hudsons Straits, especially the true distance from
See map -
L'Isle de Terre-Neuve, l'Acadie, ou la Nouvelle Ecosse,
l'Isle St. Jean et la partie orientale du Canada
See map -
The isle Haut ...; and Cape Chignecto ... ; The western cliffs of Cape Dore ; A view of Cape Baptist in the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; A view of the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; The isle Haut ... ; Cape Blowmedown, open with Cap
The isle Haut ...; and Cape Chignecto ... ; The western cliffs of Cape Dore ; A view of Cape Baptist in the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; A view of the entrance into the bason of Mines ... ; The isle Haut ... ; Cape Blowmedown, open with Cap
Les Isles Antilles et le Golfe du Méxique
The Isles of Montreal as they have been survey'd by the French engineers
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
The isthmus of Nova Scotia
Jamaica, from the latest surveys
Karte von dem Ostlichen-Stucke von Neu Franckreich oder Canada in America
besonders aber Acadia und Neu Schottland
See map -
Karte von den seen in Canada
Karte von der Insel Montreal und den gegenden umher, nach den manuscripten der karten, grundrisse und tagebücher beÿ der Marine entworfen, von N. Bellin, ingénieur und Hidrographen der Marine, ward von den Englaendern erobert, im August, 1760
Karte von Neu England, Neu Yorck und Pensilvanien
Karte von Neu England, Neu Yorck und Pensilvanien
sur Allgemeinen historie der reisen
See map -
Keppell Harbour
Knowles Harbour ; Tangier Harbour ; Saunder's Harbour ; Deane Harbour
See map -
Keppell Harbour ; Knowles Harbour ; Tangier Harbour ; Saunder's Harbour ; Deane Harbour
King's Bay ...
Kingston, capitale de la Jamaique
bâtie par les Anglois en 1692
See map -
Krigs theatreni i America, 1777 =
seat of war in America, 1777
See map -
LʼAmérique Septentrionale et Méridionale divisée suivant ses différens pays
A large and particular plan of Shegnekto Bay, and the circumjacent country, with the forts and settlements of the French 'till dispossess'd by the English in June 1755
A large and particular plan of Shegnekto Bay, and the circumjacent country, with the forts and settlements of the French 'till dispossess'd by the English in June 1755
Lauff des flusses St. Laurentzi von Quebec bis an den See Ontario
Leith Harbour ...
Prospect Harbour ... Bristol Bay ... Sambro Harbour
See map -
Leith Harbour ; Prospect Harbour ; Bristol Bay ; Sambro Harbour
Leith Harbour ; Prospect Harbour ; Bristol Bay ; Sambro Harbour
Leith Harbour ; Prospect Harbour ; Bristol Bay ; Sambro Harbour
[Lennox Passage region]
Liverpool Bay
Liverpool Bay
The Magdalen Isles in the Gulph of St. Lawrence
A map and chart of those parts of the Bay of Chesapeak, York and James Rivers which are at present the seat of war
A map exhibiting a general view of the roads and inland navigation of Pennsylvania, and part of the adjacent states
Respectfully inscribed to Thomas Mifflin, governor, and the General Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania
See map -
Map for the interior travels through America
delineating the march of the army
See map -
Map for the interior travels through America, delineating the march of the army
A map of 100 miles round Boston
A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with Long Island Sound, &c
A map of East and West Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana, with the islands of Cuba, Bahama, and the countries surrounding the Gulf of Mexico, with the tract of the Spanish galleons, and of our fleets thro' the Straits of Florida, from the best authorit
[Map of Florida, Carolina, and the Gulf Coast]
A Map of forty miles north, thirty miles west, and twentyfive miles south of Boston
including an accurate draft of the harbour and town
See map -
A map of Maryland with the Delaware counties and the southern part of New Jersey &c
A map of Massachusetts, from the best authorities
A Map of New England & ye country adjacent,
extending northward to Quebec, & westward to Niagara, on Lake Ontario; shewing Gen. Shirley and Gen. Johnson's routs, & many places omitted in other maps
See map -
A map of New England, and Nova Scotia
with part of New York, Canada, and New Britain & the adjacent islands of New Found Land, Cape Breton &c
See map -
A map of North America and the West Indies
A Map of North America from the latest discoveries 1798
A map of Philadelphia and parts adjacent
A map of South Carolina and a part of Georgia
Containing the whole sea-coast; all the islands, inlets, rivers, creeks, parishes, townships, boroughs, roads, and bridges: As also, several plantations, with their proper boundary-lines, their names, and the names of their proprietors
See map -
A map of South Carolina and a part of Georgia
containing the whole sea-coast; all the islands, inlets, rivers, creeks, parishes, townships, boroughs, roads, and bridges; as also, several plantations, with their proper boundary-lines, their names, and the names of their proprietors
See map -
[Map of Spanish Louisiana and the American colonies]
[Map of Spanish Louisiana and the American colonies]
A map of such parts of Georgia and South Carolina as tend to illustrate the progress and operations of the British Army, &c
A map of that part of America where a degree of latitude was measured for the Royal Society
A Map of that part of America which was the principal seat of war in 1756
[Map of the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers] ; Franzosische see kusten von Provence zwischen Marseille und Toulon =
Cotes maritimes en Provence entre Marseille et Toulon
See map -
A Map of the British American plantations, extending from Boston in New England to Georgia
including all the back settlements in the respective provinces, as far as the Mississipi
See map -
A map of the British and French dominions in North America
with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements
See map -
A map of the British and French dominions in North America
with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations
See map -
A map of the British and French dominions in North America
with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations
See map -
A map of the British and French dominions in North America, with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements
A map of the British and French dominions in North America with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trad
A Map of the British and French settlements in North America
A Map of the British and French settlements in North America
(part the second) containing part of New York, Pensilvania, New Jersey, Mary Land, Virginia, North & South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and all the countries westward in the same parellels so far as discovered, shewing the course of the Rivers Ohio,
See map -
A Map of the British and French settlements in North America
A map of the British colonies in North America
with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations
See map -
A map of the British colonies in North America
with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, and the other Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade & Plantations
See map -
A Map of the British dominions in North America as settled by the late treaty of Peace 1763
A map of the British empire, in North America
A map of the coast of New England from Staten Island to the island of Breton
A map of the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties & townships, from the best authorities
A map of the colony of Rhode Island
with the adjacent parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, &c
See map -
Map of the commonwealth of Massachusetts exclusive of the district of Maine
compiled pursuant to an act of the General Court from actual surveys of the several towns, &c. Taken by their order
See map -
A Map of the country between Crown Point and Ford Edward
A map of the country between Will's Creek & Monongahela River shewing the rout and encampments of the English army in 1755
A map of the country in which the army under Lt. General Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777
shewing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions
See map -
A map of the country in which the army under Lt. General Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777
shewing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions
See map -
A map of the country in which the army under Lt. General Burgoyne acted in the campaign of 1777
shewing the marches of the army & the places of the principal actions
See map -
A map of the country on the Ohio and Muskingum Rivers
shewing the situation of the Indian towns with respect to the army under the command of Colonel Bouquet
See map -
Map of the District of Maine Massachusetts
compiled from actual surveys made by order of the General Court, and under the inspection of agents of their appointment
See map -
A map of the district of Maine, drawn from the latest surveys and other best authorities
A map of the eastern part of the province of New York with part of New Jersey, & c
A map of the eastern part of the province of New York with part of New Jersey, & c
A map of the English, French, Spanish, Dutch, & Danish Islands, in the West Indies, taken from an improved map of the geographer to the King of France, with the tract of the last West India Fleet, through the Windward Passage
Map of the European settlements in North America
Map of the European settlements in South America and on the western coast of Africa
Map of the European settlements in the West Indies
A Map of the five Great Lakes with part of Pensilvania, New York, Canada, and Hudsons Bay Territories &c
A map of the inhabited part of Canada from the French surveys
with the frontiers of New York and New England from the large survey by Claude Joseph Sauthier
See map -
Map of the island of Martha's Vineyard with its dependencies
Map of the island of Nantucket
A map of the island of St. Domingo
A map of the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique, with part of Dominica and St. Vincents
shewing the two passages between Martinique and St. Lucia, and Martinique and Dominica, to Fort Royal Bay and harbour, the station of the French fleets in the West Indies : and to illustrate the late engagement between Sir Saml. Hood and the Count de
See map -
A map of the middle British colonies in North America
first published by Mr. Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755; and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada; from actual surveys now lying at the Board of Trade
See map -
Map of the middle states of America
drawn from the latest and best authorities
See map -
Map of the middle states of America
comprehends New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the territory N.W. of Ohio
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England
containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
See map -
A map of the most inhabited part of New England, containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships, the whole composed from actual surveys and its si
A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia containing the whole province of Maryland with part of Pensilvania, New Jersey and North Carolina
A Map of the new governments, of East & West Florida
A map of the north west parts of the United States of America
A map of the northern and middle states
comprehending the western territory & the British dominions in North America : from the best authorities
See map -
Map of the northern, or, New England states of America, comprehending Vermont, New Hampshire, District of Main, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut
Map of the northern, or, New England states of America, comprehending Vermont, New Hampshire, District of Main, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut
Map of the northern provinces of the United States
A map of the Oneida Reservation
including the lands leased to Peter Smith
See map -
A Map of the present seat of war in North America
A map of the province of Massachusets Bay and colony of Rhode Island, with part of Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont
A map of the province of Massachusets Bay and colony of Rhode Island, with part of Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont
A map of the Province of New York, with part of Pensilvania, and New England
from an actual survey by Captain Montresor, engineer, 1775
See map -
A map of the Province of New-York
reduc'd from the large drawing of that province, compiled from actual surveys by order of His Excellency William Tryon, Esqr. Captain General & Governor of the same
See map -
Map of the province of West Florida
Map of the province of West Florida
A map of the provinces of New-York and New Jersey, with a part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec
A map of the River Mississippi and territory adjacent to N. Orleans illustrating the military position and camp at Terre au Boeuf
Map of the seat of the late war at Boston in the state of Massachusetts
A Map of the seat of the late war at Boston in the state of Massachusetts
A map of the seat of war in the southern part of Virginia, North Carolina, and the northern part of South Carolina
A map of the several dispositions of the English Fleet & Army on the River St. Laurence to the taking of Quebec
Map of the Southern provinces of the United States
Map of the southern states of America, comprehending Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Territory s'th of the Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee Governm't., South Carolina, & Georgia
A map of the state of Kentucky
A map of the state of Kentucky and the Tennessee government
A map of the state of Pennsylvania
A map of the state of Pennsylvania
A map of the State of Rhode Island
A map of the state of Vermont
A map of the states of New Hampshire and Vermont
A map of the Tennassee Government formerly a part of North Carolina from the latest surveys
A map of the United States
A Map of the United States
Map of the United States exhibiting the post-roads, the situations, connections & distances of the post-offices, stage roads, counties, ports of entry and delivery for foreign vessels, and the principal rivers
A map of the United States of America, as settled by the peace of 1783
A map of the United States of N. America
A map of the United States of North America
drawn from a number of critical researches
See map -
Map of the western parts of the colony of Virginia
A Map of the western parts of the colony of Virginia
MAP of the Western parts of the COLONY of VIRGINIA, as far as the Mississipi
A map of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland
with part of New Jersey &c
See map -
Mapa de America sujecto à las observaciones astronomicas
Mappa geographica Americae Septentrionalis
ad emendatiora exemplaria adhuc edita jussu Acad. reg. scient. et eleg. litt. descripta. pars. II
See map -
Mappa geographica Provinciæ Nova Eboraci ab Anglis New-York
dictæ ex ampliori delineatione ad exactas dimensiones concinnata in arctius spatium redacta cura Claudii Josephi Sauthier cui accedit Nova Jersey ex topographicis observationibus
See map -
The marches of Lord Cornwallis in the Southern Provinces, now states of North America
comprehending the two Carolinas, with Virginia and Maryland, and the Delaware counties
See map -
The marches of Lord Cornwallis in the southern provinces, now states of North America
comprehending the two Carolinas, with Virginia and Maryland, and the Delaware counties
See map -
Mechios River near the mills
a sketch of Mechios mills
See map -
Mechios River near the mills ; A sketch of Mechios mills
Mecklenburgh Bay
Meteorological diary, at Philadelphia, from July 20, to August 20, 1775
Milford Haven
the head of ye Bay ... boats
See map -
Miramichi Bay
Mississipi River, from Iberville to Yazous
Mount Desert Island and neighboring coast of Maine
Mount Desert Island and neighboring coast of Maine
N. America
Nachricht von der belagerung und einnahme der stadt und hafens Charlestown in America
Nautical directions to sail into the harbour of New-York, &c.
Neu Yorck =
La Nouvelle Yorck
See map -
A new & accurate map of Louisiana, with part of Florida and Canada,
and the adjacent countries drawn from surveys assisted by the most approved English & French maps & charts
See map -
A new & accurate map of North America
drawn from the most authentic modern maps and charts
See map -
A New & accurate map of North America,
including the British acquisitions gain'd by the late war, 1763
See map -
A New & accurate map of North America
including the British acquisitions gained by the late war, 1763
See map -
New & accurate map of North America
with the new discovered islands on the north east coast of Asia
See map -
A new & accurate map of the provinces of North & South Carolina Georgia &c
A new & accurate map of the West Indies and the adjacent parts of North & South America
A new & accurate plan of the city of New York in the state of New York in North America
A new & accurate plan of the city of New York in the state of New York in North America
A new and accurate chart (from Captain Holland's surveys) of the North American coast, for the navigation between Cape Cod in New England, and the Havanna in the Gulf of Florida
A new and accurate chart of the harbour of Boston in New England in North America
A new and accurate map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, from the best authorities
A New and accurate map of East and West Florida, drawn from the best authorities
A New and accurate map of New Jersey
from the best authorities
See map -
A new and accurate map of New Jersey, Pensilvania, New York and New England
with the adjacent countries. Drawn from surveys, assisted by the most approved modern maps & charts and regulated by astronomical observations
See map -
A new and accurate map of North America
laid down according to the latest, and most approved observations and discoveries
See map -
A new and accurate map of North America
A new and accurate map of North America
laid down according to the latest, and most approved observations and discoveries
See map -
A new and accurate map of North Carolina, and part of South Carolina, with the field of battle between Earl Cornwalis and General Gates
A new and accurate map of North Carolina in North America
A new and accurate map of Quebec and its boundaries: from a late survey
A New and accurate map of the chief parts of South Carolina, and Georgia
A new and accurate map of the colony of Massachusets Bay, in North America, from a late survey
A new and accurate map of the colony of Massachusets Bay, in North America, from a late survey
A new and accurate map of the English empire in North America
representing their rightful claim as confirmed by charters, and the formal surrender of their Indian friends; likewise the encroachments of the French, with the several forts they have unjustly erected therein
See map -
A new and accurate map of the English empire in North America
representing their rightful claim as confirm'd by charters, and the formal surrender of their Indian friends ; likewise the encroachments of the French, with the several forts they have unjustly erected therein
See map -
A new and accurate map of the English empire in North America
representing their rightful claim as confirm'd by charters, and the formal surrender of their Indian friends : likewise the encroachments of the French, with the several forts they have unjustly erected therein
See map -
A New and accurate map of the present seat of war in North America
comprehending New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, New-York, &c
See map -
A New and accurate map of the present seat of war in North America
comprehending New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, New-York, &c
See map -
A new and accurate map of the present seat of war in North America
from a late survey
See map -
A new and accurate map of the present seat of war in North America
A New and accurate map of the present seat of war in North America, comprehending New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, New-York, &c
A new and accurate map of the present war in North America
A New and accurate map of the province of Georgia in North America
A new and accurate map of the province of New York and part of the Jerseys, New England and Canada, shewing the scenes of our military operations during the present war
also the new erected state of Vermont
See map -
A new and accurate map of the province of Pennsylvania in North America, from the best authorities
A New and accurate map of the province of South Carolina in North America
A new and accurate map of the province of Virginia in North America
A New and accurate map of Virginia
and part of Maryland and Pennsylvania
See map -
A new and accurate plan of the town of Boston in New England
A new plan of Boston Harbor from an actual survey
See map -
A new and complete map of the West Indies
comprehending all the coasts and islands known by that name
See map -
A new and correct chart of the coast of East Florida, and part of West Florida and Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Florida or Cannel of Bahama, Bahama Islands or Lucayos, Bahama Banks and Martyrs, with the soundings, roks, banks, currents, shoals & nautical
A new and correct map of North America
in which the places of the principal engagements during the present war are accurately inserted
See map -
A new and correct map of North America
in which the places of the principal engagements during the present war are accurately inserted
See map -
A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands
divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 20th of Jan. 1783 wherein are particularly distinguished the Thirteen Provinces wich [sic] compose the United States of North America
See map -
A new and correct map of North America with the West India Islands
divided according to the last treaty of peace, concluded at Paris, 10th Feby. 1763 ; wherein are particularly distinguished, the several provinces and colonies, which compose the British Empire
See map -
A new and correct map of North America, with the West India Islands
divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 20th of Jan. 1783 wherein are particularly distinguished the Thirteen Provinces wich [sic] compose the United States of North America
See map -
A new and correct map of North America, with the West India islands, divided according to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20 Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, & the several provinces and col
laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials, of Goverr. Pownall, membr. of Parliamt. 1783
See map -
A new and correct map of the American islands, now called the West Indies,
with the whole coast of the neighbouring continent
See map -
A New and correct map of the British colonies in North America comprehending eastern Canada with the province of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Government of Newfoundland
with the adjacent states of New England, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey
See map -
A new and correct map of the coast of Africa, from Sta. Cruz lat. 30 north. to the coast of Angola lat 11. S. with explanatory notes of all the forts and settlements belonging to the several European powers
A new and correct map, of the country in which the Army, under Lt. Gl. Burgoyne acted in 1777, shewing all the places where the principal actions happened
as taken by an Officer of Distinction
See map -
A new and correct plan of the town of Boston
A new and correct plan of the town of Boston
A new and general map of the middle dominions belonging to the United States of America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware-counties, Pennsylvania, New Jersey &c. with the addition of New York, & of the greatest part of New England &c as also of t
A new and general map of the Southern dominions belonging to the United States of America, viz North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
with the bordering Indian countries, and the Spanish possessions of Louisiana and Florida
See map -
A new and improved chart of the West India or Carribbee [sic] Islands
A new chart of America
with the harbors, of Port Royal and Savannah &c
See map -
A new chart of the coast of New England, Nova Scotia, and the islands of St. Iohn, Cape Breton, Sable, the banks of St. Peters, Mizen, Banquereau, Porpoise, Middle, Sable Island, Browns, Cape Sable, Iefferys, and with part of St. Georges Bank
A new chart of the coast of New England, Nova Scotia, and the islands of St. John, Cape Breton, Sable, the banks of St. Peters, Mizen, Banquereau, Porpoise, Middle Sable Island, Browns, Cape Sable, Jefferys, and with part of St. Georges Bank ; these
A new chart of the coast of North America
from New York to Cape Hatteras, including the bays of Delaware and Chesapeak, with the coasts of New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and part of the coast of North Carolina
See map -
A new chart of the seas surrounding the island of Cuba, with the soundings, currents, ships, courses &c. and a map of the island itself lately made by an officer in the Navy
A new chart of the vast Atlantic Ocean
A new chart of the vast Atlantic or Western Ocean including the sea coast of Europe, Africa, America, and the West India Islands with the banks, shoals, rocks & course of sailing from one continent to the other, laid down from the latest discoveries
A new chart of the West Indies including the Florida Gulf and Stream
New Engelland, New York, New Yersey und Pensilvania
New Hampshire
New Hampshire, Vermont, &c
A new map of North America
with the British, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish dominions on that great continent, and the West India Islands, according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris 10th February 1763
See map -
A New map of North America
with the West India Islands. : Divided according to the preliminary articles of Peace, signed at Versailles, 20 Jan. 1783. Wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provinces, governments &ca. : Which compose the Briti
See map -
A new map of North America
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries
A new map of North America from the latest discoveries
A new map of North America wherein the British Dominions in the continent of North America
and on the islands of the West Indies, are carefully laid down from all the surveys, hitherto made; and the boundaries of the new governments, as well as the other provinces are shewn. Also extracts from the definitive Treaty of Peace in 1763, relati
See map -
A New map of North America with the West India Islands
divided according to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20, Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provinces, governments & ca which compose the British Dominions, laid down accordin
See map -
A New map of North America with the West India Islands
divided according to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20. Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States and the several provinces, governments & ca. which compose the British Dominions, laid down accordin
See map -
A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island
with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada composed from a great number of actual surveys; and other materials regulated by many new astronomical observations of the longitude as well as latitude
See map -
A new map of Nova Scotia, and Cape Britain
with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada, composed from a great number of actual surveys; and other materials regulated by many new astronomical observations of the longitude as well as latitude ; with an explanation
See map -
A new map of the British colonies in North America, shewing the seat of the present war, taken from the best surveys, compared with and improved from manuscripts of several noblemen and gentlemen
A new map of the British colonies in North America, shewing the seat of the present war, taken from the best surveys, compared with and improved from manuscripts of several noblemen and gentlemen
A new map of the British empire in Nth. America
A new map of the District of Maine
taken from the original map compiled by Osgood Carleton Esqr. : From the actual surveys that were made by an act of the General Court with additions corrections & improvements
See map -
A new map of the most considerable plantations of the English in America
A new map of the only useful and frequented part of New Found Land
A New map of the province of Maryland in North America
A new map of the Province of Quebec, according to the Royal Proclamation, of the 7th of October 1763
from the French surveys connected with those made after the war
See map -
A new map of the province of Quebec in North America, drawn from the best authorities
A new map of the River Mississipi from the sea to Bayagoulas
A new map of the United States of North America with the British dominions on that continent &c
A new map of the West Indian islands;
as they are possessed by the European powers; drawn from the most recent authorities
See map -
A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina
comprehending the river Ohio, and all the rivers, which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan &c. and all the country bordering on these lakes and rivers
See map -
A New map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies.
Wherein are exactly described the United States of North America as well as the several European possessions according to the preliminaries of peace signed at Versailles Jan. 20, 1783
See map -
A New map of the whole continent of America, divided into North and South and West Indies.
With a descriptive account of the European possessions as settled by the difinitive treaty of peace at Paris Feby. 10th 1763
See map -
A new map of Virginia from the best authorities
A new mapp of the island of St. Christophers
A new plan of ye great town of Boston in New England in America, with the many additionall [sic] buildings, & new streets, to the year, 1769
Nieuwe kaart van de Grootbrittannische volkplantingen in Noord America
waar in tevens de Fransche bezittingen en de Landen, tusschen die beide volken in geschil staande en de wederzydsche pretensien duidelyk aangewezen worden
See map -
North America
North America
North America
North America.
Performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, first prince of the blood
See map -
North America,
as divided amongst the European powers
See map -
North America
North America
North America, agreeable to the most approved maps and charts
North America, as divided amongst the European powers
North America, drawn from the best authorities
North America drawn from the latest and best authorities
North America from the French of Mr. D'Anville, improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio, illustrated with geographical and historical remarks
North America from the French of Mr. D'Anville, improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio, illustrated with geographical and historical remarks
North Carolina form the best authorities. 1800
[North east coast of Nova Scotia and Northumberland Strait]
[North east coast of Nova Scotia and Northumberland Strait]
The north point of Grandmanan Island in the bay Fundy bearing e.n.e distant two leagues ; A view of Campo Bello at the entrance of Passamaquady Bay
Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada, et les Etats Unis
Nova tabula geographica complectens borealiorem Americae partem
in qua exacte delineatae sunt Canada sive Nova Francia, Nova Scotia, Nova Anglia, Novum Belgium, Pensylvania, Virginia, Carolina, et Terra Nova, cum omnibus littorum pulvinorumque profunditatibus
See map -
Nth. America
A New map of the Cherokee nation
with the names of the towns & rivers they are situated on No. lat from 34 to 36
See map -
Oyster Bay and Huntington
Part of North America
comprehending the course of Ohio, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina & Georgia
See map -
Part of the counties of Charlotte and Albany, in the Province of New York
being the seat of war between the King's forces under Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne and the rebel army
See map -
Partie de la carte du Capitaine Cluny, auteur d'un ouvrage anglois intitulé American Traveller publié à Londres en 1769
Partie de la mer du Nord, où se trouvent les grandes et petites isles Antilles, et les isles Lucayes
Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale,
qui comprend le cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle. York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la Caroline
See map -
Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, qui comprend le Canada, la Louisiane, le Labrador, le Groenland, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Floride, &c
Partie de l'Amérique septentrionale, qui comprend le cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la Caroline
La partie Francoise de l'isle de Saint Domingue
Partie occidentale de la Virginie, Pensylvanie, Maryland, et Caroline septle. la Rivière d'Ohio, et toutes celles qui s'y jettent, partie de la Rivière Mississippi, tout le cours de la rivière des Illinois, le Lac Erie, partie des Lacs Huron et Mi
Partie occidentale du Canada,
contenant les cinq Grands Lacs, avec les pays circonvoisins
See map -
Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada
avec l'isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse, Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec fleuve de St. Laurence
See map -
Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada
Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada
Partie orientale du Canada, avec la Nouvelle Angleterre, l'Acadie, et la Terre-Neuve
Partie septentrionale des possessions angloise en Amérique
pour servire d'intelligence à la guerre présente entre les Anglois et leurs colonies dressée sur les meilleurs carte du pays
See map -
The peninsula and Gulf of Florida, or New Bahama Channel,
with the Bahama Island
See map -
The Pennsylvania Magazine: or, American Monthly Museum : for August 1775
[table of contents]
See map -
La Pensilvania, la Nuova York, il Jersey Settentrio[na]le
con la parte occidentale del Connecticut, Massachusset-s-bay e l'Irochesia
See map -
Pensylvania Nova Jersey et Nova York cum Regionibus ad Fluvium Delaware in America sitis
A perspective view of Lake George
Plan of Ticonderoga
See map -
Philadelphia =
Philadelphie, par Easburn, arpenteur general de Pensilvanie
Plan de Boston
Plan de Boston
Plan de Boston
cette ville est composée de quatre mille maisons, et d'environ vingt mille habitans, on compte par an jusqu'a 1200 voiles dans son port
See map -
Plan de Boston
cette ville est composée de quatre mille maisons, et d'environ vingt mille habitans
See map -
Plan de Boston
Plan de la baie de Narraganset dans la Nouvelle Angleterre
avec toutes les îles qu'elle renferme parmi lesquelles se trouvent Rhode-Island et l'île de Connonicut
See map -
Plan de la baie et du havre de Casco et des îles adjacentes
Plan de la Baye Saint Louis dans l'isle de St. Domingue
Plan de la Rade et Ville du Petit Goave dans i'Isle de St. Domingue
Plan de la rivière du Cap Fear depuis la barre jusques à Brunswick
Plan de la ville de Boston
Plan de la ville de Boston
Plan de la ville de Boston
Plan de la ville de Boston et ses environs
Plan de la ville de Quebec
Plan de la ville de Quebec
Plan de la ville du Cap Francois et de ses environs dans l'Isle St. Domingue
Plan de la ville et du port de Boston
capitale de la Nouvelle Angleterre
See map -
Plan de la ville et du port de Boston
capitale de la Nouvelle Angleterre
See map -
Plan de la ville et du port de Boston
capitale de la Nouvelle Angleterre
See map -
Plan de la ville et du port de Boston
capitale de la Nouvelle Angleterre : erigée prémierement en 1630, et en 1735 elle fut divisée en douze quartiers ... terrible en 1760
See map -
Plan de la ville et du port de Louisbourg levé en 1756
Plan de New-York et des environs
Plan der gegend des Ohio Flusses, wo ohnweit da von am 9 July 1755, zwischen denen Franzofichen u. Engl trouppen ein hiziges treffen vorgeffallen, und der Engl Gen. Braddock nebst 1000 geblieben =
Plan de la battaille a l'Ohio entre les Francois et Anglois le 9 July 1755
See map -
Plan der gegend und stadt von Philadelphia
Plan der stad Washington
bestemd tot de hoofdstad van America, en ter bestendige verblijfplaats van het Congres, naa het jaar 1800
See map -
Plan des jenigen treffen welches am 8. Sept 1755. zwischen dem Engl. Gen. Johnson, und dem Franz. Gen. Diesckau welcher dabey gefange worden, in New Engelland bey Cron Point vorgefallen =
Plan de la bataille de 8 Sept. 1755 entre les Anglois sous le Gen. Johnson et les Francois sous le Gen. Diesckau, en Amerique dans la Nouvelle Angleterre
See map -
Plan du fort et ville de Louisbourg dans l'Isle Roale
Plan du port et de la ville de Louisbourg en l'Isle Royale, et des attaques faites par les Anglois pendant le siége dépuis le 8 Juin jusqu'au 26 Juillet 1758
A plan of Albany River in Hudson's Bay
latitude 50⁰ 12' 0" North, longitude 82⁰ 40' 0" W. from London
See map -
Plan of Amelia Island in East Florida
A chart of the entrance into St. Mary's River taken by Captn. W. Fuller in November, 1769 ; A chart of the mouth of Nassau River with the bar and the soundings on it taken at low water by Captn. W. Fuller
See map -
Plan of Boston
A plan of Boston, from actual survey
Plan of Fort le Quesne, built by the French at the fork of the Ohio and Monongahela in 1754
Plan of Fort le Quesne, built by the French at the fork of the Ohio and Monongahela in 1754
Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana
Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana
with the disposition of its quarters and canals as they have been traced by Mr. de la Tour in the year 1720
See map -
Plan of New Orleans the capital of Louisiana
with the disposition of its quarters and canals as they have been traced by Mr. de la Tour in the year 1720
See map -
Plan of Niagara with the adjacent country surrendered to the English army under the command of Sr. Willm: Johnson Bart: on the 25th of July 1759
Plan of Oyster Bay, as fortified by the Queen's Rangers
A plan of part of the provinces of Pennsylvania, and East & West New Jersey
shewing the operations of the Royal Army under the command of their Excellencies Sir Willm. Howe, & Sir Henry Clinton, Kts. B. from the landing at Elk River in 1777, to the embarkation at Navisink in 1778
See map -
A plan of Port Royal in South Carolina
A plan of Port Royal in South Carolina
A plan of Quebec and environs, with its defences and the occasional entrenched camps of the French commanded by Marquis de Montcalm
shewing likewise the principal works and operations of the British forces, under the command of Major General Wolfe, during the siege of that place in 1759
See map -
Plan of the attack against Basseterre on the island of Guadeloupe by a squadron of his Majesty's ships of war commanded by Commodore Moore on ye 22d Jan. 1759
also the incampments of the British army commanded by Genl. Hopson, and the French intrenchments after they abandoned the town and citadel
See map -
Plan of the attack against Fort Louis now Fort George, at Point à Pitre on the island of Guadaloupe
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships of war, detached from Commodore Moore & commanded by Capt. Wm. Harman, on the 14 February 1759
See map -
Plan of the battle near Bushy Run, gained by Colonel Bouquet over the Delawares, Shawanese, Mingoes, Wyandots, Mohikons, Miamies, & Ottawas
on the 5th and 6th of August 1763
See map -
Plan of the battle near Bushy-Run gained by His Majesty's troops commanded by Colonel Henry Bouquet over the Delawares, Shawanese, Mingoes, Wyandots, Mohikons, Miamies & Ottawas, on the 5th and 6th of August, 1763, from an actual survey
A Plan of the city & fortifications of Louisburg
A plan of the city & harbour of Louisburg
shewing that part of Gabarus Bay in which the English landed, also their encampment during the Siege in 1745
See map -
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
A plan of the city, and fortifications, of Louisburg
A plan of the city, and fortifications, of Louisburg : from a survey made by Richard Gridley, Lieut. Coll. of the Train of Artillery in 1745 ; a plan of the city and harbour of Louisburg, with the French batteries that defended it, and those of the E
Plan of the city and fortress of Louisbourg
A Plan of the city of New York
PLAN of the CITY of NEW YORK, in North America
Surveyed in the Years 1766 & 1767
See map -
Plan of the city of New York in North America
surveyed in the years 1766 & 1767
See map -
Plan of the city of New York in North America
surveyed in the years 1766 & 1767
See map -
A plan of the city of New-York & its environs to Greenwich, on the North or Hudsons River, and to Crown Point, on the East or Sound River, shewing the several streets, publick buildings, docks, fort & battery, with the true form & course of the comma
Plan of the city of Philadelphia
A plan of the city of Philadelphia
A plan of the city of Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania, from an actual survey
A plan of the city of Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania, from an actual survey
Plan of the city of Quebec
A Plan of the city of Quebec the capital of Canada.
As it surrendered 18 Septembr. 1759 to the British Fleet and Army, commanded by Vice Admiral Saunders, & Brigadr. Genl. Townshend
See map -
Plan of the city of Washington
Plan of the city of Washington
now building for the metropolis of America, and established as the permanent residence of Congress after the year 1800
See map -
Plan of the city of Washington in the territory of Columbia
ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America and by them established as the seat of their government, after the year 1800
See map -
Plan of the city of Washington, in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the States of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by them established as the seat of their government after the year 1800
Plan of the city of Washington in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by them established as the seat of their government, after the year MDCC
Plan of the city of Washington in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the states of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by them established as the seat of their government, after the year MDCC
A plan of the coast of Gabarus Bay from the west end of Kennington Cove to White Point shewing the several batteries and retrenchments made by the French to oppose the landing of His Britanick Majesty's troops
A plan of the disposition of the advanced party consisting of 400 men
to defend the workers in making the road
See map -
A plan of the encampment of the detachment from the little Meadows
A plan of the field of battle and disposition of the troops, as they were on the march at the time of the attack on the 9th of July, 1755
Plan of the island of Bequia laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
Plan of the island of Dominica laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
A plan of the island of St. John with the divisions of the counties, parishes, & the lots as granted by government, likewise the soundings round the coast and harbours
Plan of the island of St. Vincent laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
Plan of the island of Tobago laid down by actual survey under the direction of the honorable the Commissioners for the Sale of Lands in the ceded islands
A plan of the line of march of the detachment from the little Meadows
A plan of the line of march with the whole baggage
Plan of the operations of General Washington, against the Kings troops in New Jersey
from the 26th. of December 1776, to the 3d. January 1777
See map -
Plan of the operations of General Washington, against the Kings troops in New Jersey
from the 26th. of December 1776, to the 3d. January 1777
See map -
A plan of the operations of the British & Rebel army in the Campaign, 1777
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September, 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September, 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoine took at Saratoga on the 10th of September, 1777, and in which it remained till the Convention was signed
A plan of the river and sound of D'Awfoskee in South Carolina
A plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac, to shew the situation & importance of the two westernmost settlements of Canada for the fur trade
A plan of the town and chart of the harbour of Boston exhibiting a view of the islands, castle forts, and entrances into the said harbour
A plan of the town and Fort of Carillon at Ticonderoga
with the attack made by the British army commanded by Genl. Abercrombie, 8 July 1758
See map -
Plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal or Ville Marie in Canada
Plan of the town and fortifications of Montreal or Ville Marie in Canada
Plan of the town and harbour of St. Augustin, in East Florida
A plan of the town, bar, harbour and environs, of Charlestown in South Carolina
with all the channels, soundings, sailing-marks, &c. from the surveys made in the colony
See map -
A Plan of the town of Boston, in New-England,
distinguishing that part which was burnt in 1760
See map -
A plan of the town of Boston, in New-England, distinguishing that part which was burnt in 1760
A plan of the town of Newport in Rhode Island
A plan of the town of Newport in Rhode Island
A plan of the town of Newport in the province of Rhode Island
A plan of the town of Newport in the province of Rhode Island
Plan of the town of St. Augustine, the capital of East Florida ; The bay of Espiritu Santo, on the western coast of East Florida
Plan of the town of Stratham
Plan von Quebec
Port Amherst ...
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Amherst ; Port Haldimand
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port Campbell
Port de Rhode Island et Narraganset Baye
publié à la requête du Vicomte Howe par le Chevalier des Barres ; traduit de l'anglais et augmenté d'après celui de Blaskowitz publiée à Londres en 1777
See map -
Port Hood, situated on the north-western extremity of the island of Cape Breton
Port Jackson
Port Jackson
Port Jackson
Port Jackson
Port Mills
Port Mansfield ; Gambier Harbour
See map -
Port Mills
Port Mansfield ; Gambier Harbour
See map -
Port Royal appellé aujourd. par les Anglois Annapolis Royal
Port Royal in South Carolina
taken from surveys deposited at the Plantation Office
See map -
[Port Shediack and Cocagne]
Porti della Nuova York e Perthamboy
Portion of a map of Feliciana District, Spanish Louisiana, from the Lac de la Croix to Thompson's Creek
Port-Royal de Jamaique
Position der Koenigl;Grosbrittanischen und derer vereinigten provinzial armée in New York und dem Jerseys in Nord America im jahr 1780
Prospect der grossen plazes gegn der alten Sud Kirche der Presbiterianer zu Boston =
Vuë de la Rue grande vers l'Eglise du Sud der Presbiteriennes a Boston
See map -
Prospect der König Strasse gegen das land thor zu Boston
Prospect der König Strasse gegen das land thor zu Boston =
Vuë de la Rue du Roi vers la porte de la campagne a Boston
See map -
Prospect von Quebec
A prospective plan of the battle fought near Lake George on the 8th of September, 1755 between 2000 English with 250 Mohawks under the command of General Johnson and 2500 French and Indians under the command of General Dieskau in which the English we
A prospective view of the battle fought near Lake George, on the 8th of Sepr. 1755, between 2000 English, with 250 Mohawks, under the command of Genl. Johnson
& 2500 French & Indians under the command of Genl. Dieskau in which the English were victorious captivating the French Genl. with a number of his men killing 700 & putting the rest to flight
See map -
A prospective view of the battle fought near Lake George, on the 8th of Sepr. 1755, between 2000 English, with 250 Mohawks, under the command of Genl. Johnson
& 2500 French & Indians under the command of Genl. Dieskau in which the English were victorious captivating the French Genl. with a number of his men killing 700 & putting the rest to flight
See map -
Province de New-Jersey divisée en est et ouest nomée vulgairement les Jerseys
The province of Maine, from the best authorities
The Province of Maine, from the best authorities 1795
The Province of New Jersey
divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys
See map -
The Province of New Jersey
divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys
See map -
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
The province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
The provinces of New York, and New Jersey,
with part of Pensilvania [sic], and the province of Quebec
See map -
The provinces of New York and New Jersey
with part of Pensilvania, and the Province of Quebec
See map -
The provinces of New York, and New Jersey; with part of Pensilvania, and the governments of Trois Rivières, and Montreal
The provinces of New York, and New Jersey; with part of Pensilvania, and the governments of Trois Rivieres, and Montreal
Recens edita totius Novi Belgii, in America Septentrionali siti
References to charts of the coast and harbors of New England
References to the plan of Gen. Gage's lines
References to the streets, &c. laid down in the plan
[of the city of Charleston, South Carolina]
See map -
Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginae et Pensylvaniae necnon insularum archipelagi Mexicani in America Septentrionali
Remarques sur la navigation de terre-neuve à New-York afin d'eviter les courrants et les bas-fonds au sud de Nantuckett et du Banc de George
Remarques sur la navigation de terre-neuve à New-York afin d'eviter les courrants et les bas-fonds au sud de Nantuckett et du Banc de George
Représentation du feu terrible à Nouvelle Yorck, que les Américains ont allumé pendant la nuit du 19 Septembre 1776 ... et l'école des pauvres
Rhode Island
[River St. John]
The river St. John
The river St. John
The River St. John
Sandwich Bay
Sandwich Bay
Sandwich Bay ... low water
Sault du Niagara de 135 pieds de haut
Schauplatz des Kriegs zwischen Engelland und seinen Collonien in America
Schauplatz des Kriegs zwischen Engelland und seinen Collonien in America
Seat of war in the environs of Philadeliphia
Seat of war in the environs of Philadeliphia
Seat of war in the environs of Philadelphia
The south east coast of Cape Breton Island
The south east coast of Nova Scotia
The south east coast of the island of St. John
surveyed under the direction of the Right Honourable the Lords of Trade and Plantations
See map -
South entrance of Grand Passage
Cape St. Mary, N:E: one mile ; St. Mary's Bay
See map -
South entrance of Grand Passage ; Cape St. Mary n.e. one mile ; St. Marys Bay
The south west coast of the peninsula of Nova Scotia
The south west coast of the peninsula of Nova Scotia
South-Carolina and parts adjacent
shewing the movements of the American and British armies
See map -
The southern part of the Province of New York
with part of the adjoining colonies
See map -
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
[Southwest coast of Nova Scotia from Cape Sable to Cape St. Mary]
Spry Harbour
Port Pallisser ; Port North ; Port Parker ; Beaver Harbour ; Fleming River
See map -
Spry Harbour ; Port Pallisser ; Port North ; Port Parker ; Beaver Harbour ; Fleming River
Spry Harbour ; Port Pallisser ; Port North ; Port Parker ; Beaver Harbour ; Fleming River
St. Christophers or St. Kitts
[St. Peter's Bay, on the south shore of Cape Breton Island]
St. Vincent, from an actual survey made in the year 1773
after the treaty with the Caribs
See map -
The state of Massachusetts
The state of Massachusetts from the best information
The state of Massachusetts from the best information
The state of Massachusetts from the best information
The State of New Hampshire
The State of New Hampshire
The State of New Jersey
compiled from the most accurate surveys
See map -
The State of New Jersey
The state of New York, compiled from the most authentic information, 1796
The state of North Carolina from the best authorities
The State of Pennsylvania
The State of Rhode Island,
from the latest surveys. 1796
See map -
The State of South Carolina:
from the best authorities. 1796
See map -
The State of Virginia form the best authorities. 1799
The State of Virginia from the best authorities. 1796
States of America, drawn from the best authorities
The States of Maryland and Delaware, from the latest surveys
The states of Maryland and Delaware, from the latest surveys
The states of Maryland and Delaware from the latest surveys, 1799
Stephens plan of the city of Philadelphia
Suite du theatre de la guerre dans l'Amérique Septentrionale y compris le Golfe du Méxique
Supplement pour les Isles Antilles, extrait des carte Angloises
Territory of Columbia
Territory of Columbia
Der Teufels Belt gemeiniglich genannt der Lange Insels Sund
[The coasts, rivers and inlets of the province of Georgia]
[The south east coast of the island of St. John]
[The St. Lawrence River from the Chaudiere River to Pointe aux Coques]
Theatre de la guerre en Amerique
Théatre de la guerre en Amerique, avec les Isles Antilles
projetté et assujettie aux observations
See map -
Théatre de la guerre en Amerique, avec les Isles Antilles
projetté et assujettie aux observations
See map -
Théatre de la guerre en Amerique, avec les Isles Antilles
projetté et assujettie aux observations
See map -
The theatre of war in North America, with the roads, and tables, of the superficial contents, distances, &ca
Theatrum belli in America Septentrionali
Theodolite's pattern, shewing the provinces in North America which were in the respective possessions of England, France & Spain, before the war began
and pointing out those which, by the peace, France & Spain have yielded to England
See map -
Thirty-miles round Boston
This plan of Kennebeck & Sagadahock Rivers & country adjacent
To His Excellency Sr. Henry Moore, Bart., captain general and governour in chief in & over the province of New York & the territories depending thereon in America, chancellor & vice admiral of the same, this plan of the city of New York is most humbl
To the citizens of Philadelphia this plan of the city and its environs
is respectfully dedicated by the editors
See map -
To the right honourable, the Earl of Shelbourne, His Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Southern Department
this plan of the colony of Connecticut in North-America is humbly dedicated
See map -
To the Rt. Honble. the Earl of Hillsborough & the rest of the Lords, Commissioners for Trade & Plantations. This Plan is most Humbly Dedicated
Tobago from actual surveys and observations
A topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England
with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly surveyed ; shewing the true position & bearings of the banks, shoals, rocks &c. as likewise the soundings ; to which have been added the several work
See map -
A topographical chart of the bay of Narraganset in the province of New England
with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Connonicut have been particularly surveyed ; shewing the true position & bearings of the banks, shoals, rocks &c. as likewise the soundings ; to which have been added the several work
See map -
A topographical map of the northn. part of New York Island, exhibiting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the rebels lines to the southward, which were forced by the troops under the command of the Rt. Honble. Earl Percy, on the 1
A topographical map of the northn. part of New York Island, exhibiting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the rebels lines to the southward, which were forced by the troops under the command of the Rt. Honble. Earl Percy, on the 1
A topographical map of the Province of New Hampshire
A topographical map of the State of New Hampshire
A topographical map of the state of New Hampshire
A topographical map of the state of Vermont,
from actual survey. : Most humbly dedicated to His Excellency Thomas Chittenden Esqr. governor and commander in chief; the honoorable the council, and the honorable the representatives of said state
See map -
The United States according to the definitive treaty of peace signed at Paris, Septr. 3d, 1783
The United States of America
laid down from the best authorities agreeable to the peace of 1783. : This map and chart is neither a plain, Mercators, nor globular projection
See map -
The United States of America, according to the Treaty of Peace of 1784
The United States of America laid down from the best authorities, agreeable to the Peace of 1783
The United States of America laid down from the best authorities, agreeable to the Peace of 1783
The United States of America with the British possessions of Canada, Nova Scotia, & of Newfoundland, divided with the French
and the Spanish territories of Louisiana and Florida according to the preliminary articles of peace signed at Versailles the 20th of Jany. 1783
See map -
The United States of America with the British possessions of Canada, Nova Scotia, & of Newfoundland, divided with the French
and the Spanish territories of Louisiana and Florida according to the preliminary articles of peace signed at Versailles the 20th of Jany. 1783
See map -
The United States of America with the British possessions of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland divided with the French, also the Spanish territories of Louisiana and Florida according to the preliminary articles of peace signed at V
The United States of North America
with the British territories and those of Spain according to the treaty of 1784
See map -
The United States of North America, with the British & Spanish territories according to the treaty
The United States of North America, with the British & Spanish territories according to the treaty
Various plans and draughts of cities, towns, harbours &c
Various plans and draughts of cities, towns, harbours &c. drawn from the latest authorities
Vermont from the latest authorities
A view from the south eastward of Halifax Harbor ; Appearance of the shore at three miles off four or five leagues to the eastward of Halifax Harbor ; A view taken 4 miles off shore, Halifax Harbor bearing north ; Sambro light-house, bearing west 1 1
A view from the south eastward of Halifax Harbor ; Appearance of the shore at three miles off four or five leagues to the eastward of Halifax Harbor ; A view taken 4 miles off shore, Halifax Harbor bearing north ; Sambro light-house, bearing west 1 1
A view of Boston
A view of Boston from Dorchester neck
Long Island open on the north side of Nicks Mate Island ; Boston from Willis Creek
See map -
A view of Boston taken on the road to Dorchester
View of Cape Egmont and Winter Rock from the eastward ; Entrance of Egmont Harbor ; The entrance of Keppel Harbor ... ; Falls of Hinchinbroke River ... ; The entrance into Chisetcook Inlet ... ; Dartmouth shore in the harbor of Halifax
View of Cape Egmont and Winter Rock from the eastward ; Entrance of Egmont Harbor ; The entrance of Keppel Harbor ... ; Falls of Hinchinbroke River ... ; The entrance into Chisetcook Inlet ... ; Dartmouth shore in the harbor of Halifax
A view of Miramichi, a French settlement in the Gulf of St. Laurence, destroyed by Brigadier Murray detached by General Wolfe for that purpose, from the Bay of Gaspe =
Vue de Miramichi establissement Francois dans le Golfe de St. Laurent, détruit par le Brigadier Murray, détaché a cet effet de la Baye de Gaspé, par le Général Wolfe
See map -
A view of New Castle with the fort and light house on the entrance of Piscataqua River
A view of Partridge Island, from the west
A view of Port Hood, sailing into the harbor
A view of the Plaister Cliffs, in George's Bay
See map -
A view of Portsmouth in Piscataqua River
[View of Portsmouth, N.H.]
A view of the city of Quebec, the capital of Canada, taken partly from the Pointe des Peres, and partly on board the Vanguard Man of War =
Vue de la ville de Québec, capitale du Canada, prise en partie de la Pointe des Peres, et en partie abord de l'Avantgarde Vaisseau de Guerre
See map -
A view of the country towards Dorchester, taken from the advanced works on Boston Neck
Long Island open on the north side of Nicks Mate Island ; Boston from Willis Creek
See map -
A view of the east end of the Isle Sable ...
The eastern end of the Isle Sable ... ; A view taken from the south side of the N:E: Barr ... ; A view taken from the ridge of the N:E: Barr ... ; A view of the north shore of the Isle Sable
See map -
View of the entrance into Annapolis Bason ; View of the north entrance of Grand Passage ; View of Eden and Gascoyne Rivers ... ; View of Annapolis Royal ; View of the north entrance of Petit Passage
A view of the entrance of Petit Passage ; Grand Passage in the Bay Fundy, on the western shore of Nova Scotia
A view of the landing place above the town of Quebec, describing the assault of the enemys post, on the banks of the River St. Lawrence, with a distant view of the action between the British & French armys, on the Hauteurs d'Abraham, Septr. 13th 1759
A view of the Rivers Kenebec and Chaudiere, with Colonel Arnold's route to Quebec
A view of the taking of Quebeck by the English forces commanded by Gen. Wolfe Sep. 13th 1759
A view of the town & harbour of Halifax, from Dartmouth shore
[Views of the entrance to New York Harbor]
[Views of the entrance to New York Harbor]
Ville de Manathe ou Nouvelle-Yorc
Vorstellung einiger Gegenden und Plaetze in Nord-America unter Franzoesisch und Englische Jurisdiction gehoerig
Vue de Quebec, capitale du Canada
West End of the Isle of Sable from the northward ...
Wreckers Den near the Pond ... ; North Shore ; North Shore of Isle Sable
See map -
West India islands
West Indies
The West Indies,
exhibiting the English French Spanish Dutch & Danish settlements with the adjacent parts of North & South America, from the best authorities
See map -
West Indies,
with the harbour & fort of Omoa. From the best authorities
See map -
West Indies
The West Indies, and Gulf of Mexico,
from the latest discoveries and best observations
See map -
The West Indies exhibiting the English, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish settlements
White Haven
White Haven
White Haven
White Haven
White Haven
White Islands Harbour
Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
See map -
White Islands Harbour ; Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
White Islands Harbour ; Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
White Islands Harbour ; Port Stephen's ; Liscomb Harbour ; Houlton Harbour ; River St. Mary
The Windward Passage, with the several passages from the east end of Cuba
& from the north part of St. Domingo
See map -
The Wolves, a cluster of isles lying s.e. near 3 leagues from Pasamaquady Bay ... ; Grand Manan Island ... ; A view of the shore westward of the river St. John ; A view of the coast at the entrance of the river St. John ... ; A view of the entrance o
The Wolves, (a cluster of isles) lying s.e. off the entrance of Passamaquadi Bay ; Grand Manan Island ... ; View of the shore westward of St. John's River ...
Die zerstörung der königlichen bild säule zu Neu Yorck =
La destruction de la statue royale a Nouvelle Yorck
See map -
[A map of part of Pennsylvania & Maryland intended to shew, at one view, the several places proposed for opening a communication between the waters of the Delaware & Chesopeak Bays]
An accurate map of Canada, with the adjacent countries
exhibiting the late seat of war between the English & French in those parts
See map -
An accurate map of Cuba, and the adjacent islands
An accurate map of His Majesty's province of New-Hampshire in New England
taken from actual surveys of all the inhabited part, and from the best information of what is uninhabited, together with the adjacent countries, which exhibits the theatre of this war in that part of the world
See map -
An accurate map of His Majesty's province of New-Hampshire in New England
taken from actual surveys of all the inhabited part, and from the best information of what is uninhabited, together with the adjacent countries, which exhibits the theatre of this war in that part of the world
See map -
An Accurate map of New Hampshire in New England, from a late survey
[A chart of New York Island & North River
East River, passage through Hell Gate, Flushing Bay, Hampstead Bay, Oyster, Huntington Bay, Cow Harbour, East Chester Inlet, Rochell, Rye, Patrick Islands, &c.]
See map -
[A chart of Boston Bay and vicinity]
An Accurate map of New York in North America, from a late survey
The West Indian atlas [frontispiece]
or, a general description of the West Indies
See map -
A new and correct map of Connecticut
one of the United States of North America
See map -
Amérique Septentrionale
A front view of the lines taken from the advanced post near Browns house
A view of the harbour of Boston taken from Fort Hill ; A view of the country towards Dorchester, taken from the advanced works on Boston Neck
See map -
Exact plan of General Gage's lines on Boston Neck in America
Map of the environs of Boston
A new and correct plan of the town of Boston, and provincial camp
To the Hone. Jno. Hancock, Esqre. president of ye Continental Congress, this map of the seat of civil war in America, is respectfully inscribed by his most obedient humble servant
Exact plan of General Gage's lines on Boston Neck in America
A front view of the lines taken from the advanced post near Browns house
A view of the harbour of Boston taken from Fort Hill ; A view of Boston from Dorchester Neck
See map -
To the Hone. Jno. Hancock, Esqre. president of ye Continental Congress, this map of the seat of civil war in America, is respectfully inscribed by his most obedient humble servant, B. Romans
A plan of the town of Boston with the intrenchments & ca. of His Majesty's forces in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers; and from the plans of Capn. Montresor
See map -
Situations plan der Englischen Armée vor und um Boston nebst der stellung der Americaner
A PLAN of BOSTON and its Environs shewing the true Situation of His Majesty's Troops, and also those of the Rebels; likewise all the Forts, Redouts and Entrenchments erected by both Armies
Exact plan of General Gage's lines on Boston Neck in America
Carte von dem Hafen und der Stadt Boston
mit den umliegenden Gegenden und der Lägern sowohl der Americaner als auch des Engländer
See map -
An accurate map of the country round Boston in New England from the best authorities
An accurate map of the country round Boston in New England from the best authorities
Carte du port et havre de Boston avec les côtes adjacentes, dans laquel on a tracée les camps et les retranchemens occupé, tant par les Anglois que par les Américains
A plan of Boston, and its environs
shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army, and also those of the rebels
See map -
Carte von dem Hafen und der Stadt Boston
mit den umliegenden Gegenden und der Lägern sowohl der Americaner als auch des Engländer
See map -
A Plan of Boston, and its environs.
Shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army. And also those of the rebels
See map -
A plan of the town of Boston, with the intrenchments &c. of His Majestys forces in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers, and from the plans of other gentlemen
See map -
A plan of the town of Boston, with the intrenchments &c. of His Majestys forces in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's Corps of Engineers, and from the plans of other gentlemen
See map -
Boston, its environs and harbour, with the rebel works raised against that town in 1775
from the observations of Lieut. Page of his majesty's Corps of Engineers, and from the plans of Capt. Montresor
See map -
Boston its environs and harbour,
with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775, from the observations of Lieut. Page of His Majesty's corps of engineers, and from the plans of Capt. Montresor
See map -
A plan of Boston in New England with its environs
including Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Brooklin, Cambridge, Medford, Charlestown, parts of Malden and Chelsea with the military works constructed in those places in the years 1775 and 1776
See map -
A plan of Boston in New England with its environs
including Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Brooklin, Cambridge, Medford, Charlestown, parts of Malden and Chelsea with the military works constructed in those places in the years 1775 and 1776
See map -
A plan of Boston in New England with its environs
including Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Brooklin, Cambridge, Medford, Charlestown, parts of Malden and Chelsea with the military works constructed in those places in the years 1775 and 1776
See map -
Boston, its environs and harbour, with the rebels works raised against that town in 1775
Boston, with its environs
A sketch of the action between the British forces and the American provincials, on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775
The seat of war, in New England, by an American volunteer
with the marches of the several corps sent by the colonies, towards Boston, with the attack on Bunkers-Hill
See map -
A sketch of the action between the British forces and the American provincials, on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June 1775
Plan of the battle, on Bunker's Hill
fought on the 17th of June 1775
See map -
A correct view of the late battle at Charlestown
The Seat of war, in New England
The seat of war in New England, by an American volunteer
with the marches of the several corps sent by the Colonies towards Boston, with the attack on Bunkers-Hill
See map -
A SKETCH OF THE ACTION BETWEEN THE BRITISH FORCES AND THE AMERICAN PROVINCIALS, on the Heights of the Peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th June 1775
A plan of the action at Bunkers-Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
Plan of the battle, on Bunker's Hill
fought on the 17th of June 1775
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
Plan of the town of Boston with the attack on Bunkers-Hill in the peninsula of Charlestown the 17th of June 1775
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill, on the 17th. of June, 1775
between His Majesty's troops under the command of Major General Howe, and the rebel forces
See map -
Plan of the town of Boston, with the attack on Bunkers-Hill, in the peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June, 1775
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill on the 17th of June 1775 between His Majesty's troops, under the command of Major General Howe, and the American forces
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill on the 17th of June 1775 between His Majesty's troops, under the command of Major General Howe, and the American forces
A plan of the action at Breeds Hill, on the 17th of June 1775
between the American forces and the British troops : erroneously called Bunkers Hill
See map -
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill on the 17th of June 1775 between His Majesty's troops, under the command of Major General Howe, and the American forces
A plan of the action at Bunkers Hill on the 17th of June 1775 between His Majesty's troops, under the command of Major General Howe, and the American forces
A plan of the town and harbour of Boston.
And the country adjacent with the road from Boston to Concord shewing the place of the late engagement between the King's troops & the provincals, together with the several encampments of both armies in & about Boston
See map -
A plan of the town and harbour of Boston
and the country adjacent with the road from Boston to Concord, shewing the place of the late engagement between the King's troops & the provincials, together with the several encampments of both armies in & about Boston. Taken from an actual survey
See map -
Carte du port et havre de Boston avec les côtes adjacentes, dans laquel on a tracée les camps et les retranchemens occupé, tant par les Anglois que par les Américains
Carte du port et havre de Boston avec les côtes adjacentes, dans laquel on a tracée les camps et les retranchemens occupé, tant par les Anglois que par les Américains
A plan of Boston, and its environs
shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army, and also those of the rebels
See map -
Boston with its environs
The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet commanded by Capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
The Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the Kings fleet commanded by Captn. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
The Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold
by the King's fleet commanded by Sir Guy Carleton upon Lake Champlain in "11th" of "Octr." 1776
See map -
The attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet commanded by Capt. Thos. Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776
A survey of Lake Champlain, including Lake George, Crown Point, and St. John
surveyed by order of His Excellency Major-General Sr. Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the most Honble. Order of the Bath, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces in North America, (now Lord Amherst)
See map -
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775 to the 13th of May 1776
Plan of the city and environs of Quebec, with its siege and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December 1775 to the 13th of May 1776
Environs de Quebec
bloque par les Americains du 8. decembre 1775 au 13. mai 1776
See map -
Carte de la Dominique prise par les françois le 7 septembre 1778
avec le Plan du débarquement, et de l'attague des forts et batteries par les troupes et les frégates de Sa Majesté
See map -
The operations of His Majesty's squadron in the Bay of Honduras, under the command of the Hon. John Luttrell from the 15th of September to the 24th of October 1779
The position of the English and French fleets on the 12th of April 1782 at 10 oclock in the morning
The island of St. Eustatius corruptly St. Eustatia
Plan of St. Lucia, in the West Indies
shewing the positions of the English and French forces with the attacks made at its reduction in Decr. 1778
See map -
Sketch of part of the island of Ste. Lucie
computed at about 2500 feet to 1 inch
See map -
Neuester und acurater plan der weltberuhmten Englischen berg festung Gibraltar auf der Spitze von Spanien
derer wercher meertiefung [p. p.] welche seit 1779 von dem Spanischen General Lascy mit 20 battalions und 12. escadrons zu land und einer Spanischen flotte zu meer fruditloss bloquirt und belagertworden
See map -
Plan der belagerung der stadt Gibraltar im jahr 1779, 1780, 1781
A plan of the attack made Nov.ber 27t. 1781
by a detachment commanded by Brigadier-General Ross, from the Garrison of Gibraltar, on the enemy's works erected before that fortress
See map -
Plan de la ville et des forts de Gibraltar, avec la Baye d'Algesiras
Relation von der vergeblichen belagrung der haupt vestung Gibraltar
anno 1782 von 13 bis 17 sbre
See map -
Abriss der stadt Gibraltar und der darinn befindlichen festen platze, nebst dem meerbusen von Algesiras
La premiere representation de les X batteries flottantes
Prospect von Gibraltar mit seinen werken, umliegenden gegenden und iezigen neuern belagerungs anstalten
gezeichnet vor Gibraltar im jahr 1782, nebst einer hierzu gehorigen beschreibung
See map -
Sketch of the position of the British forces at Elizabeth Town Point after their return from Connecticut Farm, in the province of East Jersey
under the command of his excelly. Leiutt. Genl. Knyphausen, on the 8th June 1780
See map -
Sketch of the position of the British forces at Elizabeth Town Point after their return from Connecticut Farm, in the province of East Jersey: under the command of his excelly. Leiutt. [sic] Genl. Knyphausen, on the 8th June 1780
Sketch of the position of the British forces at Elizabeth Town Point after their return from Connecticut Farm, in the province of East Jersey
under the command of his excelly. Leiutt. Genl. Knyphausen, on the 8th June 1780
See map -
Grundriss des nördlichen Theils der Neujorks Insel nebst den am 16. Novbr. 1776. eroberten Fort Washington nun das Fort Knÿphausen genannt und dem Fort Lee
March of the Queens Rangers
Emmericks Corps, the Cavalry of the Legion under Lt. Col. Tarleton, and a detachment of the Yagers, the whole commanded by Lt. Col. Simcoe to surprize a corps of rebel light troops under Col. Gist
See map -
Ambuscade of the Indians at Kingsbridge
August 31st. 1778
See map -
The seat of action, between the British and American forces
or an authentic plan of the western part of Long Island, with the engagement of the 27th August 1776 between the King's forces and the Americans : containing also Staten Island, and the environs of Amboy and New York, with the course of Hudsons River
See map -
A plan of New York Island, part of Long Island &c. shewing the position of the American and British Armies, before, at, and after the engagement on the Heights, August 27th 1776
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
Attaque de l'armée des provinciaux dans Long Island du 27. Aoust 1776
dessin de l'isle de New-York et des Etats
See map -
A plan of the surprise of Stoney Point, by a detachment of the American army commanded by Brigr. Genl. Wayne, on the 15th July 1779
also of the works erected on Verplanks Point, for the defence of Kings Ferry, by the British forces in July, 1779
See map -
A plan of the country from Frogspoint to Croton River shewing the positions of the American and British armies from the 12th of October 1776 until the engagement on the White Plains on the 28th
Plan von den operationen der Koeniglichen Armee unter dem General Sir William Howe
in Neuyorck und Ost-Neujerseÿ gegen die Americaner unter comando des General Washington, vom 12. October bis 28. November. 1776, wobeÿ vorzüglich die affaire beÿ White Plains am 28. October vorgestellt wird
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by General Washington, from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776
wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th. of October
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey against the American forces commanded by General Washington, from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776, whe
A plan of the operations of the King's army
under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey against the American forces commanded by General Washington from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776, wherein is particularly distinguished the engage
See map -
Plan von den operationen der Koeniglichen Armee unter dem General Sir William Howe
in Neuyorck und Ost-Neujerseÿ gegen die Americaner unter comando des General Washington, vom 12. October bis 28. November. 1776, wobeÿ vorzüglich die affaire beÿ White Plains am 28. October vorgestellt wird
See map -
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey against the American forces commanded by General Washington from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776
wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th. of October
See map -
A plan of the city and environs of New York in North America
Attack of the rebels upon Fort Penobscot in the province of New England in which their fleet was totally destroyed and their Army dispersed the 14th Augst. 1779
Attack of the rebels upon Fort Penobscot in the province of New England in which their fleet was totally destroyed and their Army dispersed the 14th Augst. 1779
A chart of the harbour of Rhode Island and Narraganset Bay
Plan der landung der Gebrüdere Howe, bey dem ausfluss des Elk Strom ...Lords Cornwallis
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated
September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
See map -
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated, September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
Battle of Brandywine in which the rebels were defeated, September the 11th. 1777, by the army under the command of General Sr. Willm. Howe
Battle of Brandywine in which the Americans were defeated
September the 11th, 1777 by General Sr. William Howe
See map -
Sketch of the surprise of German Town by the American forces commanded by General Washington October 4th 1777
Surprize of rebels at Hancock's House
Plan de la bataille de Montmouth où le Gl. Washington commandait l'armeé Americaine et le Gl. Clinton l'armeé Anglaise, le 28 Juin 1778
Plan de la bataille de Montmouth où le Gl. Washington commandait l'Armée Américaine et le Gl. Clinton l'Armée Anglaise, le 28 Juin 1778
British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th. to the 21st. of September 1777
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th. of September
See map -
British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th. to the 21st. of September 1777
with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th. of September
See map -
Grundriss von Philadelphia der hauptstadt in Pensylvanien und umliegenden Gegend
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
A map of that part of Pennsylvania now the principal seat of war in America
wherein may be seen the situation of Philadelphia, Red Bank, Mud Island, & Germantown
See map -
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, exhibiting the several works erected by the rebels to defend its passage, with the attacks made upon them by His Majesty's land & sea forces
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
with the works and encampments of His Majesty's forces under the command of Lieutenant General Sir William Howe, K.B
See map -
The course of Delaware River from Philadelphia to Chester, with the several forts and stackadoes raised by the rebels, and the attacks made by His Majesty's land and sea forces
A plan of the city and environs of Philadelphia
with the works and encampments of His Majesty's forces under the command of Lieutenant General Sir William Howe, K.B
See map -
Affair at Quintin's Bridge
Plan des befestigten lagers der Amerikaner bey Whitemarsh
Position of the detachment under Lieut. Col. Baum, at Walmscock near Bennington shewing the attacks of the enemy on the 16th August 1777
Position of the detachment under Lieut. Col. Baum, at Walmscock near Bennington shewing the attacks of the enemy on the 16th August 1777
Vorstellung der diversio welche der Enll. Generel Lieutenant Clinton samt dene Generals Vaughan u. Tryon in de Ierseys im Sept. u. Oct. 1777 gemacht hat
A plan of Fort Montgomery & Fort Clinton, taken by His Majesty's forces, under the command of Maj. Genl. Sir Henry Clinton, K:B
Plan of the attack of the Forts Clinton & Montgomery, upon Hudsons River which were stormed by His Majestys forces under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., on the 6th of Octr. 1777 : drawn from the surveys of Verplank, Holland & Metcalfe
Plan of the encampment and position of the army under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne at Swords House on Hudson's River near Stillwater on Septr. 17th, with the positions of that part of the army engaged on the 19th Septr. 1777
Plan of the encampment and position of the army under His Excelly. Lt. General Burgoyne at Bræmus Heights on Hudson's River near Stillwater, on the 20th Septr. with the position of the detachment &c. in the action of the 7th of Octr. & the position o
Plan of the action at Huberton under Brigadier Genl. Frazer, supported by Major Genl. Reidesel, on the 7th July 1777
Plan of the action at Huberton under Brigadier Genl. Frazer, supported by Major Genl. Reidesel, on the 7th July 1777
Plan of the position which the army under Lt. Genl. Burgoyne took at Saratoga
on the 10th of September 1777, and in which it remained till the convention was signed
See map -
The landing at Burrell's, April 17th. 1781
A sketch of the battle near Camden in South Carolina, 16 Augst. 1780
A sketch of the operations before Charlestown the capital of South Carolina
A sketch of the environs of Charlestown in South Carolina
A plan of the military operations against Charlestown, the army being commanded by L.G. Sir Henry Clinton K.B. and the fleet by Vice-Admiral Arbuthnot
from an original drawing sent by an officer in the army
See map -
A sketch of the environs of Charlestown in South Carolina
A sketch of the environs of Charlestown in South Carolina
Plan of the siege of Charlestown in South Carolina
A sketch of Charleston Harbour
shewing the disposition of the British fleet under the command of Vice Adml. Mariot Arbuthnot upon the attack on Fort Moultrie on Sulivan Island in 1780
See map -
Battle of Guildford, fought on the 15th of March 1781. Plan of the batttle fought near Camden, August 16th, 1780
Sketch of the battle of Hobkirks Hill, near Camden, on the 25th April 1781
Sketch of the northern frontiers of Georgia, extending from the mouth of the River Savannah to the town of Augusta
[Chart of the coast of Georgia]
Plan of the siege of Savannah
with the joint attack of the French and Americans on the 9th October 1779 : in which they were defeated by his Majesty's forces under the command of Major Genl. Augustin Prevost, from a survey by an officer
See map -
A sketch of the operations before Charlestown, South Carolina, 1780. A sketch of Sr. Peter Parker's attack on Fort Moultrie, June 28th, 1776
[Plan d'Amboy
vues de la rade de Charles-Town et de Fort Sulivan, mai 1780]
See map -
A Plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan
the key of Charlestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th. of June 1776. By His Majesty's squadron, commanded by Sir Peter Parker. By an officer on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, the key of Charlestown, in South Carolina, on the 28th. of June 1776
by His Majesty's squadron, commanded by Sir Peter Parker
See map -
[Three views of South Carolina]
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A N.b.E. view of the fort on the western end of Sulivans Island
with the disposition of His Majesty's fleet commanded by Commodore Sir Peter Parker Knt. & c & c & c during the attack on the 28th of June 1776, which lasted 9 hours and 40 minutes
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th of June 1776, with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels from the drawings made on the spot
See map -
A plan of the attack of Fort Sulivan, near Charles Town in South Carolina
by a squadron of His Majesty's ships, on the 28th. of June 1776 : with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels
See map -
Barre et port de Charles-Town levé en 1776
avec les attaques du Fort Sulivan du 28 juin 1776 par l'escadre anglaise commandée par P. Parker
See map -
A Plan of Charles Town the capitol of South Carolina,
with the harbour, islands, and forts; the attack on Fort Sulivan, by His Majesty's ships under Sir Peter Parker, in 1776; the position of the land forces, under General Clinton, and the rebel camp and intrenchments, exactly delineated
See map -
A representation, of the sea fight, on the 5th of Sepr. 1781, between Rear Admiral Graves and the Count de Grasse
Sketch of the action at Osburns, April 27th. 1781
Sketch of the skirmish at Petersburg, between the royal army under the command of Major Genl. Phillips, and the American army commanded by Major Genl. Stewben, in which the latter were defeated, April 25th, 1781
Sketch of the skirmish at Petersburg, between the Royal Army under the command of Major Genl. Phillips, and the American Army commanded by Major Genl. Stewben
in which the latter were defeated April 25th. 1781
See map -
Skirmish at Richmond Jan. 5th. 1781
Action at Spencer's ordinary
Plan de l'armée de Cornwallis attaquée et faitte prisoniere dans York Town
le 19 8bre par l'armée combinée Francaise et Americaine
See map -
Reddition de l'armée Angloises commandée par Mylord Comte de Cornwallis aux armees combinées des Etats Unis de l'Amerique et de France aux ordres des Generaux Washington et de Rochambeau a Yorck Touwn et Glocester dans la Virginie
le 19 Octobre 1781
See map -
A plan of the posts of York and Gloucester in the province of Virginia, established by His Majesty's army under the command of Lieutt. General Earl Cornwallis, together with the attacks and operations of the American & French forces commanded by Gene
Baie de Chesapeak
plan de l'attaque des villes de Yorck et Gloucester dans lesquelles êtoit fortifie le Général Cornwalia, fait prisonner le 19 Octobre 1781
See map -
Carte de la partie de la Virginie ou l'armée combinée de France & des États-Unis de l'Amérique a fait prisonnière l'armée anglaise commandée par Lord Cornwallis le 19 octobre, 1781
avec le plan de l'attaque d'York-town & de Glocester : levée et dessinée sur les lieux par ordre des officiers genx. de l'armée française & américaine
See map -
A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York rivers
wherein are shewn the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1⁰. of the british army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2⁰. of the American and French forces under General Washington; 3.⁰ and of the French F
See map -
A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York rivers
wherein are shewn the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1⁰. of the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2⁰. of the American and French forces under General Washington; 3.⁰ and of the French F
See map -
A Plan of the entrance of Chesapeak [sic] Bay, with James and York Rivers
wherein are shewn the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1. of the British Army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; 2. of the American and French forces under General Washington, 3. and of the French flee
See map -
A plan of the entrance of Chesapeak Bay, with James and York Rivers
wherein are shown the respective positions (in the beginning of October) 1° of the British army commanded by Lord Cornwallis, at Gloucester and York in Virginia; : 2° of the American and French forces under General Washington, : 3° and of the French
See map -
To His Excellency Genl. Washington, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of America
this plan of the investment of York and Gloucester has been surveyed and laid down
See map -
To His Excellency Genl. Washington, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of America
this plan of the investment of York and Gloucester has been surveyed and laid down, and is most humbly dedicated by His Excellency's obedient servant
See map -
Plan of the siege of York Town in Virginia
A plan of York Town and Gloucester, in the province of Virginia, shewing the works constructed for the defence of those posts by the British army, under the command of Lt. Genl. Earl Cornwallis, together with the attacks and operations of the America
York Town, and Gloucester Point
as besieged by the Allied Army
See map -
Plan de la position de l'armée française au tour de Newport dans Rhode Island et du mouillage de l'escadre dans la rade de cette ville
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
The seat of action, between the British and American forces
or an authentic plan of the western part of Long Island, with the engagement of the 27th August 1776 between the King's forces and the Americans : containing also Staten Island, and the environs of Amboy and New York, with the course of Hudsons River
See map -
A plan of New York Island, with part of Long Island, Staten Island & east New Jersey, with a particular description of the engagement on the Woody Heights of Long Island, between Flatbush and Brooklyn, on the 27th of August 1776
between His Majesty's forces commanded by General Howe and the Americans under Major General Putnam, shewing also the landing of the British Army on New-York Island, and the taking of the city of New-York &c. on the 15th of September following, with
See map -
The Country twenty five miles round New York
Map of the progress of His Majesty's armies in New York, during the late campaign
illustrating the accounts published in the London Gazette
See map -
Sketch of the country illustrating the late engagement in Long Island
The country twenty five miles round New York
The Phoenix and the Rose engaged by the enemy's fire ships and galleys on the 16 Augst. 1776
Débarquement des troupes Angloises à Nouvelle Yorck
Der einzug der königlichen völcker in Neu Yorck
Der einzug der königlichen völcker in Neu Yorck =
L'entré triumphale de troupes royales á Nouvelle Yorck
See map -
Chart and plan of the harbour of New York & the couny. adjacent, from Sandy Hook to Kingsbridge, comprehending the whole of New York and Staten Islands, and part of Long Island & the Jersey shore
and shewing the defences of New York both by land and sea
See map -
Chart and plan of the harbour of New York & the couny. adjacent, from Sandy Hook to Kingsbridge, comprehending the whole of New York and Staten Islands, and part of Long Island & the Jersey shore
and shewing the defences of New York both by land and sea
See map